Water and Wastewater Services
Broward County Water and Wastewater Services (WWS) provides water and wastewater management services while protecting the quality of life through sound environmental practices. WWS provides safe drinking water for 59,000 customers, regional wastewater services for over 600,000 residents, and storm water and canal services that support aquifer recharge and flood management throughout Broward County.
WWS operates within the Public Works Department, and is responsible for planning, construction, operation, maintenance, customer service, water management, and financial management of the Utility.
The WWS organizational structure consists of the following five divisions.
- Water and Wastewater Operations
- Water and Wastewater Engineering, Water Management
- Water and Wastewater Information Technology
- Business Operations.
Sign Up for Emergencies and Alerts!
As part of our commitment to provide our customers with the highest quality customer service, we are encouraging you to sign up for codeRED. This system allows Broward County Water and Wastewater Services, to contact you by phone or E-mail in the event of emergency situations or critical alerts of the water and wastewater system served by Broward County. Please sign up by going to:
CodeRED enrollment.