Applications, Deadlines and Fees

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Application Deadlines

Recertification Applications: Complete applications are due at least eight weeks prior to the desired Planning Council public hearing date. Please be advised that additional processing time may be needed for applications that include multiple recertification requests.

Trafficways Plan Amendment and Waiver Applications: Complete applications are due at least twelve weeks prior to the desired Planning Council public hearing date.

BrowardNEXT Broward County Land Use Plan Amendments: Accepted on an ongoing basis.

The Broward County Planning Council meeting date will be scheduled upon determination of application completeness. Applications deemed incomplete or insufficient may be delayed, pending receipt and acceptance of information required by application guidelines.

​Application Links and Fees​

Currently only cash or checks are accepted. Returned checks will be subject to a fee. ​

Broward County Land Use Plan Map Amendments (PDF)
(Including Recertification Processing)​​​​​​​

In addition, full cost recovery for "courtesy notices" to surrounding property owners. Such costs shall be paid in full no later than 21 days before the first Planning Council scheduled public hearing.

Courtesy notices are described in Section 1.2(B) of the Administrative Rules Document: Broward County Land Use Plan.

Please contact Planning Council staff for the approximate "courtesy notice" fee schedule.


Broward County Trafficways Plan Amendment (PDF)


Broward County Trafficways Plan Waiver Request (PDF)


R​ecertification of Local Land Use Plan Map Amendments (Per Amendment) (PDF)


Recertification of Local Land Use Plan Text Amendment (Per Text Amendment)

Governmental applicant

 ​$    0.00 

​Broward County Environmentally Sensitive ​Lands Map Amendment 

​$6,760.00 ​

​Broward County Planning Council staff written Platting Interpretation (per specific development scenario on a specific parcel of land)

All interpretations except those for properties platted after June 4, 1953 (Plat book 32, Page 15)



Post June 4, 1953 (Plat Book 32, Page 15) platted properties only 


Broward County Planning Council staff written Land Use Interpretation (per specific scenario)


Broward County Planning Council staff written Acreage Determination (per specific parcel or contiguous development)
A survey and legal description must be submitted with an acreage determination request. A sketch and legal description
may be accepted at the discretion of Planning Council staff.

 $400.00 ​

Broward County Planning Council staff written Land Use Confirmation (per specific parcel or contiguous development) ​



   Please note that fees are subject to change. Returned checks will be subject to an additional fee.
