County Drawbridges:
Southeast Third Avenue Bridge
- Address: 457 S.E.Third Ave.
- Overall Length:366 feet
- Horizontal Navigational Clearance:60 feet
- Minimum Vertical Navigational Clearance: 18.6 feet, closed at Mean High Water, Unlimited (Open)
- Year Completed: 1960
Andrews Avenue Bridge
- Address:400 S. Andrews Ave.
- Overall Length:621 feet
- Horizontal Navigational Clearance: 60 feet
- Minimum Vertical NavigationalClearance: 18.25 feet, closed at Mean High Water, Unlimited (Open) Year Completed: 1981
SW 4/7 Avenue (Marshall) Bridge
- Address: 450 S. Avenue of the Arts
- Overall Length:366 feet
- Horizontal Navigational Clearance: 60 Feet
- Minimum Vertical Navigational Clearance: 18.6 feet, closed at Mean High Water, Unlimited (Open)
Fixed Bridges:
Broward County Highway and Bridge Maintenance maintains 89 fixed bridges throughout the County. Find out more about what we do to keep our fixed bridges safe. More...