Neighborhood Drainage System

​​​​​​​​​Here in South Florida, water is everywhere - the Everglades; miles of beaches; heavy rains in the summer. But have you ever considered what happens to stormwater when it rains? Do you know how the rain that falls on your yard and in your neighborhood is carry away? Where does it go and how does it get there?  

Broward County is one of 16 counties within the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD.) ​More than 2,100 miles of canals and levees, water control structures and pump stations make up this regional water management system – one of the largest in the world. This regional system conveys excess water into storage areas or out to the ocean. 
The SFWMD operates the regional flood control system: 2,100 miles of canals, 2,000 miles of levees, 600 structures, 625 culverts and 70 pumping stations.​

Your Neighborhood Drainage System
The publications below explain how your neighborhood systems works to store and/or remove rain water.
(Download from SFWMD Education Center.)

INFOGRAPHIC Rain Drain  (pdf 4.99mb)​

Only Rain Wat​er ​Goes into the Storm Drains
Clean water begins in our own yards where the flow of rainwater begins its journey to the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Harmful substances (leaking oil from your car or fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides that you use on your lawn) enter our ponds, lakes, canals and the ocean every time it rains – which is a lot here in Broward County. So let’s all be good stewards of the environment and protect our water. 
Your neighborhood drainage system is not a garbage disposal - don't treat it like one. Demonstrate your responsibility and dispose of chemicals, fertilizer, oil, etc. at a household hazardous waste collection site.

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program and Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMPs) for homeowners, commercial landscape maintenance providers and property managers provide science-based guidance for protection of water resources.​