Instructions for In-person Cleanup at Broward Sites
- Choose a location to volunteer.
- Register at Registration Email with the location details and the expected number of people.
- Download, fill out, print and sign the Liability Release Form (bring to location).
- Show up on Saturday, September 20, 2025 at 9AM.
- Sign-in at the registration table for the site you picked.
- Pick up debris, enter data in the Clean Swell App or use a data card and be sure to have the trash weighed.
- Get a FREE event t-shirt (while supplies last) and get service hours.
In case volunteers do not feel comfortable joining a group event the below instructions can be used to do an independent cleanup from September 1st through December 31st for service hours.
Instructions for Cleanup with Clean Swell App
- Download and use the Clean Swell App (Android or iPhone).
- Follow this link for a YouTube tutorialon how to use the App.
- “Broward” is auto-populated under Group. Please add (type next to) your site name or location.
- The App can run in airplane mode (no data use).
- Location services should be turned “On” for the App to work best.
- The App will calculate the final weight based on the type and number of items entered.
- The App will upload the results to a database when connected to a network.
- The final App screen of a completed cleanup is "Thank You" page.
- App generates final summary; email the summary and pictures to Registration Email for service hours credit and event T-shirt.
Instructions for Cleanup with data cards
- Materials can be distributed through our office to those volunteers in need.
- Register by email to make an appointment, and pick up utilizing a curb-side drive-thru method.
- Include your name, contact number, number participants, materials needed/quantity: gloves, bags, data cards.
- Email pictures of completed data cards for the tally to be submitted to the database.
- Email pictures of actually conducting the cleanup for service hours credit and event T-shirts.
- Email Registration Email.
Community Service Hours for Independent (Socially Distanced) Cleanups
- Proof of your participation is required to be considered for Community Service Hours.
- Include pictures of volunteers participating and pictures of the trash collected.
- Email the final report from the Clean Swell App or scan/photograph your completed data cards to Registration Email.
- Attach your school's Service Hours Form or Broward County's General Community Service Form.
- Community Service Forms must be completed by the student before being submitted for approval.
- As it is difficult to confirm virtual volunteer time - each email submittal will generally qualify for one hour of community service.
- For consideration of more than one service hour, be creative in demonstrating the time spent completing the cleanup, such as taking before and after photos of the location as well as the trash collected.
- Participate as many times as you like until December 31st.