
​​​​​​​​​If yes, we recommend contacting a Human Resources Division's Employee Benefits Analyst two months before your anticipated retirement date. Scheduling an appointment with an Employee Benefits Analyst will ensure that the Florida Retirement System (FRS) paperwork has been completed and that you understand what benefits are available to you as a retiree.

A retiree, for benefit purposes, is defined as an employee who leaves County employment and meets the FRS retirement requirements for the plan they are enrolled in.

Early Retirement and Disability Retirement: Those enrolled in the FRS pension plan are able to retiree early or retire based on disability. Special restrictions apply to those enrolled in the FRS Investment plan.

Note: If you leave employment under any other circumstances, you are not considered a retiree for benefit purposes, even if you later apply for and receive a benefit from FRS.

FRS Pension and Investment Plan Vesting Periods: There are two plans County employees can enroll in: the Pension plan and the Investment plan. Depending on your FRS employment date, your vesting period may be different. Please see below.


FRS Employment Began Before 07/01/2011​​​FRS Employment Began After 07/01/2011​
Your vesting period is:​Your vesting period is:​​
​6 years of service and 62 years of age, OR​8 years of service and 65 years of age, OR
​30 years of service​33 years of service​

What are my benefits as a retiree? At the time of your separation from the County as a retiree, you may elect to continue the health (including pharmacy), dental, vision, and life insurance coverage you were enrolled in as an active employee. The coverage can continue as long as you continue to pay any required premiums by the due date and otherwise meet plan eligibility requirements. Waiver or non-election of a plan upon retirement or during a subsequent annual open enrollment will result in the retiree being unable to re-enroll in the waived plan at a future date.

Retiree Health Insurance Premiums: Health insurance premiums are billed by our third-party administrator, Benefits Outsource, Inc. (BOI) Retirees can elect to have their health (including pharmacy), dental or vision premium deducted from their FRS check through BOI. Partial premium payments through FRS will not be accepted.

Moving Out of the Service Area: If you move outside of the service area covered under your current insurance plan, you must change to another insurance plan (Health or Dental) that services your new area.

​Retiree Administrative Services​ 

Benefits Outsource, Inc. (BOI) will provide COBRA and Retiree administrative services for participants covered under the Broward County Board of County Commissioners group benefits. 

Any questions you may have concerning your eligibility should be directed to Benefits Outsource, Inc. at 954-680-7626, 888-877-2780 or ​benefits@boibenefits.com.

All premium payments should be made payable and mailed to:
Benefits Outsource, Inc.
5599 S University Drive, Suite #201
Davie, FL 33328