
broward county library mobile app collection  

Popular Book & Magazine Resources

Find all your favorites, including best sellers, fiction and non-fiction, available for every age. EBooks can be downloaded to your eReader, tablet, smartphone and computer. EBooks eliminate lugging heavy books and they feature adjustable text size, bookmarking, highlighting and searching features. Loan periods vary and there are no late fees.


eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines
Libby (mobile app)

Over 2 million titles, including New York Times Bestsellers! View and listen via desktop or use the mobile app, Libby, to search, download and listen to Overdrive's titles. Compatible devices include Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook and more. Visit Technical Support and Overdrive Help for more assistance.

  • Login is your Library card number and​ PIN is last four digits of your phone number.


eBooks for children and teens 

Access via mobile app: Apple® | Android™

  • Login is your Library card number and PIN is last four digits of your phone number.


eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, television, music and comics
Titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded for offline enjoyment later. Borrow up to three titles monthly via your computer, tablet, phone or TV. No waiting/no ads. Access on desktop or mobile app Apple® | Android™ | Amazon Fire Compatible devices include iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku, Kindle Fire and more. Visit Hoopla Help for more assistance.

  • Create an account with an email and password.


eBooks by local and national self-published authors

View on desktop or use free app Apple® | Android™ | Kindle Fire HD®

  • You don't need an account to read online, but if you want to save your favorites, bookmarks, ect. you can create a profile with username and password.

Full List of Online Resources

Find Your New Favorite Title

  • Book Lists are updated regularly with the latest bestsellers along with helpful lists of award winning books and a variety of specialized genres from Business to Science Fiction.

  • Subscribe to receive a weekly newsletter about the newest books, movies, and music at the Broward County Library.

  • Novelist helps you find just the right title that fits your unique interests.

  • Our Librarians are always glad to help you — please ask us!

NSU-Alvin Sherman Library Resources

To access, obtain an NSU E-Card, then log in with your Broward County Library card.

  • cloudLibrary - Popular fiction and non-fiction titles for all reading levels; free app required. For books on the go, download the mobile app .

  • ​​ eBook Cent​ral - Proquest
    Easy to navigate wide collection of ebooks for research, teaching and learning with content from leading publishers, and many titles available without restrictions.​

  • Flipster - Digital magazines, including People, Time, Rolling Stone and more.​ For magazines on the go, download the mobile app.