The Workers' Compensation section is responsible for coordinating all functions relating to injuries of Broward County employees under the County's Self-Insurance Program. This includes all investigations, providing appropriate medical treatment, payment of lost time from work and managing any litigation associated with the claims. Coordinating the transitional light duty program for employees with temporary work restrictions is managed as well.
Employee’s workers’ compensation claims are reported to our Medical Care Management Provider, CorVel at 1-855-389-0936. The State of Florida DWC -1 First Report of Injury or Illness must be completed and sent to the Risk Management Division.
Part of the services provided by the Workers' Compensation section includes regular on-site visits to the various County Divisions with instructions on proper and timely reporting of claims and emphasis on safe working conditions and prevention of accidents.
The Workers' Compensation section of Risk Management is staffed by five (5) members to serve all the County Divisions under the jurisdiction of the County Administrator, as well as three (3) Elected Offices. These include:
- Clerk of Courts
- Property Appraiser
- Supervisor of Elections
See Contacts section for titles and phone numbers of the Workers’ Compensation Staff.
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