

Water Management Division (WMD) is dedicated to high quality, cost-effective water management services to develop, manage, operate, and maintain surface and groundwater resources within our service areas by providing recharge for water supply and wetland support, saltwater intrusion abatement, drainage and flood control, and other environmental enhancements.

WMD’s core functions include:

  • Operation and maintenance of the Broward County dependent water control districts – Cocomar Water Control District and Broward County Water Control District 2,3,4, as well as certain other multi-jurisd​ictional features.
  • Managing surface and groundwater resources through water supply planning, well site assessments, and permitting services to obtain and assure compliance with public water supply and diversion and impoundment water use permits.
  • Controlling aquatic weeds through application of herbicides to canals in the Broward County dependent water control districts and selected water bodies within County parks.
  • Supporting the County’s Surface Water Management Licensing program and the Planning and Development Management Division by providing application reviews to ensure engineering, management and development consistency.

Mandatory Lawn Water Restrictions

​Odd Number Addre​​​​​​sses
Even Number Addresses
​Wednesdays and Saturdays
12:00 am to 10:00 am
And/or 4:00 pm to 11:59 pm

​Thursdays and Sundays
12:00 am to 10:00 am
And/or 4:00 pm to 11:59 pm
