At Your Library...

Broward County Library branches have a lot to offer. Our knowledgeable and skilled librarians provide various support to our thousands of customers on a daily basis including children, teens, adults, multi-ethnic groups and newcomers. We offer quality of life programs, library services, and computer instruction at many library locations in person, on the phone, or through the website. Our public services also serves students and faculty at those libraries participating in partnerships with educational facilities, such as public and charter schools, colleges and universities. ​

  • Directory of Services
    Looking for a Library service or resource? Find it here.
  • Literacy Services
    Multi-dimensional learning environments, tools, programs, and services for all ages.

In addition, we are proud to demonstrate a record of continuous service improvements and advancements​​. Our commitment to service excellence says it all: “Our Best. Nothing Less.”​​​​​
