Oversight Board

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Per Broward County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 31 ½, Article V, an independent Oversight Board of volunteer professionals is responsible for reviewing projects for eligibility under Florida Statute 212.055(1), monitoring revenues and expenditures, and offering transparency and accountability to the public. Members will serve four-year terms, and meet at least quarterly.

The Oversight Board is comprised of one individual from each of the following nine categories:

  • Accounting: Shea Smith 
    Smith has 20 years of experience with a variety of companies and industries, working with business owners and entrepreneurs providing accounting, auditing and consulting services in Broward. Email: sheasmith@ob.broward.org
  • Architecture: Ronald E. Frazier 
    Frazier is the retired CEO/Owner of Ronald E. Frazier & Associates, PA, a position he held for more than 40 years with a variety of experiences in architecture and urban planning projects. Frazier is also the Chairman/CEO of the BAC Funding Corporation, providing loans and investments to black and minority businesses. Email: rfrazier@ob.broward.org
  • Engineering/Construction Management: Alan Hooper
    For more than 25 years, Hooper’s companies have planned, designed, developed, constructed and managed more than 1.8 million square feet of neighborhood mixed- use construction projects. Email: ahooper@ob.broward.org  

  • Environmental Sciences: Debbie K. Madden

    Madden is a shareholder with Gunster law firm and practices environmental law. She is a former board member of the Florida Association of ​Environmental Professionals. Email: dmadden@ob.broward.org


  • Finance: Phil Allen 
    Allen served as the County’s Chief Financial Officer for nearly 20 years. Later, he was selected to serve as Port Everglades Chief Executive/Port Director where he remained until retiring in 2011.​ Email: phallen@ob.broward.org 
  • Former City or County Manager: Erdal Donmez​​
    Dönmez, retired, served as City Manager/CEO for the City of Coral Springs for over six years, following 10 years as Deputy & Assistant City Manager. Dönmez also held key positions at the City of Miami​. Email: edonmez@ob.broward.org

  • CHAIR - Land U​​​se and Urban Planning: Douglas Coolman
    C. Douglas Coolman, FASLA, RLA was a principal at EDSA, an international land planning and landscape architectural design firm in Fort Lauderdale, for over 40 years. He continues to practice as an independent, registered landscape architect, and volunteers in other community service areas related to his background. Email: dcoolman@ob.broward.org 

  • Resident Consumer of Public Transportation: Raymond McElroy​

    Ray is an avid walker, biker, and mass transit user in Broward county. He is a member of Better Streets Broward —a grassroots advocacy group— and firmly believes the future of this county and its municipalities is based upon making walking, biking, and transit so enjoyable that they become principal choices of transportation.​ Email: ramcelroy@ob.broward.org​

  • VICE CHAIR -​ Supplier Relations and Diversity: Anthea Pennant-Wallace​
    Pennant-Wallace has over 20 years’ experience in social services, economic development, business development, fundraising, and advocacy - always with a focus on strengthening communities​. Email: anpennant@ob.broward.org