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Welcome to Franklin Park Estates

Located in the east-central portion of the County, Franklin Park Estates is approximately 83 acres and has 322 housing units.

Helpful Links
Franklin Park Estates

​​​​​​​​​Community Meetings

Date: Every third Monday of the month
Time: 6:30PM
Location: Franklin Park, 2501 Franklin Drive, Fort Lauderdale.
Franklin Park: 954-357-7080
Association President​: Marquis Curry 

Franklin Park Amenities

  • Playground
  • Basketball Court - Covered and Lighted
  • Picnic Shelters
  • Community Center
  • and more...​​​


Neighborhood Parks’ Programs

Broward Municipal Services District parks provide direct services to residents and the community-at-large. By providing on-site programs designed to strengthen families, the parks are a resourceful asset in the community. Programs like the Hot Supper Program, Little Libraries and the Teen Club provide pathways to solutions. The Hot Supper Program combats hunger among neighborhood children and guarantees that every child participating in BMSD Neighborhood Parks’ programs will have access to a hot meal before leaving the park. Extensive collaborations with community partners produce programs and community events that heighten awareness about abuse and social responsibility and where to get help. Professional guidance and counseling workshops such as the Parent Camps facilitate greater understanding of how to improve academic performance and achieve good health.

Neighborhood Details 

Located in the east central portion of the County, Franklin Park Estates is bordered to the north by Sunrise Boulevard, on the east by NW 24th Avenue, on the south by Sistrunk Boulevard/NW6th Street and on the west by NW 27th Avenue. The North Fork of the New River runs through the neighborhood. The City of Fort Lauderdale abuts the eastern boundary of the neighborhood, Washington Park to the west, Boulevard Gardens to the south and Roosevelt Gardens to the north. 

Franklin Park 

Garbage, Recycling, Bulk Waste​ Schedule

Service Area 5 

Garbage: Monday and Thursday
Recycling: Monday
Bulk Waste: Tuesday (after last Monday of each month)
     2024 - Jan 30 | Feb 27 | Mar 26 | Apr 30 | May 28 | Jun 25 | 
                Jul 30  | Aug 27 | Oct 1 & 29 | Nov 26 | Dec 31 ​

Bulk waste items may be placed outside for pick-up NO MORE than 24 hours prior to collection day. For additional bulk waste collection guidelines visit Waste and Recycling Bulk Waste.

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