​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Air Quality Program​

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Ambient Air Monitoring

Using a network of ambient air monitoring stations across the county, we continuously measure levels of pollutants in our air in accordance with established Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. This allows us to quickly alert and advise our population if any air pollutants reach unhealthy levels.

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Asbestos Compliance

Through an agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Broward County is authorized to ensure compliance with federal asbestos regulations. The program requires a submittal of a notification for demolition and building renovation projects, as well as follow-up inspections by Broward County staff.

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Air Licensing and Permitting

Broward County’s Air Quality Program issues State of Florida Air Permits and Broward County Air Licenses for stationary sources of air pollution within Broward County.

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Educational Programs

The Air Quality Program strives to provide outreach for all residents in Broward County by communicating regional air quality information and news to the public, educating residents about proactive measures that can be taken to reduce air pollutants, and promoting environmental stewardship.

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​​Broward County's Air Quality Program is a state-approved local program housed under the Natural Resources Division. Our mission is to safeguard human health and the natural environment, in turn enhancing the quality of life in Broward County, by maintaining, protecting, and improving our air quality. 

We accomplish this through:

  • Monitoring Ambient Air Quality (Air Monitoring) 
  • Environmental Education (Air Outreach)
  • Managing Air Emissions (Air Licensing, Air Compliance, and Asbestos Programs)​​

Programs of Interest​

Statement of Responsibilities Regarding Asbestos (SRRA)

All Statement of Responsibilities Regarding Asbestos (SRRA) are processed online only via ​ePermits.broward.org.​ ​If you have any questions, please call 954-519-0340 or send email to AsbestosHelp@broward.org​​.

Smoking Vehicle Program

Report vehicles that are emitting smoke from their tailpipes for more than 5 seconds.

Report Smoking Vehicles

Electronic EnviromentalComplaints

Help keep our enviroment healty; report enviromental issues here​​


Save money and time by filing online

Clean Air Calendar Poster Contest: now accepting submissions!

All students residing in Broward can submit artwork for a chance to be featured in our annual Clean Air Calendar. The contest generally opens in the fall and runs through mid-April. See below for submission forms, rules, and deadlines.

Calendar Contest Guidelines