We have over 2,000 video games in our collection and they're available for consoles including PlayStation 4, 5, 3, & 2, Wii-U, Wii, Xbox One and Xbox 360. Video games can be placed on hold online, renewed and rechecked out.
Video games can be found at the following libraries:
- Broward County Library Branch (formerly Young at Art)
751 SW 121 Avenue, Davie, FL 33325, 954-357-5437 -
Hallandale Beach Branch
300 S. Federal Highway, Hallandale, FL 33009, 954-357-6380 -
Lauderhill Central Park Library
3810 NW 11th Place (NE corner of Sunrise Blvd. & 441), Lauderhill, FL 33311, 954-357-7833 -
Margate Catharine Young Branch
5810 Park Drive, Margate, FL 33063, 954-357-7500 -
Miramar Branch Library & Education Center
2050 Civic Center Place, Miramar, FL 33025, 954-357-8090 -
Weston Branch
4205 Bonaventure Boulevard, Weston, FL 33332, 954-357-5420
There is a loan period of 7 days, with a limit of two games per library card.
To browse our video game collection via the
online catalog, search "video games" and the search can be narrowed by selecting any of the options listed in the menu on the left - such as Media Type, Subject, Author, etc.