
​​​​​​​​​​​​In​centive Based Policies


Required Policies, Studies and Plans​​

Policy 2.16.2 (pdf) Required Study

"2022 Broward County Affordable Housing Needs Assessme​nt"​ (pdf) Prepared by the Metropolitan Center, FIU, Effective October 11, 2022 

Housing Broward: 10-Year Affordable Housing Master Plan (pdf) Prepared by the Metropolitan Center, FIU, Accepted by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners on March 7, 2024

Historical Studies​

"2018 Broward County Affordable Housing Needs Assessment" (pdf) Prepared by The Metropolitan Center, FIU

"Broward County Residential Linkage Fee Nexus Study 2019" (pdf) Prepared by The Metropolitan Center, FIU

"Broward County Commercial Linkage Fee Nexus Study 2019" (pdf) Prepared by The Metropolitan Center, FIU

BrowardNext – Broward County Land Use Plan Affordable Housing Highlighted Region​al Issues, Policies and Incentives​​ (pdf)​

“Recommended Methodology for Supply and Demand Analysis for Broward County’s Affordable Housing Market” (pdf) Prepared by Meridian Appraisal   Group, dated June 9, 2015 (no longer accepted as base data)​