What is a Registered Vendor?
"Registered vendor" means that a business has provided an application and a current certificate of insurance, paid a fee and completed a criminal background affidavit. Being a Registered Vendor does not imply Broward County’s recommendation. If a party or other special event is planned at a park or park shelter, patrons may choose their own caterers and vendors as long as the vendors have completed the application process and paid the vendor fee to become a Registered Vendor.
Current List of Registered Vendors
If you prefer to use a caterer or business that is not on the Registered Vendors List, have them email ParksVendors@Broward.org.
View Prohibited Activities
How to Apply
Walk-in vendor registration is NOT accepted without an appointment.
The Vendor Checklist will explain the steps you need to take.
Vendor Checklist
All new and renewing vendors are required to pay a $175 vendor fee with the submittal of a new vendor application, updated criminal background screening affidavit and certificate of insurance. We accept checks made payable to Broward County Board of County Commissioners, and/or credit cards in person or online using our online payment system.
Registered Vendor Application
Vendor Affidavit of Criminal Background Screening
If you are unable to register by downloading the application, please call 954-357-8125 or email ParksVendors@Broward.org.
Booking Customers
The booking of events is the responsibility of the vendor. Broward County Parks cannot ensure that the registered vendor will get additional business. If you would like to reach out to park guests who have made facility reservations, email ParksVendors@Broward.org.
View Vendor Reservation Reports