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We have assembled The Inspection Team, an independent team of inspectors who will examine 168 Broward County Operated Facilities. The Inspection Team has experience in four trades: structural, mechanical (HVAC etc.), electrical, plumbing as well as environmental.
Some site visits by The Inspection Team will be announced and some will be unannounced, so don’t be alarmed if you see them in your building or office. They will be wearing shirts with the Building Code Division's logo and carrying business cards.
The inspections will be tracked using an app-based software that records:
- Date, time and inspector name
- Building name
- Area-by-area breakdown of what was inspected
- List of each deficiency identified
- Photographs of problem areas
In addition, inspectors from Risk Management will be performing proactive inspections on air quality and environmental issues.
All identified deficiencies will be referred to the Facilities Management Division for corrective action(s). The Inspection Team will perform follow-up inspections to ensure remedial work is performed.
You can track inspections using
ENVIROS. You may search by property name, address, or property identifier.
To Report an Issue:
To report any issues at a county-owned building for The Inspection Team to investigate, please contact the building manager of your location. To report an air quality issue, contact Risk Management at 954-357-7200.