
Local Authors

Broward County Library (BCL) invites the community to take part in an ongoing initiative: Local Authors @ Broward County Library. Readers are encouraged to support our homegrown talent by checking out great works of fiction by South Florida writers. Stay connected with #BCLLocalAuthors

Local Authors Resource - BiblioBoard

BiblioBoard allows authors/aspiring self-published authors to create and professionally format their books into digital or print-ready formats. Local authors can increase the exposure of their book by submitting it to the Indie Author Project for inclusion in the statewide Indie Florida Collection as well as a chance for national exposure if chosen by Library Journal. Before submitting please read the guidelines.

Submit Your Book to BCL's Local Authors Physical Book Collection

Local authors who are interested in submitting a book for consideration to be part of the Library's physical book collection must be a Broward County resident, self-published a fiction book for adults or children and a Broward County Library cardholder. Local authors of memoirs and poetry may also submit their books. By submitting this form you are giving Broward County Library permission to email you future opportunities for authors.

BCL's Local Authors Physical Book Collection​​​

Selected books, for both children and adults, are on display and available for checkout.​