HIV Health Services Planning Council


The Broward County Board of County Commissioners shall serve as the chief elected officials for the purposes of applying for, receiving, and distributing federal Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act funds.

The Council shall establish priorities for the allocation of funds within Broward County; develop a comprehensive plan for the organization and delivery of health care services; assist the County in applying for grants pursuant to the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act.

Created By

The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990.

Broward County Resolution #1990-3469, adopted November 27, 1990.

Amended by Resolution #1994-1286, October 18, 1994, amending requirements of membership; adding that members shall be subject to removal for three consecutive absences from council meetings; adding that members shall not be prohibited from simultaneously serving as an appointee on another county board, authority or agency.

Amended by Resolution #1997-0759, adopted June 24, 1997, amending requirements for membership, terms of office, and duties of the council;

The Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 2000, effective October 20, 2000, enacted by amendment to the Congressional Public Health Services Act, to revise and extend programs established by The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990.

Amended by Ordinance #2002-10, enacted March 12, 2002, exempting members of the HIV Council from automatic removal if the member has three consecutive absences or misses four meetings in one calendar year.

Amended by Ordinance #2005-01, enacted January 11, 2005 exempting members of the HIV Council from the prohibition against serving simultaneously on another board, authority, or agency, if the Board of County Commissioners is the sole appointing authority.

The Ryan White Treatment Modernization Act of 2006, effective December 19, 2006, enacted by amendments to the Congressional Public Health Services Act, to revise and extend programs established by the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources

Emergency Act of 1990 and amended by The Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 2000.

Amended by Ordinance #2008-36, enacted September 9, 2008, prohibiting members of the HIV Council from serving simultaneously on another board, authority, or agency, if the Board of County Commissioners is the sole appointing authority; and allowing removal of members due to numerous unexcused absences and to conform to provision of Section 1-233, unless the absence is related to the member’s HIV status


Not less than twenty (20) nor more than thirty-five (35) members.

(A) One (1) member of the Board of County Commissioners appointed by the Mayor of the Commission.

(B) Nominations for the remaining appointments are submitted to the Board of County Commissioners after review by the membership committee of the HIV Council.

Nominations for membership shall be identified through an open process and candidates shall be selected based on locally delineated and publicized criteria. Membership will reflect the demographics of the HIV epidemic in Broward County, with particular consideration given to representing disproportionately affected and historically under served groups and subpopulation. The process shall include review by the membership committee of the Council, and at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members shall be HIV-AIDS infected.

Affirmative outreach shall be made to attract qualified candidates for membership on the Council with particular attention to gender balance and adequate representation from racial and ethnic minorities.

Members of the Council shall include representatives of:

(1) Health care providers, including federally-qualified health centers;

(2) Community-based organizations serving affected populations and AIDS service organizations;

(3) Social service providers, including but not limited to providers of housing and homeless services;

(4) Mental health care and substance abuse providers;

(5) Local public health agencies;

(6) Hospital planning agencies or health care planning agencies;

(7) Affected communities, including people with HIV disease, members of a Federally recognized Indian tribe as represented in the population; individuals co-infected with HIV and Hepatitis B or C and historically underserved groups and subpopulations;

(8) Non-elected community leaders;

(9) State government, (including the State Medicaid agency and agency administering the Part B program);

(10) Ryan White Act grantees under section 267, or if none are operating in the area, representatives of organizations with a history of serving children, youth, women and families living with HIV and operating in the area;

(11) Grantees under other Federal HIV programs, including but not limited to providers of HIV prevention services; and

(12) Representatives of individuals who formerly were Federal, State, or local prisoners, were released from the custody of the penal system during the preceding 3 years, and had HIV disease as of the date on which the individuals were so released.

Not less than 33 percent of the Council shall be individuals who are receiving HIV-related services from Part A funded providers, are not officers, employees, or consultants to any entity that receives amounts from such a grant, and do not represent any such entity, and reflect the demographics of the population of individuals with HIV disease.

An individual shall be considered to be receiving such services if the individual is a parent of, or a caregiver for, a minor child who is receiving such services. This does not have an effect on entities that receive funds from grants under any other ACT program but do not receive funds from grants under Part A, on officers or employees of such entities, or on individuals who represent such entities


Section 1-233 of Chapter 1, Article XII, Broward County Code of Ordinances, as may be amended from time to time.

Members shall not be automatically removed from the HIV Council due to unexcused absences when the absence is related to the member’s HIV status


A majority of the total appointed board member


Karen Gordon, Assistant County Attorney


Michele Rosiere
Division Director
954-561-9681, Ext. 124


Brithney Johnson, MPH
HIV Planning Council Manager
Broward Regional Health Planning Council
Phone: 954-561-9681 x. 1345


Monthly, fourth Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
Governmental Center, Room 430
115 S. Andrews Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 3330


Financial Disclosure not required.

Updated 8/21/15​​