WE CAN PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY. Even if you disclose who you are to the OIG, the OIG will maintain the confidentiality of your identity in accordance with the law, even after the case is closed.
The public is counting on you to help. If you have information about or believe that an official, employee, or provider to Broward County, one of its 31 municipalities or the School Board of Broward County is involved in:
then please help by reporting your information to the OIG through one of the methods described below.
Fill out an online form, send an email or fax, leave a message on our hotline, or visit us in person - it's your choice
Please note that the OIG does not investigate individual police officers for any excessive use of force. In addition, pursuant to section 112.533(b)1. of the Florida Statutes, the OIG is required to forward, within 5 business days, any complaint it receives against a law enforcement officer or correctional officer to that officer's employing agency for review or investigation.
File a Complaint
Use this form if you don’t mind disclosing your identity to the OIG and want to sign a formal complaint, which carries more weight than a tip and can be the Inspector General’s basis to find good cause that misconduct or gross mismanagement has occurred. You do not have to use this form; you can use one of the other methods in the tabs to the left. Your identity will still remain confidential in accordance with the law, even after the case is closed.