


Broward County Library Catalog
Search our collection, place holds, renew materials and check your account. Need a Broward County Library card?

Interlibrary Loan Services - WorldCat
Access to books and other materials available throughout libraries worldwide. Locate titles not available in Broward County Library's catalog and place a request to borrow a title from another library a​t no cost to you.

Community Resource​​​​

2-1-1 First Call for Help Broward
Community information and referrals for health and human service resources in Broward County. Compiled from The Community Resource Inventory, a project of The Coordinating Council of Broward, and other resources from 2-1-1 First Call For Help, a private non-profit 501(c)3 agency.


Gale Research Databases ​​
Browse all Gale research databases available to Broward County Libraries​​.​ ​

Scholastic GO!​
Access more than 115,000 articles covering every core-curriculum subject. The articles and their illustrations are derived from the content of seven Scholastic encyclopedia databases: Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, The New Book of Knowledge, America the Beautiful, Lands and Peoples, Amazing Animals of the World, and The New Book of Popular Science.

Other Libraries

Broward College Libraries
Access ​library services, the catalog and databases. Use of licensed databases is restricted to authorized library borrowers of each institution.

Florida Electronic Library
Gateway to select Internet resources that offers access to comprehensive, accurate, and reliable information for all age groups. Includes many databases, digital collections, evaluated websites and a comprehensive catalog of all of Florida's library holdings.

Florida Virtual Campus- Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative (FALSC)
Learn more about FALSC ​and the 150+ libraries at our state's 40 public institutions of higher education.​​​​

​NSU - Alvin Sherman Library Online Resources
Catalog holdings and databases at the Alvin Sherman Library, Research and Information Technology Center of Nova Southeastern University. A NSU Broward Patron Library Card is needed to borrow materials and use licensed databases available to Broward residents. To access, obtain an NSU E-Card​​.

World Book Online Reference Center
Thousands of eBooks, tens of thousands of articles and hundreds of thousands of primary source documents and features developed such as Computer and Web Tutorials, How To... documents and Government Resources. To access, obtain an NSU E-Card​​. ​

WorldCat - Interlibrary Loan Services
Access to books and other materials available throughout libraries worldwide. Locate titles not available in Broward County Library's catalog and place a request to borrow a title from another library at no cost to you.


Phone Directory

Directory Library - Gale
Search brands and their​ ​companies, and scholarships, fellowships and loans to obtain contact info including phone numbers.

Reference Solutions U.S. & Canada Business & Residential – Data Axle
More than 180 million residential listings and directory information for businesses, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies and more. Business Directory has annual reports, SEC filings, government data, bankruptcy records and legal filings. Available on: Apple® | Android™

*NSU/Nova Southeastern University
