US Census Data: The new data dissemination platform started in July 2019 that will include all previous and new releases of data from the U.S. Census Bureau. It will replace the previous platform, American FactFinder.
Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) Population Studies Program: BEBR through the Population Program produces Florida's official city, county and state population estimates each year. These estimates are used for state revenue-sharing and many other planning, budgeting, and analytical purposes. The program also produces estimates of households and average household size and projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin for the state and each county.
U.S. Census Bureau Building Permits Survey: A survey that provides national, state, and local statistics on new privately-owned residential construction. Data are available monthly, year- to- date, and annually at the national, state, selected metropolitan area, county and place levels.
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA): The source of accurate and objective data about the nation's economy. BEA's economists produce some of the world's most closely watched statistics, including U.S. gross domestic product, state and local numbers, foreign trade, investment stats and industry data.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): BLS measures labor market activity, working conditions, price changes, and productivity in the U.S. economy to support public and private decision making.
IRS Statistics of Income (SOI) Tax Stats - Migration Data: The source for migration data in the United States based on year-to-year address changes reported on individual income tax returns filed with the IRS. They present migration patterns by State or by county for the entire United States and are available for inflows—the number of new residents who moved to a State or county and where they migrated from, and outflows—the number of residents leaving a State or county and where they went.
Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: The Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (Department of Homeland Security) is a compendium of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who, during a fiscal year, were granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., admitted as immigrants or became legal permanent residents), were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis (e.g., tourists, students, or workers), applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized.
FL Health CHARTS: Florida Department of Health launched Community Health Assessment Resource Tool Set (CHARTS) to help counties and communities get the data they need to work on community health plans and assessments. Over 45 different programs and agencies provide the data shown in CHARTS. Data sources include hospitalizations, births, deaths, population estimates, behavioral risk factors, health care providers, reportable diseases and more.
U.S. Census Bureau Census Academy: The source for U.S. Census Bureau’s free courses and other resources to teach you how to use Census data.
U.S. Dept of HUD User Datasets: The source for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) data sets, including the American Housing Survey, median family incomes and income limits, as well as microdata from research initiatives on topics such as housing discrimination, the HUD-insured multifamily housing stock, and the public housing population.
U.S. Dept of HUD Qualified Census Tracts and Difficult Development Areas: The source for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) dataset of Qualified census tracts and Difficult Development Areas. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Census Tracts must have 50 percent of households with incomes below 60 percent of the Area Median Gross Income (AMGI) or have a poverty rate of 25 percent or more. Difficult Development Areas (DDA) are areas with high land, construction and utility costs relative to the area median income and are based on Fair Market Rents, income limits, the 2010 census counts, and 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) data.