
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Government Structure

County ​​Commission

The nine-member Board of County Commissioners is the legislative and policy-making branch of Broward County Government. More...

County Administrator

The County Administrator is the chief executive officer of Broward County Government and directs the functions of County Government. More...


Broward County Government is comprised of more than 50 agencies, including Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Port Everglades, Broward County Transit, Human Services, Parks, Libraries, and Water and Wastewater Services and facilities. More...

Government Mee​​ting Inform​ation

Commission M​eeting Sche​dule

The County Commission meets in formal session on Tuesdays at 10AM in Room 422 of the Broward County Governmental Center. Public Hearings begin at 2PM. Special topic workshops are scheduled as needed. ​ More...

Live Webcasts/Broadcasts

All County Commission meetings and certain other government meetings are streamed live on Broward.org​, ​X​ and YouTube, and are accessible for future viewing in an archive here​. Local cable systems also provide live coverage of County Commission meetings on Tuesdays at 10AM, and rebroadcast coverage beginning at 5PM on Fridays.  ​

Sunshine Meeting​​ Notices

Florida’s Sunshine Law requires that County meetings be open to the public, to give interested persons an opportunity to observe and participate in the governmental process. Announcement of sunshine meetings is posted online, and in prominent locations at County facilities. More...

Commission Agendas

Commission Meeting and Public Hearing agendas are posted prior to each meeting, along with back-up material and any supplemental agenda items. You can register to receive an email notification each time a new agenda is posted. A complete archive of Commission Action Agendas and meeting minutes from 1915 to the present is also available online. More...

Governmen​t Da​tabases

Public Record Re​quests and Searches

The public has the right to inspect and obtain copies of public records. Public records must be open at all times for inspection, examination, or copying by any person. You may submit a public records request to any Broward County agency on the phone, in person, via mail or email; however many public records are available for free online. More...​

Make a Public Records Request​

Link to List of Agency PRR Coordinators​

County Commis​sion Disclosure Documents

The County Commission Disclosure Document Database is a searchable database that includes documents that disclose Commissioner activities related to campaign fundraising for other candidates, campaign finance reports, charitable contribution fundraising, personal financial disclosures, outside/concurrent employment, and ethics training and other certifications.

Citizen Data Portal

The Citizen Data Portal provides a single point of access for anyone wanting to learn more about their community and government through the use of various data-visualization tools. There are 12 topics ranging from public services and climate data to finances, health, and education. 

Lobbyist I​nformation

The list of Broward County registered lobbyists is maintained in this searchable database. Broward County requires that all lobbyists register, regardless of whether they receive compensation for lobbying. More...

Commissio​n Visitors List

Interested persons may access an online database that provides details of visitors received by County Commissioners and their staff. The Commission Visitor list is searchable by visitor name, date, and/or subject matter. More...

County Emplo​yee Visitors List

Interested persons may access an online database that provides details about County employee visitors. The County Employee Visitors List is searchable by visitor name, date and/or subject matter. More...

Current Solic​itations

Broward County’s Purchasing Division contracts for more than $600 million in goods, services and construction each year. All notices for Invitation for Bids, Request for Proposals, Request for Letters of Interest, Request for Quotation and Request for Information being solicited are posted online. The Board of County Commissioners welcomes your participation in these efforts. More...