Commission on the Status of Women


The Commission on the Status of Women celebrate the contributions of 18 Broward County women in education, mentorship and leadership. ​

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The Broward County Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) advisory board is a non-partisan body with a focus on raising awareness and celebrating the contributions and successes of all residents of Broward County. It provides a collaborative platform for those seeking information on issues that affect women, girls and their families in our County.  

What We Do

CSW assesses County institutions, facilities, services and programs dealing with women or affecting women and their families, and recommends plans and programs.​ The Board:

  • Identifies and helps resolve economic, health, social and other issues concerning women’s lives through education and advocacy. 
  • Celebrates the achievements of women in Broward County by recognizing leaders during Women’s Histor​y Month in March. 
  • Holds annual events to bring organizations together and share the needs facing Broward County women. 
  • Through forums and round table discussions, provide invaluable feedback to the Broward County Commission.

Join Us

Get involved with CSW by serving on the advisory board. Broward County Commissioners appoint two representatives and one must reside within the Commissioner’s district. You can also attend CSW Board meeting and events. Board meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month (except June and July) at 6PM, at the Governmental Center, 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale in Room 430.​
