The Office of the Medical Examiner & Trauma Services receives hundreds of inquires each month for records or case information from law enforcement, media and members of the public. Each inquiry must be carefully considered and thoroughly researched before responding to ensure the information or record provided is accurate and the laws that govern the release of public records and those that protect health related medical information are adhered to. It is of the utmost importance, to the extent legally possible, that the privacy of the deceased and their families is protected.
Plans are currently underway to better utilize technology in order to more efficiently process record requests and information inquiries.
- The
Medical Examiner’s Web site is undergoing changes to answer frequently asked questions, provide information specific to law enforcement, families and the media, and on-line access to information request forms.
- An
e-mail address is currently available for law enforcement, families and the media to request information and records.
- Enhancements to the Medical Examiner’s existing database will provide limited on-line access to searchable records.
Until such time as all the above improvements are completed, the Office of the Medical Examiner and Trauma Services appreciates your assistance when requesting a record or information. To ensure the quickest and most accurate response, follow these procedures: