Employer Match for 2025
Great News! The County will continue to match employees' contributions in 2024. Employees contributing to any of the County's 457 plans are eligible for a $2,600 match. You can start your 457 plan anytime, and the amount you contribute per paycheck in 2025 will be matched up to $2,600. The maximum contribution to a 457 is regulated by the IRS and includes the County match portion.
Normal and Catch-Up Contributions
For 2025, the normal deferral amount allowed is $23,500; if over age 50, there is a Catch-Up amount allowed of $7,500 for a total contribution of $31,000.
Additionally, if you are nearing retirement, IRS Code allows you to make up for contributions not deferred in previous years of employment. You can “catch up” for three consecutive calendar years prior to the calendar year of your declared normal retirement age. The total amount you can catch up is determined by subtracting what you have contributed from the maximum allowed by law. The maximum amount you can defer in a single year is a combination of your regular deferral for that year and any amounts allowed but not contributed since 1979. Each calendar year’s maximum, set by the IRS, differs and is subject to change.
Be sure you understand that:
- Deferred compensation is a voluntary program.
- Deferred compensation funds are subject to IRS regulations.
- There are strict IRS restrictions on withdrawals prior to retirement.
- Benefit-eligible employees can begin or stop contributions to a deferred compensation account at any time.
- Due to the SECURE Act, you must begin receiving benefit payments (IRS-Mandated Required Minimum Distributions or RMDS) at age 72 for anyone who turns 70 1/2 after December 31, 2019. If you turned 70 1/2 before 2019, you must continue to take your Required Minimum Distribution by the end of each calendar year.
Providers and additional plan information are available from Employee Benefit Services at 954-357-6700 or email at benefits@broward.org.