​​​​This webpage contains information on land development (or re-development) standards applicable to the Water and Wastewater Services potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water jurisdiction. Determine if a property is within Broward County Water and Wastewater Services jurisdiction. View information on design and construction standards


The Utility Connection Permit is the process by which WWS allows connection to or modification of its potable water, wastewater and/or reclaimed water systems. View information on Utility Connection Permit Process.


All linked documents are in Adobe PDF format. If you have trouble or encounter error​s when attempting to open any of the below documents, you may need to right click and "save link as" to save the document on your computer and then open the document from that saved folder.


Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) Factors


Guideline for Determining Ability to Provide Potable Water and Wastewater Service


Guideline for Providing Water and Wastewater Service to Land Development Projects and Public or Private Properties


An Indemnification Agreement form which is required for fences, decorative bricks or other obstructions in easements occupied by WWS facilities.
