Accrued Leave
When using accrued leave, an employee must take in increments of 30 minutes. Before an employee may be considered for leave without pay, all applicable accrued leave must be exhausted. (See Leave of Absence Without Pay). Requests for leave must be submitted in advance to the Division for approval and will be granted in accordance with the agency's operational needs. Employees whose positions are covered by a collective bargaining agreement are subject to the provisions of the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
Address Changes
Submit address changes through PeopleSoft Employee Self Service. PeopleSoft>Employee Self Service> Personal Details>Addresses. Click on > on right side of address box to edit. Check your address on your next ePay statement to make sure the change has been processed correctly. Failure to maintain your current address can delay your receipt of time-sensitive information, such as FRS statements, benefit ID cards, benefit-related information, W4’s and 1095C tax forms.
Employees who have applied for positions online at need to make the necessary changes to their personal profile online.
Alternate Duty
Employees injured in the course of their employment may be provided alternate duty or temporary work assignments consistent with the attending physician's orders during recuperation. Employees are expected to accept alternate duty assignments or face a reduction in worker's compensation benefits.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The ADA is a comprehensive civil rights act that prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities.
ADA Title I provide protection from disability-based discrimination in all aspects of employment. Qualified employees or applicants with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to perform the essential functions of a job. To request a reasonable accommodation, employees should contact the Professional Standards Section (PS) 954-357-6500.
ADA Title II requires all County facilities, programs, services and activities to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. To report that a County facility, program, service or activity is inaccessible, contact (PS) at 954-357-6500.
Anniversary Date
The date your employment begins and that date each following year is considered to be your anniversary date. Anniversary dates may change when an employee is promoted, demoted or on leave without pay, as well as for other reasons. Contact Human Resources - HRSystems section via email at for assistance.
Annual Leave
Benefit-eligible employees begin to accrue annual leave immediately upon employment. Employees in part-time 20-plus hour positions accrue annual leave in proportion to their scheduled hours, subject to approval by the Office of Management and Budget. No more than 280 hours of annual leave can be carried over each year.
Benefit-eligible employees whose positions are covered by a collective bargaining agreement should consult their collective bargaining agreement for the applicable annual leave provisions which include accrual rates and rules of request and approval.
Benefit-eligible employees whose positions are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement accrue annual leave as shown below:
Annual Leave Cash-Out
Unrepresented Employees: Benefit-eligible employees whose positions are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement (or where a collective bargaining agreement specifically provides for annual leave cash out as described herein) can cash out accrued annual leave once per calendar year up to a maximum before-tax amount of $4,000. In order to be eligible for cash out, an employee must have used a minimum of 80 hours of leave (job basis and/or annual leave) during the preceding 12 months (calendar year basis). A balance of 40 hours must remain after the cash out.
Represented Employees: Benefit-eligible employees whose positions are covered by a collective bargaining unit can cash out accrued annual leave once each calendar year to pay for expenses related to education or career development and for computer purchases. The maximum before-tax amount that can be cashed out is $2,000 per calendar year, subject to policy limitations. Employees should consult their collective bargaining agreement for the applicable annual leave cash out provisions.
For information about payout of annual leave upon entering DROP, please contact the Human Resources Division-Employee Benefits Services Section at or 954-357-6700.
Annual Leave Cash-Out: Excess
Unrepresented Employees: Benefit-eligible employees who have an accrued annual leave balance of more than 280 hours at the end of the last pay period of the calendar year shall have all hours beyond 280 hours automatically cashed out provided that the employee has used at least 80 hours of leave (all annual leave or a combination of annual leave and job basis leave) during that calendar year. If an otherwise eligible employee has not used 80 hours of leave during that calendar year, the accrued annual leave in excess of 280 hours will be forfeited. Contact the Human Resources Division - Compensation Services Section at or 954-357-6438 for assistance.
Represented Employees: Employees should consult their collective bargaining agreement for the applicable excess annual leave policy. Contact the Human Resources Division - Labor Relations Section at or 954-357-6006 with any questions.
At-Will Employment
Effective October 1, 2000, all new appointments have been classified as exempt from Civil Service: appointees are "at will" and serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority, except as provided by any collective bargaining agreements.
Automobile Accidents
Employees involved in an automobile accident while driving in the course of conducting County business must report the accident to their supervisor and to the Risk Management Division immediately. A Loss Notice must be completed within 24 hours of the accident and forwarded to the Risk Management Liability Section at After any accident, the police must be contacted and a police report must be requested and completed. You may contact the Risk Management Liability Claims Manager at 954-357-7220 or 954-357-7215.
Contact the Risk Management Division at 954-357-7200 or for more information. If a citation is issued relating to an accident while driving a County vehicle, employees will be represented by the County Attorney's Office.
Also see: Seat Belts. Automobile Accident Review Committee. This committee reviews accidents involving County vehicles and drivers to determine if accidents could have been prevented. The committee may recommend corrective action to prevent or minimize the frequency or severity of future accidents. The Automobile Accident Review Committee is administered by the Safety and Occupational Health Section of the Risk Management Division.