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School Concurrency
What is school concurrency?
In 2005, the Florida Legislature adopted Senate Bill 360, amending Chapters 163 and 1013 of the Florida Statutes, making availability of public schools a prerequisite for approving residential plats and site plans (“school concurrency”). Residential projects are evaluated based on the impact to the 3 levels of schools (elementary, middle and high).
Which projects are subject to school concurrency?
All plats, re-plats, plat note amendments, findings of adequacy or unincorporated site plans with a residential component not approved by the County Commission before April 18, 2008 and not exempt or vested will be reviewed for school concurrency.
Please note:
school concurrency requirements for residential municipal site plans are governed by municipal land development regulations.
Which applications are exempt?
Any application for a residential project generating less than 1 student at each school type.
Any age restricted community with no permanent residents under the age of 18; additional approval is required.
Any other application which may otherwise be exempt by the Florida Statutes.
Which applications are vested?
Any application located within a previously approved comprehensive plan amendment or rezoning subject to an approved mitigation agreement, including any development located within an area that is subject to an executed and recorded tri-party agreement
Any application approved between February 2, 1979 and April 18, 2008 that has not expired
What is the process?
If your application has a residential component, you must submit a Public School Impact Application (PSIA) to the School Board. Within 45 days of accepting your PSIA, the School Board will issue a School Capacity Availability Determination (SCAD) letter confirming your project is exempt, vested or if student capacity is available. If capacity is unavailable, you have 30 days to propose proportionate share mitigation to the School Board. Once accepted, and upon execution of a legally binding agreement between the School Board, municipality (if applicable) and you, your application may be submitted to us. Proof of payment and acceptance by the School Board is required when submitting your application to us.
How will this affect my application?
If your application doesn’t meet school concurrency, it will be deferred until proportionate share mitigation is accepted and an agreement is executed between the School Board, municipality (if applicable) and you.
Do I have to pay school impact fees and proportionate share mitigation if my application doesn’t meet school concurrency?
The school impact fees due for the project will be considered included in the total proportionate share mitigation amount due or paid, and will be credited toward the payment of the school impact fee.
Affordable Housing
Building Permits
Impact and Concurrency Fees
Transportation Concurrency
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