Environmental Permitting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Environmental Permitting Division (EPD) protects the water, soil, wetlands, and tree resources in Broward County by overseeing the following environmental regulatory programs. To view or apply for one of our program licenses or permits, visit our Forms Page.

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The objective of the Brownfield Program is to encourage the clean-up and redevelopment of environmentally contaminated or potentially contaminated industrial or commercial properties that are abandoned, idle, or underused.

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Contaminated Sites

The Environmental Assessment and Remediation (EAR) Section regulates the majority of the 1,000+ contaminated sites in Broward County. Our goal is to identify, assess, and clean up soil and groundwater contamination while protecting human health and the environment.

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Hazardous Materials

The Hazardous Materials Section regulates and enforces the licensing of hazardous material use, storage, handling, and disposal. If a business uses, stores or handles 25 gallons or more of hazardous materials, it is required to get a Hazardous Material License.

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Storage Tanks

The Storage Tank Section regulates and enforces the storage of hazardous materials in above ground storage tanks (greater than 550 gallons) and in underground storage tanks (greater than 110 gallons). Tanks of smaller volumes are regulated under hazardous material regulations.

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Tree Preservation

The Tree Preservation Section regulates and enforces the licensing of tree removal and tree relocation. A license is required for the removal or relocation of trees, except for nuisance trees.

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Waste Regulation

The Waste Regulation Section licenses and inspects solid waste management facilities, waste transporters, borrow pit reclamation areas, and hazardous material transfer stations within Broward County.

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Water and Wetlands Programs

The Water and Wetlands programs regulate and license surface water management systems, domestic & non-domestic wastewater systems, cooling towers, wetlands, dredging projects, and docks/seawalls.

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The Wellfield program regulates the storage, handling, use, and production of regulated substances at facilities within wellfield protected areas. The program’s mission is to prevent hazardous chemicals from being released that can migrate into our potable water supply.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​News & Highlights

The Broward County Air Quality Program, including Asbestos, Air Licensing & Permitting, & Air Monitoring, has moved to the Natural Resources Division.

Keep​ Our Water Clean

Pledge to Scoop the Poop! ​​

Do's and Don'ts

Learn some DO's and some DON'Ts. This information is offered only as guidance. For more information contact us at 954-519-1483. Environmental Complaints & Emergency Response 24-hr Hotline: 954-519-1499.​​

Walk-In Services at Government Center West (GCW) are Available Online

Walk-in services at Government Center West (GCW) are being handled online in response to CDC recommendations to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

EPD Virtual Services​

​Phone Number
​Email Address
​​Aquatic and Wetland Resources Licenses (includes docks and seawalls)
​Contaminated Sites/Environmental Assessment and Remediation (General)
​Cooling Tower Licenses
​Domestic Wastewater Licenses
​FEMA Flood Maps
​Hazardous Material Management Facility Licenses
​Non-Domestic Wastewater Licenses
​Solid Waste Management Licenses
​Storage Tank Facility Licenses
​Surface Water Management Licenses
​Tree Removal Licenses
​Waste Transporters