What Is A Patent?
"A patent is a property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor "to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States" for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted." - USPTO.gov
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General Information Concerning Patents
Pro-Se Assistance Program - Got a great idea for an invention but you're not sure what a patent is or why you might need one? Start here!
Searing for Patents & Trademarks
Searches for patents and trademarks are useful since they can save you time and money. Searches may be conducted online via
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or in-person at Broward County Library's Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) or any
location nationwide.
Why Do A Search?
Performing a patent search can be useful. One of the criteria for obtaining a patent is that it must be new. An item that is the same or similar to your invention could have been patented 50, 100, or even 200 years ago. If your invention is the same as an invention patented even 210 years ago, it is not considered to be new, even though the patent has long expired. Another reason for doing a patent search is that you need to cite similar inventions as part of the patent application.
Where's The Best Place To Do A Search?
Although patent searching is possible online, primarily at the USPTO website, searching for patents or trademarks should be initiated at a PTRC. Patent searching online can be complicated. Also, keyword searching is not recommended as many potentially relevant patents may be missed using this method.
Useful Links
Espacenet – Foreign patent searching hosted by the European Patent Office.
European Patent Office – The official site of the European Patent Office. Includes searching capabilities, attorney information, and much more.
Inventor Resources Website (USPTO) – Basic information for inventors with links to other related sites.
Japan Patent Office – The official site of the Japanese Patent Office. Includes information about the JPO as well as searching capabilities and related links.
Kids Page (USPTO) - Fun and interesting patent and invention information for kids. Also provides links to other U.S. government websites for kids.
National Archives and Records Administration – Patent and Trademark Office records housed in the National Archives and Records Administration.
Statistical reports from the USPTO – Statistical information from annual reports and the Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast including statistics on numbers of patents granted - by country of origin, by state, metropolitan area, etc.
U.S. Court of Appeals – This court has jurisdiction to entertain appeals for decisions issued by the USPTO.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - Patent Laws, Regulations, Policies & Procedures - Patent Related Notices – Notices related to patents; sorted by year, includes requests for public comments on proposed regulatory rulemaking.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Web Patent Database – Search full patent records or bibliographic patent information.
WIPO Search – WIPO’s (World Intellectual Property Organization) global collections of searchable intellectual property data.
WIPO Reference – Resources and reference material from WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Includes global intellectual property and technology databases covering statistical, legal or technical information.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – This United Nations agency is "responsible for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among" member countries "and for the administration of various multilateral treaties dealing with the legal and administrative aspects of intellectual property."
Other Patent Sites of Interest
American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law – ABA amicus briefs available in full text, publications available for purchase, and
Public Outreach.
Collegiate Inventors Competition - A national competition administrated by the National Inventors Hall of Fame for college students designed to encourage activity in science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and creative invention and stimulate problem-solving abilities.
Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge – The Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge is an annual competition that challenges high school student teams to use science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills to develop commercially-viable, technology-based products that address real-world issues. It is the Conrad Foundation’s flagship program. The Conrad Foundation was founded by Nancy Conrad, in 2008 and is based on the legacy of the late Apollo 12 astronaut and entrepreneur, Charles “Pete” Conrad.
Index of Black Inventors by State or Country of Residence, 1834-2008 - A searchable and sortable spreadsheet database of Black inventors viewable in Microsoft Excel compiled by Margaret J. Collins, Springfield Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) Representative, Illinois State Library (no longer a PTDL/PTRC), and formatted for Microsoft Excel by Eileen Fischlschweiger, Fort Lauderdale Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC) Representative, Broward County Main Library. This is one of the many useful resources found at the
Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association (PTRCA) website.
The Invention Dimension (The Lemelson-MIT Awards Program) - Several awards programs all designed "to inspire a new generation of American scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs by celebrating, through awards and educational activities, living role models in these fields."
Inventors Digest – Articles from the
Inventors Digest magazine as well as links to other sites, scam and legislation updates, and much more.
Inventors’ Society of South Florida – South Florida's local non-profit inventor organization.
National Inventors Hall of Fame – Includes a
Find An Inductee, and information on National Inventors Hall of Fame programs and activities including Camp Invention, Club Invention, etc.
- Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association (PTRCA) – Collective effort of the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association librarians throughout the country. It includes materials for historical patent and trademark research.
Patently Absurd! Weird & Wacky Patents – Assortment of weird inventions, including international patents.
Smithsonian Institution: Explore Your Interests - Variety of topics such as Science & Nature, Art & Design, and History & Culture. Discover featured collections, stories, video, and more from around the Smithsonian or search for a specific topic of interest, such as invention.
Technology timeline from Explainthatstuff! - Timeline of invention or discovery from prehistoric times through the 21st century. Includes articles on tools and machines, biofuels, printing, satellite navigation, and nanotechnology.
Thomas A. Edison Papers - Life of Thomas Edison, his patents, companies, etc., from Rutgers University.
See also
Other Web Resources page at the USPTO.
Please send your questions and comments about these sites and suggestions for other sites to