Through bond referenda in 1978 and 1989 the majority of the County’s regional park and environmentally sensitive lands system was established. The 2000 Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program provided $400 million to renovate the Parks system and acquire the remaining natural lands and open spaces for passive recreational use.
Additionally, through regulatory mechanisms, numerous wetland communities have been preserved, or their impacts have been mitigated for by on-site creation or off-site wetland banks. These wetland mitigation areas comprise a significant portion of our natural lands inventory.
The Protected Natural Lands Inventory has consolidated information on 322 sites comprising more than 16,000 acres. The inventory database provides information on parcel location, size, vegetative community, and managing authority.
An interactive map displaying the Natural Lands Inventory is available here: Natural Lands Inventory |
"Climate Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice. Looks at how climate change already is affecting the nation’s wildlife and habitats, and addresses how natural resource managers will need to prepare for and adapt to these unprecedented changes. Developed by a broad collaboration of experts from federal, state, and non-governmental institutions, the guide offers practical steps for crafting conservation actions to enhance the resilience of the natural ecosystems on which wildlife and people depend." |
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For information about the inventory please contact:
The Land Stewardship Program
or call 954-519-1297
LAST UPDATE December 2015