Elevator FAQs

​The Certificate of Operation is a license required by Florida Statute 399 that allows operation of your elevating device. It is issued after your device passes a safety annual inspection, with any violation corrected, and all outstanding fees have been paid. The elevator owner is responsible to obtain the certificate of operation from Broward County, renew it annually, and post it in plain view inside the elevator. ​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​All elevators, wheelchair/stairway lifts, escalators, moving walks, dumbwaiters and limited use, limited access devices (LULA) in Broward County require a Certificate of Operation.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

A permit is required to install a new elevating device or for repairs and/or changes to an existing one. A Certificate of Operation is a license to operate the device. Only a licensed elevator contractor can apply for a permit. Only a licensed elevator contractor can apply for a permit. The construction permit holder is responsible for all tests of new and altered equipment until the elevator has been inspected and approved. The elevator owner is responsible of the safe operation, proper maintenance, inspection, and correction of code deficiencies of the elevator after a new or altered elevator has passed inspection.​

Last modified: 7/16/2021

​It expires annually on July 31. Before it expires, we will send you a renewal form. Please include the renewal form (including any changes in ownership, management or Maintenance Company) with your payment and mail it back to us. Failure to pay the renewal fee prior to August 1 will result in additional late fees. The elevator owner should not wait until inspection to pay renewal fees. Operation of an elevator without a current Certificate of Operation is in violation of Florida Statute 399 and may be fined by Broward County up to $1,000 per occurrence.​

Last modified: 2/14/2022

​Failure to pay the annual renewal fee prior to August 1 will result in an expired certificate and will require additional late fees. The elevator owner should not wait until inspection to pay renewal fees. An expire Certificate of Operation may not mean that an elevating device has been found to be unsafe, but may mean that the owner failed to pay the annual renewal fees. ​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​This is a violation. Contact the elevator owners immediately and let them know they are responsible by Florida Statute 399 to ensure a current Certificate of Operation is obtained from Broward County and it is posted in plain view inside the elevator. Failure to do so may result in fines by Broward County up to $1,000 per occurrence​. The Certificate of Operation will be expired if fees are due, annual inspection is overdue or we have not been notified by the elevator owners that violations on a current inspection have been corrected.​

Last modified: 7/16/2021

​Yes, elevating devices must be tested for safety compliance annually. It is your responsibility to hire a licensed elevator maintenance company to perform these tests within one year of your last inspection. All elevating devices must pass an annual inspection, with any violations corrected, before a Certificate of Operation is issued.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​Contact your licensed elevator maintenance company to schedule your elevating device required annual inspection for safety compliance testes. These tests must be performed by a certified elevator technician (CET) and witness by a third party certified elevator inspector​ approved by Broward County or, at your request, by a Broward County Certified Elevator Inspector, for an additional fee.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​We coordinate with your Elevator Maintenance Company in order to schedule the inspection. Your Elevator Maintenance Company has access to Broward County's elevator inspection scheduling calendar.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​You can access Broward County Online Permitting System to view your last annual inspection for your device(s). You will need to search by Broward County Identification (BCID) number, Phone Access Code, or Building Name. To review the current listed addresses as well as fees due, Go to Permit Type: New, listed under the Broward County Identification (BCID) number listed for your device. The BCID can be found on the top left of the Certificate of Operation posted in the elevator.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​Failure to have your device inspected may subject you to penalties and fines and, if necessary, it may be shut down.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​All violations are noted on the inspection report. We will email a copy of the inspection report(s). it is the elevator owner's responsibility to ensure all information in our system has the current building mailing and email address(es) for responsible persons. View​ the last annual inspection violation(s) for your device(s) and to review the current listed addresses as well as fees due, Go to Permit Type New listed under the Broward County Identification (BCID) number listed for your device.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​The elevator owner(s) must correct all violations cited on an inspection report and notify us within 90 days of the inspection. Mailing address and Fax number as well as instructions are located on the inspection report. You must correct all violations before a current Certificate of Operation is issued. ​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​Failure to comply within 90-days may subject you to penalties and fines and, if necessary, your device may be shut down.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​The elevator owner(s) are responsible for correcting all violations; however, your elevator maintenance contract may cover repair of some or all violations. You should contact your Elevator Maintenance Company to determine who is responsible: you, the Elevator Maintenance Company or both. ​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​Once all violations are corrected, you or your building manager must sign and date the bottom of the inspection report certifying that all violations were corrected and then return the report within 90 days of the inspection to us. If your device has an expired Certificate of Operation, we will issue a new certificate once the renewal fee is paid and any other applicable issues have been resolved. ​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

We can assist in seeking a Temporary Variance​, which may extend your time to comply beyond 90 days. To qualify for a Variance, a financial hardship to comply must exist and a plan with a date to comply must be presented. In no case will a variance be granted that may pose an imminent risk to the public. ​

Last modified: 7/16/2021

​It is official permission from us extending the 90-day period mandated by Florida law, in which you can make all necessary repairs and corrections to your elevating device.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018

​Yes it is. We should be able to contact you to determine and ensure the safe operation of your device. Failure to keep your information and Elevator Maintenance Company information current may subject you to administrative fines and any other penalty provided by law.​

Last modified: 10/31/2018