Hauled Waste Disposal Policies and Procedures
Operational Hours and After Hours Dump
The Broward County (BC) Septage Receiving Facility (SRF) is operated and managed by Compliance and Monitoring Section (C&M)-Environmental Standards & Technology (EST) Division of Water & Wastewater Services (WWS). The SRF operational hours are as follows:
Monday - Thursday | 7:45 am - 5:00 p.m. |
Friday | 7:45 am - 3:30 p.m. |
The SRF is located at 3100 North Powerline Road in Pompano Beach Florida..
After hours dumping is available in emergency cases. Haulers are required to call the SRF personnel on duty and give an approximate time prior to their arrival at SRF. Any hauler requesting the option to dump after hours will be charged an additional fee for after hours disposal. After hours waste disposal will be provided at the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 2401 North Powerline Road, Pompano Beach, Florida on evenings and Sundays. After hours disposal may be arranged by telephoning (954)831-3066.
Waste Disposal Procedures
There are four liquid waste discharge bays and two solid waste disposal/truck clean-out drying beds available at the SRF. Hauled waste disposal at the SRF shall be in accordance with the established procedures. Enforcement actions will be taken on non-compliance with the established procedures. A Notice of Violation (NOV) will be issued for concurrent non-compliance and may include an assessed penalty. As stipulated in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection-approved Enforcement Response Plan for the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, the first two NOVs issued may result in a monetary penalty. The third occurrence could result in the revocation of the Hauler's Hauled Waste Discharge Permit, and termination of waste disposal privileges at the SRF. Procedures for hauled waste disposal are listed below.
Liquids/Bay Dump
- Only permitted liquid waste, (septic tank waste, grease trap waste, portable toilet waste, pre-approved industrial waste with analysis report) are accepted.
- Submit the completed Waste Tracking Form (waste manifest) and wait for the receipt prior to dumping waste.
- Waste Track Forms should be filled out with complete customer information. Failure to do this will result in truck load refusal and/or enforcement action.
- Park the truck in front of the marked line located on the liquid waste discharge bay.
- Pumper-tilt trucks are limited to an 18" tilt height, Vac-Con trucks are limited to a 36" tank-lift when dumping.
- All drivers shall enter waste discharge bays in a manner which accommodates other trucks waiting to dump.
- All spilled waste in paved discharge areas must be hosed down after every dump.
- Wash hoses must be coiled and hung back on hose rack after each use.
- Vehicle water tanks may be filled onsite using re-use water located at the west side of the facility or water spigots located at both drying beds. Reuse water located in liquid discharge bay area may be used only if there is no facility traffic waiting to use discharge bays.
- Vehicle vacuum pump oil blow-down discharge is strictly prohibited.
- Walking on the discharge bay covers is strictly prohibited for safety reasons.
- Boxes, newspaper, or other debris should be discarded in the trash can and not the dumping bay.
- Large boxes should be discarded in the dumpster.
Solids/Bed Dump
Only solid waste from septic tank, sewer clean-out, storm sewer , grease traps, lift stations, or other permitted waste/type sources will be accepted. Any other wastes received will be disposed of at the expense of the waste hauler.
All liquids must be disposed of at liquids discharge bay prior to discharge of solids.
Vehicle tank rear access doors must be slowly opened to control remaining liquid waste.
Vehicle vacuum pump oil blow-down discharge is strictly prohibited.
All paper, trash, or other debris should be disposed of in trash cans or dumpster.
Trucks must be backed in as far as possible. Avoid leaving space between clean-out solids piles.
Truck Clean-out
Drying beds will be open for wash-out on Monday - Saturday except on Thursday.
Drying beds, channel, and maintenance access structures will be cleaned every Thursday.
C&M reserves the right to close down the drying beds in emergency cases. However, every effort will be made to provide advance notice to haulers.
Non-lifting tank trucks and Vac-truck clean-out should be performed in designated areas only.
Climbing inside of a tank for cleaning or any other purpose is not allowed for safety reasons.
No sifting through or watering of discharged waste will be allowed.
Avoid walking on barrier braces.
Water hose should be coiled and hung back on hose rack after each use.
All hose nozzles must be signed out & in with the plant operator for each use. The Hauler will be charged for replacing hose nozzles not signed back in with the plant operator.
Work gloves, latex gloves, and any other personal protective items for cleaning should be discarded in the trash cans or dumpster and not on the ground after use.
Vehicle vacuum pump oil blow-down discharge is strictly prohibited.
To Hauled Waste Program