Charles Ray Willeford III Archive
This archive contains documents related to American writer Charles Ray Willeford III (January 2, 1919 - March 27, 1988) and was donated by his widow, Betsy Willeford, in 1998/1999. ​


An Actor Prepares. [typescript with holograph corrections] 7 leaves, no date. Corrections in ink, paper clip removed. Also: printed rejection card from "Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine".

Aphra Behn (1640-1689). [college paper with holograph corrections] 7 leaves, no date. Paper submitted to Dr. Emery, English 507, corrections in ink and pencil, in three prong yellow folder.

At This Time, At This Place. [typescript] 18 leaves, no date. Paper clip removed, hole punched in upper left corners.

The Balooga's of Pinatooba: An Illustrated Travel Notebook in Prose. [photocopy of typescript, with drawings by Willeford]. 12 leaves, nd. "Copy Number 1 of 1 and that is all."

The Battle of Maldon: a Novel. [typescript with holograph corrections] 87 leaves, no date. Corrections in blue ink and pencil. In brown A. Watkins, Inc. folder.

The Battle of Maldon: a Novel. [typescript] unp, no date. Carbon copy on onion skin paper of above, without corrections.

Behind Him Goes His Dream. [typescript with holograph corrections] 8 leaves, no date. Corrections in pencil. Also: rejection slip from The Antioch Review, printed with holograph note.

The Big Dream. [typescript with holograph corrections] [26] leaves, no date. Corrections in pencil.

The Black Mass of Brother Springer: a play. [typescript with holograph corrections] 34 leaves, no date, in black three prong folder. Three sets of corrections and additions in black ink, red ink and blue ink.

Blank Time. [typescript with holograph corrections] 7 leaves, no date. Corrections in blue ink, paper clip removed. Unfinished.

The Blue Boulder. [typescript with holograph corrections plus typescript in corrected form] 9 leaves, 8 leaves, no dates. Corrections in pencil, paper clips removed.

The Blue-Eyed Boy: a Bildungsroman. [typescript with holograph corrections] 340 leaves, no date. Additions and corrections in ink. Note from Betsy Willeford: "early version of Something about a Soldier with Jacob Blake as the hero and includes a sequence of the author's poems."

Boundaries: A Serial Play. [typescript] 2 copies, 8 leaves, no date. Stapled.

Buddy System. [typescript with holograph corrections] 31 leaves , no date. Corrections in pencil, hole punched in upper left hand corner, attached with prong.

The Burnt Orange Heresy: English Club Address. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 20 leaves, February 15, 1967, stapled.

A Case for Some Privacy. [typescript] 1 leaf, no date. Paper clip removed.

Cast for an Eyeless Plain: a Play in One Act. [typescript with holograph corrections] [20] leaves, no date. Carbon copy on onion skin, corrections in pencil, front page torn, paper clip removed.

Checking Out. [typescript with holograph corrections] 4 leaves, no date. Corrections in pencil. Also: two photocopies, paper clips removed from all.

A Christmas Gift. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections, another copy of corrected typescript] 4 leaves, 5 leaves, no dates. Also: Rejection slip from Miami News, dated 12/11.

The Cockatrice. [typescript with holograph corrections] 4 leaves, Jan. 20, 1974. Corrections in ink and red pencil.

The Cockfighter Guide. [typescript] 2 leaves. Describes the 30,000 word manual Willeford wrote for the writing of the novel. Now in the collection of David Meeker, Sacramento, California.

Cockfighter Journal: The Story of a Shooting. [photocopy of typescript plus later typescript update with holograph corrections] 10-119 leaves, ca.. 1974 ; 120-123 leaves, Dec. 10, 1987. Corrections on last four pages in ink

Cockfighter Screenplay. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 120 leaves, no date. Front cover and pages missing, punched for three holes, with 2 screw fasteners, orange back cover, corrections in ink. Also: Comments on the Cock Fighter by Katharine Seyester [photocopy of typescript] 2 leaves, no date, stapled.

Cockfighter Screenplay. By Charles Willeford from his novel. Los Angeles: New World Pictures, Inc., nd. 122 leaves. [photocopy with holograph corrections] Corrections and changes in ink and pencil, in three prong orange folder, front cover detached.

Cockfighter Shooting Schedule. [photocopy of typescript] three versions, dated 4/8-5/4. Stapled.

Cockfighter Shooting Script. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 258 leaves, no date. Corrections in ink.

Cockfighter Shooting Script (temporary). [photocopy] 259 leaves, no date.

Cockfighter: the Original Screenplay: [typescript] 4 leaves, Sept. 1, 1987. Plus earlier drafts of same on carbon sets (8 pages, 1 blank).

Last modified: 5/22/2018

Wortham, D. Henry. Modern Tournament and Derby Rules. The Gamecock, 1950. 22p.

Roberts, Jack. "All you want to know about cockfighting." Newspaper clipping dated May 17, 1972. Review of book.

Notice: House Rules. 81/2 X 11 sheet of paper with 10 pit rules. Torn.

The Gamecock: the monthly magazine devoted to game fowl. Hartford, Arkansas: October, 1958. V. 21, No.6.

Grit and Steel: Published in the interest of those devoted to the game fowl. Gaffney, S.C.: DeCamp Publishing Co. : May, 1958. V. LX, No.1.

Deliver Me From Dallas. [photocopy of typescript] [141] leaves, nd.

The Deserted Village. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 11 leaves, no date.

The Emancipation of Henry Allen. [typescript carbon copy] 10 leaves, nd. Stapled.

An Evening of Decision. [typescript with holograph corrections] 4 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed. Another corrected typescript copy, stapled. Card from Motor Trend Magazine acknowledging receipt of article.

Everybody's Metamorphosis. [college paper with corrections] 15 leaves, no date. Paper submitted to Dr. Emery, Literary Criticism 571, corrections in ink, in three prong beige folder.

Everybody's Metamorphosis. [typescript with holograph corrections] 12 leaves, no date. Corrections in ink. Paper clip removed. (Variation of above)

Everybody's Metamorphosis. [typescript and photocopy of same] 14 leaves, no date. Begins "Gentlemen of the Academy". Paper clips removed from both. (Variation of above)

Fact Finding With Father. [typescript] 7 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

Finders/Keepers of the Times. [photocopy from unidentified publication]. 3 leaves, 2 pages to each for 6 pages, extra copies of last two leaves. Nd.

A Fortune to the Teller. [typescript] 4 leaves, nd. Also: Rejection slip from Manhunt. Paper clip removed.

Fredric Brown Introduction. [holograph] 5 leaves (1 torn off), nd, no title. 1st line: There is a story about Fredric Brown, on yellow lined paper. Also: 2 photocopies of holograph copy.

Free From Forgery. [typescript] 7 leaves, nd. Fastened to manila folder with two hole sliding fastener at top. Also: carbon copy, paper clip removed.

The Game of the Name. [typescript with holograph corrections] 7 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and red ink. Paper clip removed.

Getaway Bread. [typescript with holograph corrections] 13 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil. Paper clip removed.

God Washes Whitest of All. [typescript] 28 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed. Yellow post-it note from Betsy Willeford "Variation on Brother Springer".

Grimhaven: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 212 leaves, no date. NOTE: as per Betsy Willeford: " Ms. of the "black Hoke Mosely", never published, sold to a small but ruthless group of collectors in the form of Xerox copies. May not be copied in the library by patrons who'll wholesale it on the Internet."

The Guide Line. [typescript with holograph corrections] 15 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and blue ink. Paper clips removed.

The High Priest of California: A Tragicomedy in three acts. [typescript carbon copy] [52] leaves, nd. In three prong binder. 2 copies.

High Priest of California: A Play in three acts. [photocopy of typescript] 72 leaves, nd. In 3-ring binder.

How To Read a Report Card. [typescript] 5 leaves, nd. Stapled.

I Was Looking for a Street. [typescript with holograph corrections by publisher.] 173 leaves, no date. Corrections, publishing directions, etc. in red ink, purple ink, and pencil. Also: Galley of dust jacket blurb ; "Perforce" a typescript poem with correction in ink; two letters to Lou Wilder at Countryman Press from Willeford.

I Was Looking for a Street. [typescript with holograph corrections] 169 leaves, no date. Corrections in blue ink.

I Wish, I Wish: I Wish a Witch---- [holograph, typescript with holograph corrections] 2 leaves of holograph notes in pencil on lined tablet paper. 6 leaves of typescript with holograph corrections in pencil. Nd. Staples removed.

If The Shoe Fits. [typescript with holograph corrections] 6 leaves, 10-2-51. Holograph corrections in pencil. Paper clips removed.​

Last modified: 5/22/2018

Jason and the Golden Fleece: A Novella. [typescript with holograph corrections] [50] leaves, nd. Holograph corrections in pencil. Note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it. "Fragments of Jason and the Golden Fleece (would become Soldier, I think)."

Jim Tully. [typescript and photocopy] 5 short papers on Tully:

1. Typescript graded school paper with corrections in red pencil, 9 leaves, no date, one prong fastener though hole in top left corner.

2. Typescript term paper, English 333, Dr. Halstead., 13 leaves heavily edited with pencil, 2 pages of holograph notes in pencil, no date.

3. Typescript. Foreword, 7 leaves, edited with blue ink, no date. Paper clip removed.

4. Typescript. Jim Tully: A Reappraisal. 11 leaves, edited with pencil, no date.

5. Photocopy. Jim Tully: A Reappraisal. 15 leaves, no date.

Jim Tully: Notes.

1. Photograph stuck to plain notebook paper with tape (tape dried out, residue on paper)
2. 2 white 3x5 cards, notes in pencil.
3. 7 browned pages of typed notes from several sources
4. 6 pages of browned lined notebook paper with holograph notes in blue ink from several sources.
5. 2 photocopied pages from Proletarian Writers of the Thirties.
6. 5 typed pages of book reviews from Book Review Digest.
7. 2 typed pages of bibliography
8. 2 folded legal size typed sheets: Preface.
9. 3 legal yellow sheets, holograph notes in blue ink from Who's Who, etc.
10. 11 pages of holograph text in pencil on various sizes of paper.
11. Torn newspaper with book review, August 2, 1972.
12. 26 photocopied pages from H.L. Mencken's letters: letters to Tully.

ALSO: REMOVED FROM FILE AND HOUSED IN SEPARATE FOLDER OUTSIDE BOX: 17 sheets of browning blue paper, typescript faded from most and 25 sheets of faded, decomposing, unreadable photocopies.

King of the Mountain: a One-Act Play. [typescript] 19 leaves, no date, paper clip removed.

The Lark: Shooting Script: Temporary. Production Unit: The Experimental Film Club of Miami, Inc. [typescript carbon copy], 8 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

The Laughing Machine. [typescript with holograph corrections] 19 leaves, nd. Prong fastener in upper left corner. Corner cut out of front page in upper right corner. Corrections in blue ink.

A Layman Looks at Florida Architecture. [typescript with holograph corrections] 4 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

The Listener. [typescript with holograph corrections] 18 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink. Hole for prong fastener in upper left hand corners.

The Listener. [typescript with holograph corrections] 24 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and blue ink. Paper clip removed. (Different version from above.)

The Man Who Got Away. [typescript with holograph corrections] 27 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink. Prong fastener in upper left corner.

Medusa. [typescript] 10 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

Medusa: A Television Play. [typescript] 14 leaves, nd. Stapled.

Miami Blues. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 34 non-sequential leaves, nd. Yellow post-it note from Betsy Willeford " some pre-galley proof changes in Miami Blues ms."

Miami Blues: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 258 leaves, no date. Also: 4 pages of yellow lined sheets with holograph notes, 2 legal (folded) and 2 letter size ; photocopy of newspaper clipping.

Miami Blues: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 258 leaves, no date. Same as above.

A Narrative of the Captivity. [typescript with holograph corrections and comments] 6 leaves, nd. Corrections and comments in pencil. Paper clip removed.

The Navorone. [typescript with holograph corrections] 2 versions : 4 leaves with corrections in blue ink, no date ; 5 leaves with additions from 4 page version, corrections in blue ink, no date. Also: typescript rejection letter from The Chattahoochee Review with holograph note, May 29, 1986.

A Necklace of Hickeys: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 244 leaves, no date. Also: Letter from Willeford to Mysterious Literary Agency, May 14, 1982 ; letter from Mysterious Literary Agency to Willeford, July 8, 1982 ; yellow tablet, letter size, 6 leaves of holograph version of chapter 1 in blue ink (title: A necklace of hickeys: the appearance of a novel), rest of tablet blank.

New Forms of Ugly: the Immobilized Hero in Modern Fiction. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 5-148 leaves (first pages missing), no date.

The New Historian. [carbon typescript with holograph corrections] 11 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink. Paper clip removed.

New Hope for the Dead: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 318 leaves, no date. Also: 49 non-consecutive leaves of typescript with holograph corrections and additions in black ink; 12 sheets of legal size yellow paper with holograph additions for insertion.

New Hope for the Dead: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 318 leaves, no date. Same as above. Also: letter from St. Martin's Press editor, Jared Kieling, January 14, 1985 with editorial suggestions, 13 pages.

The Nice White Cat. [typescript with holograph corrections] 5 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink.

Obit for a Dead Cat. [typescript] 8 leaves, no date. "2,000 words" in pencil at top of page 1, paper clip removed.

Off the Walls: a true life novel. [photocopy of typescript] 200 leaves, no date. Also: 10 pages of typescript "The Writing on the Wall" Chapter 1, paper clip removed; two overlong sheets of yellow paper with typescript and holograph corrections in pencil.

Off the Wall: a true life novel.. [photocopy of publisher's galleys] The Pegasus Rex Press, 1979. 277p. Also: 3 pages of holograph notes including "Chronological Order of Events"; ditto Memorandum to Norbert Artzt from Willeford regarding his retirement from Miami-Dade Community College, July 1, 1980.

One Good Interne Deserves Another. [typescript] 5 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

One Good Interne Deserves Another: A Radio Play.[typescript with holograph corrections] 8 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil. Stapled.

One Hero To A War. [typescript and carbon copy both with holograph corrections] 26 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and blue ink. Typescript copy has prong fastener in upper left corner, paper clips removed from both. Holograph letter on yellow lined paper to M. Shaw from Willeford. In a brown folder from A. Watkins, Inc.

The Open Window: A Tragicomedy in Three Acts. [typescript] 68 leaves, nd. In three prong blue binder.

The Ordainment of Brother Springer: A Play in One Act. [typescript with holograph corrections] 29 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink, paper clip removed. In yellow three prong folder.

An Ostensible Acquittal: A Novel. [typescript with holograph corrections] 11 leaves, nd. Corrections in black and red pencil.

A Peep in the Barrel. [typescript] 5 leaves, nd.

A Perspective on Nathanael West. [typescript with holograph corrections] unnumbered pages, several versions, holograph corrections in blue and red ink, in folder with side clip. Note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it: " actually, one long piece, intended to be a masters' thesis." Also : includes a revised copy of A Superior Sense of Smell. (See below)

The Pool Player. [typescript] 10 leaves, nd. Two holes at top of pages, paper clip removed. See also: The Emancipation of Henry Allen.

The Pop-Off Caper. [typescript with holograph corrections] 10 leaves, nd. In brown A. Watkins, Inc. folder with prong fastener through the upper left corner.

Private First Class Eye. [typescript with holograph corrections] 15 leaves, March 24, 1953. Stapled into a manila folder at top. Entry blank for Second Annual Air Force Short Story Contest stapled to front. Corrections in pencil.

The Privity Smile of Priapus. [typescript] 5 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

Reading for Marat/Sade: a one-act play. [typescript with holograph corrections] 19 leaves, nd. Hole in upper left corner for prong fastener. Corrections in red marker.

The Realization of Nathaniel Hawthorne: a One-Act Play. [typescript] 12 leaves, no date, stapled. 2 copies.

The Restoration Audience. [typescript with holograph corrections and comments] 8 leaves, nd. Paper submitted to English 507, Dr. Emery. In three prong blue binder. Corrections in blue ink and Dr. Emery's comments in pencil.

The Retiring Kind. [typescript carbon copy] 6 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

Road Kid. [typescript with holograph corrections] 8-108 leaves, July 18, 1976. (First chapter missing) Corrections in pink ink and pencil.

The Road to Jacmel. [typescript with holograph corrections] 5 leaves, circa 1977. Corrections in blue ink. Also: Rejection letter from New York Times Travel Editor, August 26, 1977.

Roger Corman's Little House of Horrors. [typescript with holographic corrections] 8 leaves, [ca. 1978]. Corrections in pencil and blue ink.

Sand Dollar. [typescript with holograph corrections] 9 leaves, June, 1981. Note on folder "to Tropic Short Story Contest, June'81." Corrections in pencil and ink.

A Scenario for Mr. Bigelow. [typescript with holograph editing] 1st draft: 19 double column leaves, no date, corrections in pencil. 2nd draft: subtitled An Autistic Duologue: 22 double column leaves, numbered 64-83. Paper clips removed from both.​

Last modified: 5/22/2018

The Second Half of the Double Feature: a Play in Three Acts. [photocopy of typescript] 72 leaves, no date. Fastened with two hole slide clip.

The Second Half of the Double Feature: a Novel. [photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 57- 218 leaves, no date. Corrections in black and blue inks. See Waiting for Mr. Wright below.

The Second Half of the Double Feature: a novel, or The Second ½ of the Double Feature. [combination of typescript and photocopy of typescript with holograph corrections] 350 leaves, no date. Corrections in blue ink and pencil. Different from manuscript above. Later renamed Sideswipe.

Sentences. [typescript and photocopy of typescript] 4 leaves, no date, paper clips removed.

Sideswipe. See The Second Half of the Double Feature above.

Sideswipe. [holograph] 4 leaves, nd. Black ink on lined paper torn from a tablet, with note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it "Sideswipe, 1st draft." 2 leaves, nd. Pencil on lined tablet pages, rest of tablet blank, with note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it "Preliminary notes for Sideswipe." Also includes holograph changes from 24 pages of finished typed draft, three holograph letters from Willeford and 4 typed letters from Jared Kieling of St. Martin's Press.

A Simple Search for Justice. [typescript carbon copy] 9 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

The Slush-Pile Caper. [typescript with holograph corrections] 18 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil. Hole in upper left corner for prong fastener.

The Soldier, The Wife, and The Automobile. [typescript with holograph corrections] 16 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and black ink. Paper clip removed.

Something About a Soldier. [paste-up galley with holograph corrections] 252 leaves, 1986. Corrections in green and blue ink.

Stretching Out. [typescript carbon copy] 5 leaves, nd. Purple carbon on legal size yellow sheets, folded.

A Sudden Shower. [typescript with holograph corrections] 13 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil. Single prong fastener in upper left corner.

Sugar Water. [typescript] 7 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

A Sunday Visitation. [typescript] 6 leaves, 1952 or 53 (written in ink on 1st page). Paper clip removed.

A Superior Sense of Smell. [typescript with holograph corrections, holograph sheets] 37 leaves, no date. Corrections and additions in pencil and blue ink. Paper clip removed. Another corrected copy in A Perspective on Nathanael West folder (see above)

The Tattoo. [typescript with holograph corrections] 8 leaves, nd. Corrections in black ink. Single prong fastener in upper left corner.

Television Is Here to Stay. [typescript] 5 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

To a Nephew in College. [typescript and photocopy of typescript] 5 leaves, no date.

To Far For Swimming. [typescript] 6 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

Tom Gets a Boil. [typescript] 3 leaves, nd. Paper clip removed.

Travis McGee and the Big White Smile. [carbon typescript with holograph notes and corrections] 7 leaves, 1967-68. As per note: "C.C. First draft of article written for Miami News Sunday Magazine in 1967 or 68- C.W." Notes and corrections in blue ink and pencil.

Triangle. [typescript with holograph corrections] 53 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and black ink.

The Triumph of the Sun. [typescript with holograph corrections] 37 leaves, nd. Corrections in ink and pencil.

The Tupperware Party. [typescript with holograph corrections] 5 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink. Paper clip removed. Note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it "about '74 to '76."

Two Hips and a Sickly Hooray for Warren and Lee. [typescript with holograph corrections and comments] 15 leaves, nd. Corrections in blue ink, comments in pencil. Hole in upper left corner for prong fastener. Paper clip removed.

Two Heroes. [holograph] 18 leaves, Feb. 17, 1953 - April ?, 1953. Journal in blue ink on three hole white lined note book paper, dated Feb. 17 (5 leaves), Feb. 18 (4 leaves), Feb. ?9 (1 leaf), Feb. 20 (1 leaf), March ? (3 leaves), March 31 (3 leaves), April ? (1 leaf). Upper left corner torn off all but 1 sheet.

[untitled] First Line: I may be craven, but I always feel that the contents of my grocery cart are inadequate, and that they will never hold up under public scrutiny. [typescript carbon copy], 4 leaves, nd. On yellow legal size paper.

View From the Sea. [typescript] 1 leaf. Nd.

Waiting for Mr. Wright: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 194 leaves, no date. Corrected version of first The Second Half of the Double Feature: a novel listed above. Note from Betsy Willeford on pink post-it : "Published as Kiss Your Ass Good-bye also, (the first part of Shark-Infested Custard)"

The Way Some Women Are. [typescript] 5 leaves, March 1, 1955. Stapled in brown folder with Entry Blank stapled inside the front cover for Fourth Annual Air Force Short Story Contest.

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [typescript with holograph corrections] 261 leaves, no date. Corrections in black ink.

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [photocopy of typescript] 299 leaves, no date. Also: 4 unidentified leaves: 1 photocopy of a page 258 ; 3 leaves of typescript (Tiny Bock).

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [typescript with holograph corrections] 261 leaves, no date. Also: 4 leaves , Chapter 7 with holograph corrections in black ink, paper clip removed ; 55 leaves (non-consecutive numbering) marked Changes, holograph editing in black and blue inks, paper clip removed ; 3 leaves of Inserts ; 4 photocopy leaves (51-54).

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [setting copy, typescript with holograph corrections and comments] 299 leaves, 1988. Original typed manuscript used by publisher to set type. Corrections in red, purple, green and black pencil, red ink. Also includes galley for title page and stapled 2 sheets from Random House with information about book.

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [master pages in book format] 126 sheets, two pages per sheet, no date. Holograph correction on title page in red ink. Also: 4 photocopy pages of chapter 1 with holograph corrections in pencil and ink ; 1 typescript page stamped Setting copy.

The Way We Die Now. Notes and research:

Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., July 6, 1986. "How immigration if Changing the Face of Miami."

Page from Miami Herald, no date. "Laborers find safety in new laws"

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary: a self-guided tour of the boardwalk. 8M-12-81. nd. 31 p.

Immokalee Bulletin. Immokalee, FL: Independent Newspapers, Inc., May 21, 1986.
4 photocopied pages of Dade County, source not specified. Holograph note on back of one page "Life is an effort that deserves a better cause".
8 sections of computer printouts from Miami Herald with subject heading Redlands/Migrants.
1 letter file folder with holograph notes in ink on back.
1 9 x 12 envelope with "Cold Case Squad Stuff" on front in pencil. Inside: Assault Systems catalog. 1984.

The Nation. February 18, 1984.

"The Miami Connection" in The Nation. February 18, 1984. Pp. 186-198. Photocopy.
"Lost wallet helps solve bar killing case" by Edna Buchanan. Torn from Miami Herald. Nd. 2 sections of computer printouts from Miami Herald with subject heading "Cold Case Squad"
1 section of computer printouts from Miami Herald with subject heading "Sansarico".
"Action Line" torn from Miami Herald. Nd.

William Patterson Williams (1883-1963). [typescript with holograph comments] 29 leaves, nd. English 680 paper for Dr. Emery, comments in pencil. In orange three prong binder.

A Wrench From Fangio. [typescript with holograph corrections] 17 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil and red ink. Hole in upper left corner for prong fastener, paper clip removed.

Writing as an Art. [typescript, photocopy of typescript, holograph] 5 leaves, no date. 2 photocopies of same. 2 sheets of blue-lined letter size tablet with holograph notes in pencil

A Young Cuban Refugee (first line). [typescript with holograph corrections] 4 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil, black ink and blue marker. Paper clip removed.

Zone of Interior. [typescript with holograph corrections] 25 leaves, nd. Corrections in pencil. Paper clip removed.

Zone of Interior. [typescript carbon copy] 25 leaves, nd. Carbon of retyping of above. Paper clip removed.​

Last modified: 3/10/2020

Another Damned Odyssey. [typescript and holograph with holograph corrections]. 87 leaves of typescript interspersed with leaves of holograph notes on white lined tablet paper. Corrections in pencil and black ink. Paper clips removed. Also legal size tablet with 10 leaves of holograph notes in blue ink. In back of tablet 3 ½ pages of unrelated holograph in pencil. (2 leaves in a different hand).

Battle of Maldon. Notes. [holograph and print pieces] 7 leaves of loose legal size yellow tablet paper, 2 pages still in tablet. Also in folder:

One holograph letter in tablet.

Ernest Harmon Air Force Base Organizational Chart.

United States Northeast Command, Ernest Harmon Air Force Base. Air Force - NEAC-PAFB-56-2121-(8000). 18 pages. Information Booklet for new arrivals.

AFRS (Air Force Radio Station) schedule for April 29 - May 2, 1958. [typescript]

AFRTS Weekly Radio Round-up. Department of Defense, Armed Forces Radio & Television Service. Overseas Unit number 868. March 7, 1958.

AFRTS Weekly Radio Round-up. Department of Defense, Armed Forces Radio & Television Service. Overseas Unit number 875. April 25, 1958.

Dover's Daily Dilemma presents THE BASIC APPROACH. [mimeograph typescript and typescript] 17 leaves, September, 1957, stapled. 2 copies. Note on one copy in holograph with blue ink "Television Play Produced by CFSN-TV Ernest Harmon AFB Newfoundland, Sept., 1957." Also: 3 leaves of typescript on onion skin, list of Cast with pencil brackets, stapled.

From Here to Eternity. [holograph with marginalia] Legal size yellow tablet, 8 leaves in holograph, 8 blank. Notes in black ink, marginalia in blue ink. Yellow post-it note from Betsy Willeford "Notes for a talk on From Here to Eternity."

The Hombre from Sonora: a novel. [typescript and holograph] 6 typescript leaves with holograph corrections in black ink, 1 blank sheet. 3 yellow legal size tablet pages with holograph notes in black ink and pencil.

Just Like on Television: a One-Act Play. [photocopy of typescript] 8 legal size leaves, no date, stapled. 9 copies. Also in folder: 25 leaves of fading unidentified typescript on blueing paper.

Logical Positivism. [holograph with corrections] 7 leaves of yellow legal size paper, written in red ink and red marker. Note from Betsy Willeford "...lecture he prepared either for a U.M. humanities course or for the class he taught in the Contemporary World Novel at Miami-Dade."

Metamorphosis. [holograph] 2 leaves of notes on yellow legal size paper found in Willeford's copy of Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Notes in black, blue and red ink.

Miami Blues/Sideswipe. [holograph] Legal size yellow tablet, 12 leaves of holograph notes,17 blank. Written in black and blue ink. Yellow post-it note from Betsy Willeford "notes for Miami Blues, and, I think Sideswipe."

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [master galleys with holograph corrections] 124 oversize sheets, 11/13/87. Corrections in blue and red inks.

The Way We Die Now: a novel. [master pages with holograph corrections] 126 oversize sheets, 12/21/87. Corrections in blue and red inks.

Notebooks and Random Notes:

Legal size ledger (14 ½"), grey cloth, blue lined paper. First 14 pages torn out. Begins on page 15, December 27, 1952. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ends on page 61, May 30, 1977, except of a notation on page 150. (Pages numbered to 152) Holograph notes in a variety of inks and pencil. Some entries out of order. Note in front on yellow lined post-its from Betsy Willeford " Peggy Bing, sending the black & red bound record book as I found it, dry cleaning receipts & all. A reader will note that once-lovely & still nifty looking journal is missing the first 14 pagers. Charles's note on page 15 explains. Sending the folder of the "53 Journal as I found it. Seems to be out of order, at least the final page. A reference in it to his plans for the ms. The Dark Hour prompts me to attach ms to the journal folder. I hesitate about the '53 journal for several reasons, but in as much as Don Herron quoted from it in his book, I might as well throw it on the pyre."

Spiral bound, 5 hole composition theme book (10 ½"), red cover, blue lined sheets, 48 pages. Notes, quotes, fragments on 12 pages, rest blank. Holograph notes in variety of inks and pencil. Clipped newspaper article in back, "Real-Life Kojak" from Miami News, nd.

Record book, red and black cover, (8"), blue lined sheets, unp. "Manuscript Records 1960". List of manuscripts submitted for publishing, 1959-1961. Holograph notes in a variety of inks and pencil. 1/3 of book blank. Also in back of book: 2 3x5 slips of paper with notes in pencil; pink Dry cleaners receipt; Office Supply receipt for cleaning typewriter; 2 book reviews clipped from newspaper by Willeford , no source or date; a 4 cent stamp; a 3 cent stamp; folded sheet of 3 hole note book paper with holograph notes; folded typescript sheet with two holes at top, "A Note for Future Reference".

Black six hole looseleaf notebook (6 ½ "), blue lined sheets, with yellow divider sheets, [58] pages. Addresses, notes, including chapter notes, no date, in dos-a-dos format. Typescript and holograph notes in a variety of inks and pencils. 6 notes from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its: 1. Front cover "can be read front to back, back to front - best guess is early 1960's." 2. Blank post-it on page of titles. 3. "His longtime agent, M:McNam-era". 4. "Deliver Me from Dallas collaborator". 5. The Alicat Press. 6. "Uncle & aunt". Also: folded page from "Adventure Road" July/August 1984.

Memorandum book (5"), green leatherette, blue lined paper, spine cracked. Notes, addresses on 8 pages, rest blank. Holograph notes in a variety of inks and pencil. Several pages torn out.

Letter size tablet with yellow paper. (11") Some sheets torn out. Holograph notes in blue and red ink on one page, rest of tablet blank.

Legal size tablet with yellow paper. Includes: Bookkeeping figures, drafts of letters, doodles, and prose fragments. 9 pages

Manila envelope with notes from Betsy Willeford "Misc. interesting holograph notes/ beginnings/ outlines and one page w/ outline of proposed novel 'Eight Hours' including a bit of 'Hombre from Sonora'."

3 note cards (5"x8") : A.1, A.2, A.3. Notes for Lit 290 - Mys & Sus. Holograph notes in red ink.
6 note cards (5"x8") : C. Maltese Falcoln [sic]- Holograph notes in black ink.
3 note cards (3"x5") : Holograph notes on one side in black ink. Paperclip removed.
1 sheet of yellow legal size paper with holograph notes in black ink.
1 note card (8"x5") clipped to 2 folded yellow legal size sheets of paper, also from Lit. 290. Holograph notes in red and black ink. Paper clip removed.
2 yellow legal size pages, holograph notes in green ink "The D.O.A......
1 white unlined sheet with typescript :Willeford 244 at top.
1 white unlined sheet with holograph paragraph in red pencil.
1 brown unlined sheet with typescript and holograph corrections
2 sheets of lined five hole notebook paper, holograph notes on both sides in blue ink and pencil.
1 sheet of lined letter size tablet, holograph notes on both sides in blue ink and pencil.
Note: Hombre from Sonora : above with oversized manuscripts.

Fragments: Unidentified short pieces of prose: typescript with holograph corrections: variety of papers:

As a work of art, The Dream Life of Balso Snell ... (1st line) 2 pages, paper clip removed.
explain is irritation. "I have a sty on my eye, a cold.... (1st line) 9 pages.
Contents: Acknowledgements ... 2 pages.
Note from Ron
It was an eight-story art-nouveau hotel.....
Page Two: he could remember the book version.....
Page from Books in Print.
Top sheet: I was looking for a street galley set.​

Last modified: 5/22/2018

Selected Poems by Jacob C. Blake. [photocopy of typescript] 14 leaves, no date, paper clip removed. Contents:

The Whores on "D" Street
The Condemned Igorote
Basement Pastoral
In the Truck, In the Back
The Man in the Black Robe
Proof Reading
Flight song

Typescript: single poems: variety of papers: some with holograph corrections:

The air doesn't taste like orange sherbert (1st line)
Al Seitz Sits By the Pool
An Alphabet for a New-World Arriviste
Aspects of the Novel
The Earring Rack
Epitaph for Brian "Uptight"
Five Positions (3 copies)
The Heart-Shaped Smile: a Concrete Poem (also: ditto master)
The House
In Support of Idolatry
Jean Dubuffet Was Here
Lament for a Mezuzah (2 copies, 6 copies from The Jewish Floridian, 9/1/78)
A line of men, ten yards apart, faceless, (1st line)
Love Story (5 copies)
Locker Room
Magruder Realty
The Mandible Tree (3 copies)
Marching in Miami's Omni M.O.T.H.E.R., Inc. (part of "In Lightest Africa" at bottom of page)
New Hope for the Dead
Ode To a Tethered Clown (3 copies)
Pacemaking (2 copies)
The Privity Smile of Priapus
Proof Reading
Query (3 copies)
The Risk
The 7 A.M. Class
Sonnet #9
The Sudden Spring of Relegation
There's a wounded weasel (1st line)
They Didn't Kill the Goat (2 copies)
Two Poems (title sheet only)

Holograph: single poems: variety of papers :
Al Seitz Sits By the Pool
Blowing Rock
Epitaph for "Brian Uptight"
Flight Song
48 Minutes
The Green Dock Light
The House
In Lightest Africa
Jean Dubuffet Was Here and Sonnet #9
A line of men, ten yards apart, faceless (1st line, 1 page only)
Mesostic for Ron De Maris
M.O.T.H.E.R., Inc.
The Murky Clouded eyes
White Sound
The Whores on "D" Street

Tablets: Holograph (ink and pencil):
1. Selected Poems 1939-1979
Inside the Truck
Trailer Park; Monterey, California

(Rest of tablet blank)

2. Anna (crossed out) Robin
(Rest of tablet blank)​

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Audio reel tapes:

WVCG's 10-80 Dialogue. Charles Willeford, June 4, 1972, 9:30 pm. 1/4 inch x 1200 feet. 7 ½ IPS, ½ TK Stereo, one direction. Master. In box.
The Big Surprise. (A50715) New York: Audio Devices, Inc. nd. 600 ft. Red Oxide on Plastic Base. In box.
Becket, Samuel. Krapp's Last Tape. 1/4 inch x 1200 feet. 7 ½ IPS. 32 minutes. In box with Willeford stamp on back.

Audio cassette tapes:

Empty Pockets and Georgia Girl. In plastic case. Music for the movie, Cockfighter by Steven Hooker. 1972 (3). 30 minutes.
Interview on poetry. Willeford. Note on yellow post-it from Betsy. Strangely believe it is still audible tape of Charles talking about poetry. Nd. In plastic case.
Memorial Service. April, 1988. As per note from Betsy Willeford. 2 90 minute tapes. (No case)
Miami Blues Review. (ME 900511) National Public Radio, 1990. In plastic case.

Video Tapes:

Cockfighter. Produced by Roger Corman, directed by Monte Hellman, screenplay by Charles Willeford. Starring Warren Oates . Platinum Productions, 1989. 83 minutes. VHS.

Library Edition Interviews. Interviews by Jean Trebbi. New Hope for the Dead. 11/6/85.

Something About a Soldier. 9/24/86. Sideswipe. 3/18/87. Burnt Orange Heresy (reprint), nd. 2 hours, VHS.

Miami Blues. Written and directed by George Armitage. Starring Fred Ward, Alec Baldwin and Jennifer Jason Leigh. New York: Orion Home Video, 1990. 97 minutes. VHS.

Southern Writers - Part 1. Produced by Steven Hooker in England, 10/1/80. 15 minutes. VHS.

The Woman Chaser. From the novel of Charles Willeford. Produced by Joe McSpadden, directed by Robinson Devor, starring Patrick Warburton. [1999. 90 minutes. VHS.]

Computer disks:

Willeford photo: cover of book Willeford by Don Herron. Zip disk. IBM Compatible.​

Last modified: 5/22/2018

Aaron, Daniel : 3 letters,1/22/85-6/16/86.
The Alicat Book Shop (Oscar Baradinsky) : 4 note size (4 x 5 ½ ) pages, 4/14/58.
American Visions: The Magazine of Afro-American Culture : 1 letter, 11/29/84.
Artists Entertainment Complex, Inc. (Samuel W. Gelfman) : 1 letter, 5/15/74.
Ballantine Books (Christopher Cox) : 5 notes, proof of dust jacket for Sideswipe, photocopy of review of Miami Blues , 4/19/? - 2/9/88.
Barado, Ana : 1 postcard, 9/25/86.
Barkdull, Mrs. Thomas H. (Bettie) : 1 note, 5/5/85.
Bittner, William : 1 letter, 2 newspaper clippings, one cartoon, 2/4/74.
Black Lizard Books (Barry Gifford) : 5 letters; 1 card, 1/27/86-2/26/87.
Block, Larry (Lawrence) : 1 letter, undated ; 1 postcard 2/10/87.
Boston University : Inventories of the Charles Willeford collection ; 8 letters from Howard B. Gotlieb, 8/31/77- 8/22/86.
Bott, Henry : 1 letter, 6/7/87.
Brooks, Mildred Jordan: (to Betsy Willeford) : 1 letter, 10/11/98.
Browne, Howard : 1 letter, 6/20/87.
Burke, James Lee : 25 letters, 3 postcards ; 9/24/80 - 12/8/87.
Canavin, Elmer T. : 50 letters some with photographs ; 10/26/86-1/20/88. (Also, one set interfiled with 47 letters from Willeford)
Chattahoochee Review (Lamar York) : 1 letter, 3/19/86.
Colbert, James : 11 letters, 1 review ; 9/9/86-10/20/87.
Conlon, John P. : 1 letter, 8/19/86.
Countryman Press :(Louis Kannenstine): 2 letters, 1/16/85-3/3/86.
(Louis Wilder) : 1 letter, 1/1/88.
Deegan, Jerry : 1 letter, 8/17/86.
Downing, II, Warwick : 1 letter, 7/2/75.
Eddy, John C.: 1 letter, 9/24/86.
Eisenhower, John S.D. : 3 letters, 10/9/86 - 3/5/87.
Ellin, Stanley : 1 letter, 5/21/84.
Emery, Clark and Jane : 1 letter, 3/9/87.
Farmer, Philip Jose : 1 letter, 3/17/87.
Ferguson, Donald : 1 letter, 8/8/73.
Florida Book and Author Festival (Shirley LeVie) : 1 letter, 9/24/86 with holograph postcard from Willeford stapled to it.
Futura (Matthew Sturgis) : 6 letters, 11/26/85-5/19/87.
Glassman, Craig R. : 2 letters ; 12/6/79, 1/26/81.
Glassman, Steve : 5 letters; 1 photograph, 6/4/86-11/5/86.
Greene, A.C. : 2 letters; 1 review; 1 business card, 3/16/87-3/25/87.
Hamilton, Mary M. : 1 letter, 6/23/85.
Hansen, Joseph : 51 letters, 1 card, 1 book jacket, 1 manuscript (Olcott Nostrum) ; 10/15/86-3/10/88. Plus : 1 letter to Betsy, 3/28/88.
Herron, Don / Herron, Jeanne Bowman : 27 letters , 13 cards, bibliography draft, assorted flyers, clippings, etc. ; 1/24/85-2/19/88.
Hillerman, Tony : 2 letters; 1 review ; 1/29/86, 3/16/86.
Hoch, Edward D. : 1 letter, 7/12/77.
Hooker, Stephen : 1 letter, 8/17/86.
Jet Literary Associates, Inc. : 2 letters, 9/6/ ??, 3/9/87.
Justice, Don : 1 letter, 11/28/86.
Kendall Bookshelf, Inc. (Stuart G. Elliott) : 1 letter, 11/2/99.
Kienzle, Bill : 1 letter, 11/29/86.
Leonard, Elmore : 14 letters ; 1/2/84-11/5/87.
Macdonald & Co. (Jaqueline Mitchell) : 1 letter, 10/17/84.
MacDonald, John D. : 2 letters, 8/24/77, 8/13/83.
MacKellar, Jean : 2 letters; 1 clipping​, 9/5/86-9/22/86.
McMillan, Dennis : 3 letters, 1 card ; 11/22/85-1/6/86.
Mehok, Louis : 2 letters, 3/31/87, 5/21/87.
Martin, Ladye H. : 1 letter, 9/21/75.
Miami-Dade Public Library (Sylvia B. Warburg) : 2 letters ; 6/ 7/84, 2/20/87.
Miller, Henry : note card, holograph, 4/15/58.
Millett, Kate : postcard, holograph, 4/17/72.
Moore, Richard A. : 1 letter, 1/10/86.
Moran, R. : 1 letter, 3/12/87.
Morgan, Bill : 1 letter, 6/10/87.
Mysterious Literary Agency (Judith Weber) : 1 letter to from Willeford, 1 letter from ; 7/8/82.
Mysterious Press (Otto Penzler) : 2 letters, 10/5/86,12/27/86.
Mystery Scene (Robert Randisi ) : 1 letter, 1/23/86.
New Directions : 1 letter, 2/5/86.
New Yorker : 1 note, 1/6/87.
New World Pictures, Inc. (Frances Kimbrough : 5 letters ; 7/5/72-1/10/74.
Newgarden, Albert : 1 letter, nd. The News and Observer/ The Raleigh Times (Michael Skube) : 1 letter, 8/29/86.
Oster, Ted : 1 postcard, 10/22/86.
Parrill, William : 1 letter, 4/7/86.
Penthouse : 1 letter, 12/19/86.
Petievich, Gerald : l letter (photocopy) , 9/6/88.
Publishers Weekly (Sybil Steinberg) : 1 letter, 12/11/86.
Ragan, Robert : 1 letter, 2/2/87.
Random House (Robert D. Loomis) : 18 letters, with photocopies, 4/30/85- 10/19/87.
Ray, Mary Jane Smith : 1 letter, 6/20/86.
Ray, Robert : 1 letter, 3/26/87.
RE/Search : 2 notes, 2 proof sheets, 9/18/86-5/3/87.
St. Martin's Press ( Jared Keiling) : 16 letters, 4 with pages of Sideswipe manuscript for correction, 3 holograph letters from Willeford and manuscripts with holographic changes,1 photocopy of letter to Jim Turpin, photocopies of fan letters; 10/5/84 - 5/13/87.
Satterlee & Stephens: 1 letter, 8/30/85.
Schmidt, Rainer : 1 letter, nd.
Stathis, Lou : 1 letter, 5/5/87.
U.S. Air Force Historical Research Center : 1 letter, 8/19/86.
University of Florida (Laura V. Monti) : 1 letter, 7/26/77.
Van de Wetering, Janwillem : 4 letters ; 3/26/87-1/22/88.
Victor Gollancz (Julia Wisdom) : 5 letters (3 to Willeford, 1 to Turpin, 1 to B. Willeford) , 4/29/87 - 11/8/89.
Vonnegut, Kurt : 1 letter, 8/13/85.
Waggoner, Susan : 1 letter to John Keasler, Miami News, 6/20/84 ; 1 letter with watercolor, photos, and recipes to Willeford, 7/30/84.
Walters, Herbert : 1 letter, 8/15/86.
Westlake, Donald E. : 1 letter, 11/26/87.
Wilcox, Collin : 1 letter, 9/18/88.
Wilson, Lois G. : 1 letter, Sunday, 21 ????
Winlock, William : 1 letter, 5/17/86.
Zanita : 1 letter, 3/1/79.
Sender unknown: 1 letter, from DP, no date​

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Bob : holograph on yellow lined paper, nd.
Canavin, Elmer : 47 letters, photocopies; 10/25/86-2/25/88.
Countryman Press : 2 letters to Lou Wilder ; 10/21/87, 2/17/88.
Florida Book and Author Festival : to Shirley LeVie: postcard, 9/5/86.
Mr. Shaw : holograph on yellow lined paper, nd. (Betsy Willeford surmises that it was written to Professor Fred Shaw at University of Miami. In the letter, Willeford is writing about his experience getting “No Experience Necessary” published by Chicago Newsstand Library in 1962.)
Mysterious Literary Agency : 1 letter to Nat Sobel and Otto Penzler, 5/14/82.
St. Martin's Press : Three letters in holograph. See Above.
Trebbi, Jean : note stapled to a Dennis McMillan flyer, nd.​

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Folder #1: 1917-1921: 7" x 10" page from photo album. One side: 3 newspaper clippings announcing the engagement of Alleene Edwarda Sawyer and Charles Ray Willeford. Other side: 6 photographs of two men and two women. (Willeford and Alleene? with friends. ) Charles Willeford from baby to approx. age 3: Pictured with: Father, C.R. Willeford II; Mother, Aileen Sawyers Willeford; unnamed Nanny and unidentified child. 2 single photos, 18 attached or previously attached to blue paper with holograph notes by unknown person, notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its.

Folder #2: 1937-1938: Air Corps, U.S. Army, Philippine Islands: 3 8"x10" in uniform, 1 7"x9" with unidentified person, 1 3"x2" in suit and tie. Holograph notes on back of photos, notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its.

Folder #3: 1947-1949: Air Corps, U.S. Army. Japan. Armed Forces Radio Station WLKM. 8"x10" front of WLKM building stamped by Army on back, 5"x7" broadcasting with unidentified woman. Notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its.

Folder #4: 1952-1956: U.S. Air Force: 4 from Ernest Harman Air Force Base, Newfoundland (3 8"x10", 1 4"x5") all stamped on back, 1 with typed caption paper taped to bottom); 1 from Mitchel Air Force Base, New York (dated 8/6/56) 3"x5", notes typed on back.; 1 in uniform at desk with typewriter. Typed under photo which is taped to paper, T/Sgt Charles R. Willeford, AF6555879, 4"x 5". Notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its.

Folder #5: 1959/60: Promotional photograph for "The Cherry Orchard" from the Poinciana Playhouse, Palm Beach with Helen Hayes, in costume. Typed note taped to back.

Folder #6: 1960-1964: 1 8"X10" portrait, 1960: holograph note on back in ink "self-portrait", note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it, "actually taken for Miami Herald while a University of Miami student." 1 8"x10" on bicycle, 1964, note from Betsy Willeford on yellow post-it "taken in Coconut Grove for teaching film used at University of Miami. 1 7" x 9" from the show "The Big Surprise. Note on yellow post it from Betsy Willeford "Charles on the Big Surprise wearing hair voodoo of some kind."

Folder #7: 1967-1972: 3 8"x10" portraits for dust jacket of The Burnt Orange Heresy. 1 7"x5" portrait for Cockfighter. Notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its.

Folder #8: 1974: Filming of Cockfighter/Born to Kill. 1 8"x10" with Warren Oates; 3 3"x3" color of filming location in Georgia; promotional flyer from New World Pictures, 18"x33" sheet folded into 3 18"x11" parts; 9 8" x 10" promotional stills from the movie Cockfighter; 1 8" by 10" of cocks fighting; 1 3 ½" x 3 ½" color photo of Willeford in the film. Notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its. ( 2 8" x 10" stills from the movie mounted on 12" x 14" cardboard outside box on shelf.)

Folder #9: ca. 1970-1979: 5"x7" in 'Miami horse country' barn doorway; 3"x4" Christmas in Haiti, 1972; 3"x4" in front of pub in Norwich, England with stepson, Steven Hooker, July, 1979. Notes by Betsy Willeford on yellow post-its.

Folder #10: 1986-1988: 1 8"x10" portrait by David Poller, 1986; 8"x10" signing Miami Blues by David Poller. 5"x7" xerox on 8 ½" x 11" paper of Sideswipe promotional photo by David Poller. 3 ½" x 3 ½" color with yellow post it note from Betsy on back "Les Hemingway, left, Charles, foreground; Ed Lewis behind him at Les & Dolores' annual July 4 party." 2 8"x10" portraits by Jimm Roberts, 1988.

Folder #11: 5 8 ½" x 11" promotional scenes from the play High Priest of California and 1 4" x 6" color photo of set. Plus 2 Playbills, 1 8 ½" x11" promotional flyer and 4 5"x 7" promotional cards for the Sanford Meisner Theater, New York. October 7-30, 1988.

Folder #12 : 1 photocopy of still from Miami Blues. Note from Betsy Willeford on blue post-it "From the scene in The Big Fish restaurant in "Miami Blues" The movie in which Freddy discovers the value of having Hoke's badge. Mike Poller & his mother Betsy Willeford look on. "

Folder #13: Unframed original art: "Citizen's Arrest", original art for the article "Citizen's Arrest" in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Riviera Beach, FL: August, 1966. Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 78-84. 6 3/4" x 7 1/4".

Folder #14: Matted three panel pen and ink sketches by EE. Mat: 7 " x 9 ½". Art: 3" x 8 ½".​

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Armed Services Records: (Originals and photocopies)

In large envelope marked "Official Records":
National Guard of the United States : Honorable Discharge : September 5, 1935. (2 copies)
Honorable Discharge from the Army of the United States: September 15, 1936. (2 copies)
Motor School Certificate of Completion: March 6, 1937.
Honorable Discharge from the Army of the United States : December 2, 1938. (2 copies)
Honorable Discharge from the Regular Army Reserve : March 13, 1939. (2 copies)
Corporal Commission : September 1, 1940.
Order To Be Sergeant : January 13, 1941.
Sergeant Commission : January 13, 1941.
Marching and Mayhem Club Certificate: nd (form dated 3/2/42)
American Defense Service Medal : February 13, 1942.
Good Conduct Medal : March 13, 1942.
Infantry School Certificate : February 23 - May 18, 1943.
Award of Silver Star : July 16, 1945.
Award of Silver Star : July 16, 1945. (2 copies)
Separation Qualification Record : November 25, 1945.
Army Of the United States Honorable Discharge : November 25, 1945 (2 copies)
Award of the Oak Leaf Cluster : July 12, 1946
Croix de Guerre 1940 by Luxembourg Government : February 21, 1947.
First Sergeant Commission : June 9, 1947.
Divorce Letter to Legal Assistance Officer : May 27, 1949.
Enlisted Record and Report of Separation. Honorable Discharge : July 11, 1949
Army of the United States Separation Qualification Record : July 28, 1949.
Honorable Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States of America : July 29, 1949. (2 copies)
Honorable Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States of America : July 29, 1949.
Laminated card, 3 1/4 x 2 1/2.
Certificate of Enlistment : nd (Last date November 25, 1949.) (2 copies)
Francis E. Warren Air Force Base Certificate of Proficiency : February 21, 1950.
Technical Sergeant Commission : April 7, 1950.
Commendation : November 22, 1950.
Special Orders Number 7 : January 10, 1951. With note attached.
Application for Appointment as Temporary Warrant Officer : April 0, 1953.
Parks Air Force Base Special Orders Number 201 : August 28, 1953.
Report of Separation : September 4, 1953. (2 copies)
Honorable Discharge Air Force : September 4. 1953.
Enlistment Form : January 28, 1954.
Loyalty Certificate : January 28, 1954.
Assignment statement : January 28, 1954.
Application for Identification Card : February 1, 1954.
Statement of Personal History : March 21, 1954.
Application for Military Dependent Identification Card : April 13, 1954.
Special Orders Number 87 : April 26, 1954.
Airman Proficiency Tests : May 4, 1954.
Personnel Actions Memorandum 73 : May 8, 1954.
Application for Retirement : June 18, 1954. (2 copies)
Special Orders Number 12 : October 26, 1954.
Personnel Actions Memorandums Number 170 : November 8, 1954.
Personnel Actions Memorandums Number 155 : September 9, 1955.
Personnel Actions Memorandums Number 185 : November 2, 1955. (2 copies)
Special Orders Number 241 : November 8, 1955.
Application for Identification Card : January 12, 1956.
Personnel Actions Memorandum Number 14 : January 20, 1956.
Personal Affairs Statement : February 1, 1954 - June 11, 1956.
State of California Military Department Statement of Service : July 9, 1956.
Special Orders Number 169 : July 20, 1965. (2 copies)
Evaluation of Crew Training Air Force Base Newspapers : August 10, 1956.
Personal Clothing Record : September 13, 1956.
Temporary Duty : September 15, 1956.
Base Newspaper Award : October 9, 1956.
Department of the Air Force Special Orders Number 215 : November 2, 1956. (14 copies, stapled)
Certificate of Retirement : November 30, 1956.
Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge : November 30, 1956.
Special Orders Number 251 : December 26, 1956. (7 copies, stapled)
Retiree Inquiry Data : November 8, 1966.
Retirement Order : February 2, 1968.
Letter from Stephen Hooker to Betsy with Arlington information: October 27, 1987.

Consolidated List Of Organizations Designated by the Attorney General.
2 forms not filled out (Application for Retirement and Information Sheet)
Letter of Appreciation from Harmon Air Force Base. (2 copies)
Application for Eugene F. Saxton Fellowship. Empty Manila (12 x 9) envelope.
Department of the Air Force letter. Dear Retired Member.

Book Jackets and Covers.
The Burnt Orange Heresy (Black Lizard)
Cockfighter (Black Lizard)
High Priest of California (Royal Giant) photocopy
Miami Blues (Dell)
Miami Blues (Futura)
New Forms of Ugly (McMillan)
New Hope for the Dead (Dell)
New Hope for the Dead (Futura)
Pick-up (Black Lizard)
Sideswipe (Gollancz)
Sideswipe (Ballantine)
The Way We Die Now(Ballantine)

The Carrell.
Journal of the Friends of the University of Miami Library. 1986, 1992, each with covers by Laurence Donovan, artist for the cover of Cockfighter Journal.

Didion, Joan.
"On Keeping a Notebook" from Slouching Towards Bethlehem torn from a book, The Search For Self.

Holograph note to Les Standiford on 3"x4" blue note paper with charles willeford printed across top. "Les - We've got to get in more women writers too - this Didion essay is a good one. Look for some others. Chas.

Florida Suncoast Writers' Conference.
Flyer for the 1986 conference. Willeford was a participating author. 18"x 16"sheet folded into 8 9"x 4" panels.

John D. MacDonald Award.
Wood plaque (8"x10") "The John D. Macdonald Award for Excellence in Florida Fiction Presented to Charles Willeford. The J.D.M. Bibliophile. October 24, 1999. Sarasota, Florida"

Citation in 9 ½" x12" folder: "Citation for Charles Willeford. Master of the commonplace, Creator of Hoke Mosely [sic], the most unheroic investigator who ever shambled across the pages of a mystery novel, Charles Willeford richly deserves the posthumous recognition we are giving him today. Hoke was a good cop in Miami, a place where it is very hard to be a good cop. But, as Donald Westlake recently wrote, 'Willeford's experience of his life led him to a certain attitude toward the world and his place in it, and this attitude, ironic without meanness, comic but deeply caring, informed every book he ever wrote ...,' and Hoke Mosely [sic] embodied this attitude. We wish Charles Willeford could have lived a few years longer, so he could write about a dozen more books about him."

Key West Literary Seminar.
Letters: Les Standiford : April 25, 1987, December 2, 1987.
Flyer: Tennessee William in Key West Literary Seminar & Festival, January 9-12, 1986.
Flyer: Writers & Key West. January 15-18, 1987.
Promotional sheet: Key West Literary Seminar on Mystery Literature, January 14-17, 1988. Willeford was a panelist.
Council For Florida Libraries Newsbrief. Fall, 87. Promotional piece on 1988 seminar.

Marin Junior College Extension Classes.
Certificate for completion of Poetry Writing Extension Class. June 19, 1950.

Membership and business cards:
Air Force Sergeants Association (1979)
Author's Guild, Inc. (3 cards: 1978, 1979, 1980)
Mystery Writers of America, Inc. Membership #809. (10 cards: 1976-1988)
Tamiami Range and Gun Shop Range ID Card. #12695. No date.
David McDowell :2 business cards. Crown Publishers, senior editor.

Poller, Betsy.
"Jake the Blake's Between-Snack Meal" in The Coral Gables Times. Coral Gables, FL: October 28, 1965. Cut from paper.
"The Ordeal of Widow Blake" , no source, no date. Cut from paper.
Three short pieces by Poller. (Betsy Willeford)
Current, Eleuthera, Bahamas: Between the picturesque village... (1st line)
Road, house by the side of.
Exciting times. (Holograph editing by C. Willeford?)

Vita and Dateline.
Vita: two yellow legal size pages torn from tablet in holograph pencil.
Dateline: compiled by Betsy Willeford in 1999.

The Yanqui and the Senorita.
Program from play presented during Old Spanish Days in Santa Barbara. August 7-9, ????.
Willeford is cast as an American Soldier.​

Last modified: 3/10/2020

"The New Historian Arrives" in Air Force Magazine. Feb. 1955. Page torn from magazine.
"Citizen's Arrest" in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Riviera Beach, FL: August, 1966.
Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 78-84. 2 copies.
"Some Lucky License" in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Riviera Beach, FL: August 1965, Vol. 10, No.8, pp. 82-93.
"A Genuine Alectryomancer" in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Riviera Beach, FL: February, 1959. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 21-33. 3 copies in magazine and 1 torn out with corrections in blue pencil.
"Conversation 'Con Carne' (a short-story)" in The American Scene: A Compendium of American Ideas. Washington, D.C. : American Press, July/Sept. 1950. Pp. 5-6.
"Chester Himes and His Novels of Absurdity" in American Visions: The Magazine of Afro- American Culture. Washington, D.C.: The Visions Foundation, August, 1988. Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 43-44.
"Ever Since Just Now" in The Bajan. Bridgetown, Barbados: Carib Publicity Co., October, 1958. Vol. 6, No. 2, p. 23.
"The Christmas Sporophyte" in Beachcomber. Lake Worth, FL: Palm Beach Junior College, December 17, 1959. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 10-11. 2 copies.
"What Tanks Can and Can't Do" in Combat Forces Journal. April, 1951. Photocopy of two pages torn from magazine.
"A Reflection on Retirement" in Combat Forces Journal. Washington, D.C.: Association of the United States Army, August, 1952. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 39-40. 2 copies.
"From Cockfighter to Born to Kill" in Film Quarterly. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, Fall, 1975. Vol. XXIV, No. 1, pp. 20-24.
"Checking Out" in Florida Magazine. Orlando, FL: The Orlando Sentinel, June 7, 1987. Vol. 34, No. 23, p. 33. 2 copies, plus 2 photocopies of page.
"Give the Man a Cigar" in Florida Magazine. Orlando, FL: The Orlando Sentinel, August 16, 1987. Vol. 34, No. 33, pp. 18-20. 2 copies.
"Sentences" in Florida Magazine. Orlando, FL: The Orlando Sentinel, June 7, 1987. Vol. 34, No. 23, p. 31. 3 copies.
"The Sin of Integrity" in The Gent. 3 pages torn from magazine, no date.
"The Little Giant Grenade Sling M-1." in Infantry Journal. Torn from May, 1949 issue, pp. 45-46.
"Nowhere for a Gone Cat" in Man About Town. Chattanooga, Tenn.: The American Bureau of News, June/July, 1967. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 22-23.
"The Anxious Young Man" (by Jacob Blake) in Media: Literary Magazine of Palm Beach Junior College. Palm Beach, FL: Spring, 1961. Vol. 5, pp. 18-19.
"The Blackjack Tree" in Media: Literary Magazine of Palm Beach Junior College. Palm Beach, FL: Spring, 1961. Vol. 5, p.30. (Missing, cut out of magazine)
"End as a Nihilist" in Media: Literary Magazine of Palm Beach Junior College. Palm Beach, FL: Spring, 1961. Vol. 5, pp 8-9.
"A Letter to A. A. (almost anybody)" in Media: Literary Magazine Of Palm Beach Junior College. Palm Beach, FL : Spring, 1960. Vol. 4, pp. 4-6.
"A Letter to A. A. (almost anybody)" in Media: Literary Magazine Of Palm Beach Junior College. Palm Beach, FL : Spring, 1966. Vol.10, pp. 42-47.
"Residual" (poem) in Media: Literary Magazine Of Palm Beach Junior College. Palm Beach, FL : Spring, 1960. Vol. 4, p.14.
"Chagrin Falls Power!" in The Miami Herald. Miami, Fl: Sunday, March 3, 1974. pp.1K, 9K.
"Clothes don't make the man (thin)" (Kendall Neighbors) in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: January 22, 1978. p. 9.
"Cockfighter: Novelist Turns His Book Into Screenplay-and Learns Some Tricks in the Process" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: July 2, 1974. pp. 1H, 7H. Torn from paper.
"Dadeland: You can't get there from here" (Kendall Neighbors) in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: November 13, 1977. p. 13.
"Hammett's San Francisco: On the Trail of Sam Spade" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: nd. pp.1J, 5J. Cut from paper.
"I Was Looking for a Street" excerpt in The Miami Herald ? June 27, 198? (Title missing). Cut from paper, not complete.
"Neither Sex Has Corner on Deceit" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: April 21, 1979. pp. 1D, 3D. Cut from paper.

"New Branch Library: the sooner the better" (Kendall Neighbors) in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: November 10, 1977. p. 17.
"On the Bridge to Nowhere" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: May 27, 1973. pp. 1F, 10F. Cut from paper.
"Parking Puts You in Your Place...Maybe" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: August 4, 1974. pp. 1F, 7F.
"Pistol-Packing Pickup Left Him Panting" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: May 16, 1976. pp. 1G, 8G. Cut from paper.
"Pornography: The Chaff and the Wheat" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: July 19, 1964. p. 7J. Cut from paper.
"Telling a Book By Its Cover.... and Its Color" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: nd. Cut from paper.
"The 30-Day Ashtray" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: November 7, 1976. pp. 1K, 11K. Cut from paper.
"To Avoid Fear and Loathing on Rainy Days, Read On" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: June 5, 1976. pp. 1D,3D. Cut from paper.
"U-Pick's fun, but it is not always cheap" (Kendall Neighbors) in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: December 15, 1977. p. 22.
"Will Smirt, Purveyor of Villainous Names" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: December 14, 1975. pp 1E, 6E.
"Cafeteria Expose: That check says a mouthful or The Unhappy Plight of Luis Rodriquez" in The Miami News. Miami, FL: February 9, 1979. Cut from paper.
"Everything will probably be all right in Miami" in The Miami News. Miami, FL: December 18, 1971. p. 12A. Cut from paper.
"Think freely about cheap food and shelter" in The Miami News. Miami, FL: February 18, 1981. pp. 1C, 2C. Cut from paper.
"Up in Smoke" in The Miami News. Miami, FL: April 8, 1981. pp. 1B, 2B. Cut from paper.
"Writing As an Art" in Mystery Scene #15. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Mystery Enterprises, nd. pp. 6-7.
"Author Claims Wives Overfeed Husbands as a Deliberate Act of Aggression" in The National Enquirer. Lantana, FL: September 10, 1972. p. 7.
"Pacemaking" in The Panhandler: a Regional Journal. University of West Florida. Pensacola, FL: 1979. Number 6, p.37. (2 copies, page torn from one copy)
"The Machine in Ward Eleven" in Playboy Magazine. Chicago, IL: March, 1961. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 44-46, 98,102-109. Also: Photo and blurb in "Playbill", p. 1. "What Book Covers Tell You" in Publisher's Weekly. New York: R.R. Bowker, June 13, 1986. Vol. 229, No. 24, p. 76. "One More Shirley Temple" in Saturday Review. New York: Saturday Review, Inc., May 9, 1964. pp. 10. "An Actor Prepares" in Savannah Magazine. Savannah, Ga: Earl Stock Productions, November, 1977. Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 21-22. "A Matter of Taste" in Savannah Magazine. Savannah, Ga.: Earl Stock Productions, November/December, 1978. Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 40-41. (2 copies, one torn from book) "The Nice White Cat: An Amusing Allegory" in Savannah Magazine. Savannah, Ga.: Earl Stock Productions, June, 1978. Vol. 9, No. 12, pp.22-23. "Windows" . Savannah Magazine. Savannah, GA: August, 1977. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 14-15. (torn from magazine) "How I learned Survival in the Age of Aquarius". Southwind. Spring, 1970. pp. 29-31. 2 copies torn from magazine. "Proof Reading" (poem) in Southwind Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami-Dade Junior College, Winter, 1973. Vol 7, No.2, p. 39. "A Scenario for Mr. Bigelow" in Southwind Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami-Dade Junior College, Spring, 1968. Vol 2, No.3, pp. 12-22. 2 copies. "Burning One's Bridges to the Past" in Sports Illustrated. New York: Time, Inc., May 7, 1973. Vol. 38, No. 18, pp. 85-89. Plus: Profile of Willeford on p. 5, "Letter from the Publisher". )2 copies) "The Diagnosis" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., January 27, 1985. p. 21. Back to Top "The Gardener and the Princess: It could only happen here" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., April 19, 1981. p. 24. "He Has Seen the Future and It Is Crowded" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., August 16, 1981. (2 copies, one torn from magazine.) "How To Be Single and Enjoy the Depression" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., July 20, 1975. Vol. 9, No.29, pp. 8-9. "How Warren and Lee College Came to Florida Instead of Some Kooky Town in Southern California (Where it Belongs)" Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., November 19, 1967. Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 42-43. 3 copies, torn from magazine and stapled on to front and back cover. "Island Out of the Mainstream" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., May 4, 1975. Vol. 9, No. 18, p. 33. (Sunspots) "The Mad 'Mad' World of Don Martin" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., June 4, 1972. Vol. 6, No. 23, pp. 32-35. "On the Trail With Dixie Webb" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., April 23, 1972. Vol. 6, No. 17, pp. 20-26. "The Park Where Sex Was Forbidden" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., November 24, 1974. Vol. 8, No. 47, pp. 36-37. (Sunspots) "The Party" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., July 11, 1982, pp. 6-7. (2 copies) "Requiem For a Bantamweight" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., August 13, 1972. Vol.6, No. 33, pp. 20-25, 32. "Rolling with the Punches at 14" in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., October 20, 1974. Vol. 8, No. 42, pp. 30-36, 47-48. "Characteristics of Gadgetry". Writer's Digest. Cincinnati, Ohio: May, 1959. Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 40-41. "The Trouble With Titles" in Writer's Digest. Cincinnati, Ohio: F.& W. Publishing Corp., May, 1958. Vol. 38, No. 6, pp 17-18. 2 copies. "The Man Who Loved Ann Landers". Zantia: Stories and Poems by the Over-Sixty. Annapolis, MD: nd. pp. 6-11. 4 pages, torn from issue, stapled and 4 page photocopy, paper clip removed. "Mandible Tree" (poem) in Zantia: Stories and Poems by the Over-Sixty. Annapolis, MD: Winter, 1979. Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 13. (2 copies, one with holograph corrections in pencil. Also: photocopy with note to Vic (Vic Eber) in ink. Source and date missing: "Filling time on a cheapskate's budget". "Mailbag" letter.​

Last modified: 3/10/2020

"Quiz Whiz" in Air Force Times. September 29, 1956. Cut from paper.
"The Black Mass of Brother Willeford" by William Robert Bittner from Acadia University Archives. Unpublished. 7 typed leaves, 1 typed note from Betsy Willeford.
"Blood and Feathers in the Gallant South" by Phil Garner, photographs by Steve Deal in The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine. Atlanta, Georgia: Atlanta Newspapers, Inc., June 9, 1974. Pp. 14-23. Cover story blurb on p. 7. 2 copies.
"One of the Great Ones: What I Unearthed About Charles Willeford" by Jesse Sublett in The Austin Chronicle. Austin, Texas: November 6, 1998. pp. 38-41. Torn from paper. Yellow post-it note from Betsy Willeford, "hyperventilating writing style, but a clear description of Deliver Me from Dallas morphing into Whip Hand."
"The Prole Inside Me" by Mike Newirth in The Baffler. Nd, No. 12. Pp 94-95. Photocopy.
"Poet of Noir: A New Biography Fills in the Gaps in the Life of Writer Charles Willeford" by Dick Adler in The Chicago Tribune. Chicago, IL: March 15, 1998.
"Willeford: zone dangereuse" by Sylvaine Pasquier in L'Express International. September 15, 1989. No. 1992, p. 60.
"Charles Willeford: Miami Blues" by David Toop in The Face. London: Paril, 1987. No. 84, pp. 76-81.
"Collecting Charles Willeford" by Don Herron. Typescript of article in Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine. Tucson, Arizona: Firsts Magazine, Inc., June, 1998. Vol. 8, No. 6.
Herron, Don. "Collecting Charles Willeford." Firsts: the book collector's magazine. Tucson, Arizona: June 1998. Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 36-45. (Photocopy)
Millikin, Patrick. "Through the past, darkly: Dennis McMillan Publications." Firsts: the book collector's magazine. Tucson, Arizona: June 1999. Vol. 9, No. 6, pp 26-39. (Photocopy)
"The Scene of the Crimes" by Nancy Pate in Florida Magazine. Orlando, FL: The Orlando Sentinel, April 24, 1988. Vol. 35, No. 17, pp. 8-15.
"Charles Willeford: New Hope for the Living" by Lou Stathis. Introduction to RE/Search reprint of The High Priest of California/Wild Wives. 1987. Proof.
"Burger Column 'tongue-in-cheek'. (Letters) in The Miami Herald. Nd.
"Get on Board - Contribute" by Jim Dance in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: December 30, 1982. p. 7B. "Glory! It's Recorrection Day" by Jim Dance in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: December 9, 1982. p. 15B.
"Has Willeford Ever Considered taking the bus to Dadeland?" (Letters) in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: November 20, 1977. p. 12.
"Her List: Miami's Sexiest" by Betsy Poller in The Miami Herald. Miami, Fl: May 20, 1975. p. 1D.
"Miami Book Fair" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: November 8, 1987. p. 9K
"Please give us more of Willeford's wit." (Letters) in The Miami Herald. Nd.
"The South Florida Reader" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: February 8, 1987. p. 7D.
"The South Florida Reader" in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: April 26, 1987. p 6C.
"That Burger King review was 'tasteless'" (Letters) in The Miami Herald. Miami, FL: November 6, 1977. p. 9.
"Ins & Out" Column by Ruth Cook in The Miami News. Miami, FL: January 2, 1985. Cut from Paper. Photocopy.
"A Little Newsboy Who Took on a Power That Was" by Jack Kassewitz in The Miami News. Miami, FL: October 6, 1979. p. 13 A. Cut from paper.
"The Muse and Sergeant Willeford" by John Keasler in The Miami News. Miami, FL : December 14, 1971. Cut from paper.
"A Successful Novelist Loses His BS Touch" by John Keasler in The Miami News. Miami, FL: January 27, 1987. Photocopy.
"The World's First Upside-Down Interview With a Novelist" by John Keasler in The Miami News. Miami, FL: April 19, 1984. Pp. 11A. Cut from paper. (5 copies)
"Recognition at Last: Willeford signs hard/soft for $225,000" in Mystery Scene #10. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Mystery Enterprises, nd. p. 3. Photocopy.
"What's New in Paper" by Jo Ann Vicarel in Mystery Scene #16.Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Mystery Enterprises, 1987. p. 13.

"Mysteries of the Writing Life: best-selling crime novelist has lived and seen it all" by Ron Hayes in The News-Journal. Daytona Beach, FL: October 11, 1986. Photocopy.
"Books Column" (unsigned, by William Bittner) in Nugget: The Man's World. New York: Nugget Magazine, October, 1959. Pp. 4-6.
"Interview: Odyssey Interview: Charles Willeford" by Nina Smith in Odyssey. Miami, FL: Miami Dade Community College, South Campus, 1982. Vol. II, No. II, pp. 18-23.
"Destination Unknown" by Brian Rainville in The Olympian. November 6, 1992, p. 7. Cut from paper.
"Scared, but of what?" by Floyd Skloot in The Oregonian. July 19, 1998. Cut from paper.
"Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine: Ice No Dice, Fun In Sun - Offices Moved to Riviera" by Jack Thompson in Palm Beach Post-Times. April 9, 1961. p. 2. Cut from paper.
"For Fans of the Hard-Boiled, It's Black Lizard" in Publisher's Weekly. New York: R.R. Bowker Company, January 15, 1988. p. 70.
"PW Interviews: Charles Willeford" edited by Sybil Steinberg in Publisher's Weekly. New York: R.R. Bowker Company, February 6, 1987. Vol. 231, No. 5, pp. 788-79.
"Rights" by Paul Nathan in Publisher's Weekly. New York: R.R. Bowker Company, May 29, 1987. p. 38.
Willeford posed for the illustration in Redbook: The Magazine for Young Adults. Dayton, Ohio: McCall Corp., August, 1957. Vol. 109, No. 4, p 48.
"Willeford by Don Herron" by Jason Starr in The Richmond Review. Nd.
"AWVS Servicemen's Lounge to be Cheerful with Christmas Spirit" in Santa Barbara News-Press. Santa Barbara, California: December 23. 1951.
"Mary Hooker Becomes Bride of M-Sgt. C.R. Willeford III" in Santa Barbara News Press. Nd. Cut from paper.
"Three Men on a Horse has Experienced Cast" in Santa Barbara News-Press. Nd. Cut from paper.
Title missing. Sight and Sound. Nd. p. 5. Fragment.
"Successful Author Talks of Life" by Saunda Bentley in The South Dade News Leader. November 30, 1971. Cut from paper.
"The Burnt Orange Heresy" reviewed by Joan Cronin in " Southwind Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami-Dade Junior College, Fall, 1971. Vol 6, No.1, p. 38. Also: Caricature of Willeford by William Nagle inside front cover.
"The Making of "Cockfighter" by Paul R. Zipp in Southwind Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami-Dade Junior College, Fall, 1974. Vol 9, No.1, pp. 36-37.
"Crime Finally Pays: Charles Willeford, Cult Novelist, Returns to the Bookstands." by Josh Moroz in Spin. New York: Spin Publications, June, 1987. Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 17.
"It Seems to me..." by Paul M. Bruun II in The Sun-Reporter. December 26, 1971, p. 25. Cut from paper.
"Breaking the Laws of Crime Fiction" by Chauncey Mabe in The Sun-Sentinel. Fort Lauderdale, FL: January 17, 1988. Section F, pp 1,5. Photocopy, one column missing.
Burchfield, Thomas. "Charles Willeford: Hard-Boiled Absurdist." Swing Time. #11, Winter 98/99. Signed by Burchfield, 1/20/99. Photocopy, 2 pages.
"MWA in Print" edited by Ed and Pat Hoch in The Third Degree. New York: Mystery Writers of America , January 1987. p.6.
"New Hope for the Dead" by John Conquest in Time Out. March 2-9, 1988. p. 23.
"Something to Write Home About" by William K. Robertson in Tropic: The Miami Herald Sunday Magazine. Miami, FL: Miami Herald Publishing Co., November 1, 1987. p. 9.
"The Pope of Psychopulp: Charles Ray Willeford's Unholy Rites" by Richard Gehr in The Village Voice Literary Supplement. New York: The Village Voice, March, 1989. No. 72, pp 30-31.

Unpublished, or source and date missing:
"The Antinomies of Charles Willeford: Pulp Publication versus the Novel, Television versus Film" by Douglas Levin. Paper presented at the New England Modern Language Association conference, April 20, 1996. Typescript, 11 leaves, stapled.
"Charles Ray Willeford, III (2 January 1919 - 27 March 1988) by Douglas Levin. 26 typescript leaves.
"Words Spoken at the Willeford Festival" by Douglas Levin. 6 typescript leaves and 5 e-mail leaves edited by Betsy Willeford.
"Don't Blame Beatniks for Phonies, Says Bittner" by Margedd Paulett.
"Introduction to Charles Willeford" by Don Herron.
"Journey to the End of the Night: Charles Willeford's rogue's gallery of narcissism" by Ralph Rugoff.
"A Neglected Writer's Moment in the Sun" by Michael Skube. . .
"Pupil's Book Wins Prize."
"Two PBJC Students Win Tourney Awards".

Articles: Willeford's death:
" The Man Who Died in Time" by Phil Patton in Esquire. September, 1990. p 120. (Torn from magazine) Plus 7" x 10" illustration from article.
"Friends Mourn Novelist Charles Willeford" by Heather Dewar in The Miami News. Miami, FL.: March 28, 1988. pp. 1A-6A. And: Mystery Scene #15. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Mystery Enterprises, nd. pp. 3-5.
"Here's to Charles Willeford" by Richard H. Rosichan in The Miami News. Miami, FL: nd. (In The People Speak column.)
"Willeford, and memories of laughter" by John Keasler in The Miami News. Miami, FL: March 29, 1988. p 13A. And: Mystery Scene # 15. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Mystery Enterprises, nd. pp. 5-6.
"Willeford, a pro at the Miami Beat" by Robert Wilson in USA Today. No date.
Typescript quote from Donald Westlake. No source or date.​

Last modified: 5/22/2018

The Burnt Orange Heresy.
Tropic Magazine, December 19, 1971. Fred Shaw.

Miami Herald, April 24, 1972. Janet Chusmir. (Mention of publication)
Miami Herald, nd. Beatrice Washburn.

Cockfig​hter (the movie).
GQ. July ?
Sight and Sound. Autumn, 1974.
?. May 30, 1975. Mack.

The Difference.
Tucson Weekly, August 12-18, 1999. Jim Carvalho.

The High Priest of California.
Afterword in Re/Search reprint by V. Vale and Andrea Juno.

I Was Looking for a Street.
AP Wire Service. Nd. Phil Thomas.
Booklist. September 15, 1988 (2 reviews); January 15, 1989.
The Book Reader (Nov.-Dec)
Countryman Press Promotional sheet with quotes.
Fessenden Review (?) Number Thirteen.
Miami Herald, November 6, 1988. Felicia Gressette.
Miami Today, December 8, 1988.
The Muncie Star, December 4, 1988. Bill Spurgeon.
The News-Observer, December 25, 1988. Matt Schudel.
Orlando Sentinel. September 18, 1988. Nancy Pate.
Statesboro Herald (Georgia), October 29-30, 1988. Richard Langford.
Wichita Eagle-Beacon, December 18, 1988. Denney Clements.

Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.
3 typescript quotes from Howard Browne, James Crumley, Bill Pronzini.

Machine in Ward Eleven in Playboy Books of Horror and the Supernatural.
Miami Herald. July 9, 1967. Fred Shaw.

Miami Blues.
City Limits. July, 1985.
Dallas Times Herald. March 25, 1984. Gary Shultz.
Detroit News. June 6, 1984. Cryptus.
Figaro Magazine. September 9, 1989.
Houston Chronicle. April 8, 1984.
Los Angeles Times. June 10, 1984. Nick B. Williams.
New Musical Express. November 23, 1985.
New Yorker. April 23, 1984.
Newsday. March 4, 1984.
Ocala Star-Banner. March 18, 1984.
Philadelphia Inquirer. May 27, 1984. Ken Tucker.
Plain Dealer. August 5, 1984. Marilyn Stasio.
Publisher's Weekly. Nd.
Single. August, 1984. Ed Hirshberg.
Sun-Sentinel. January 28, 1996. Oline H. Cogdill.
Time out. July, 1985. Chris Petit ; October, 1985.
? . September 2, 1984. Newgate Callendar.

Miami Blues (the movie).
Los Angeles Times. March 27, 1994. Ann Hornaday.
Miami Herald. December 1, 1988. Juan Carlos Coto.
Miami News. November 25, 1988. Scott Eyman.
New Yorker. April 23, 1990. Terrence Rafferty.
Orlando Sentinel. September 18, 1988. Nancy Pate.
?. Nd. Bill von Maurer.

New Hope for the Dead.
Booklist. December 1 1985.
Daily News. January 12, 1986. Robert McCormick.
DAPA - EM. 69-2. p.3
Houston Chronicle. December 22, 1985. Jim Barlow.
Impact/Albuquerque Journal Magazine. March 4, 1986. Tony Hillerman.
Miami Herald. March 16, 1986. Marilyn Stasio.
Miami News. February 8, 1986. Gene Williams
Mystery News. November/December, 1985.
New Yorker. December 30, 1985.
Newsday. December 15, 1985. Bob Wiemer.
Publisher's Weekly. October 25, 1985.
San Jose Mercury News. December 29, 1985. Paul Skenazy.
Staten Island Sunday Advance. December 25, 1985.
Sun-Sentinel. January 28, 1996. Oline H. Cogdill.
USA Today. December 27, 1985. James Kaufmann.

Undated paper with teacher corrections. "New Hope for the Dead by Charles Willeford: Transcending the Plot." Nd. Peter Hargitai.

Miami Herald, May 17, 1987. Clarence Peterson.

Proletarian Laughter.
The Span. Volume 6, Number 2 & 3, 1948. Joseph Hoffman.

The Shark-Infested Custard.
Miami Herald, June 6, 1993. Les Standiford.

bbC Radio Review. March 15, 1988. Paul Vaughan.
Bolton Evening News. March 31, 1988.
Book World. March 15, 1987. David Nicholson.
Bookseller. March 4, 1988. (Ad)
Brighton Evening Argus. September 9, 1988.
Christian Science Monitor. April 3, 1987. Jane Steward Spitzer.
City Limits. April 14, 1988.
Crime Fiction Catalogue. Winter, 1988.
Evening Express. September 9, 1988.
London Review of books. April 21, 1988.
Miami Herald. June 21, 1987. Marilyn Stasio.
New Statesman. Nd.
New York Times Book Review. August 2, 1987. Marilyn Stasio.
New Yorker. February 23, 1987.
Oxford Times. April 22, 1988. Stephen Walsh.
Publisher's Weekly. December 12, 1986.
Publishing News. January 29, 1988. Henrietta Fordham.
Punch. April 8, 1988. Christopher Pym.
Punch. April 15, 1988. Jane McLoughlin.
San Diego Union. February 15, 1987. Robert Wade. (Annotated by friend, Elmer Canavin)
Sunday Times. April 24, 1988. John Coleman.
Sun-Sentinel. February 22, 1987. Chauncey Mabe.
Time Out. April 20, 1988.
The Village Voice Literary Supplement. February 24, 1987.
Washington Times. June 1, 1987.
Plus: 2 unidentified articles.

Something About a Soldier.
Baker & Taylor's Forecast. August, 1986.
DAPA-EM 71:1. p. 4.
Kirkus Reviews. February 15, 1986.
New Yorker. July 7, 1986.
The News and Observer. (Nd) Dennis Rogers.
St. Petersburg Times. April 30, 1986. James Kaufmann.
Tribune. May 23, 1986. Jack Reber.

The Way We Die Now.
Baker & Taylor's Forecast. May, 1988.
Book World. May 15, 1988. Paul Piazza.
Chattanooga News-Free Press. June 19, 1988. Bob Steel.
Chicago Tribune. March 27, 1988. Mike Kiley.
Christian Science Monitor. May 18, 1988. Jane Stewart Spitzer.
Cincinnati Post. April 21, 1988. Bob Hahn.
Detroit News. May 24, 1988. Cryptus.
The Face. January, 1989.
Flint Journal. June 26, 1988. Forsmark.
Houston Post. April 3, 1988. Allan C. Kimball.
Kansas City Star. May 22, 1988. Marilyn Stasio.
Los Angeles Times Book Review. April 10, 1988. Charles Champlin.
Miami Herald. April 03, 1988. William Robertson.
Miami News. May 20, 1988. Daisey Harris.
New York Magazine. May 2, 1988.
Observer. April 16, 1989. Philip Oakes.
Ocala Star Banner. May 15, 1988.
Publisher's Weekly. March 11, 1988.
Review. May 8, 1988. Kate Regan.
The Scotsman. May 13, 1989. George Duthie.
Sunday Times. March 26, 1989. John Coleman.
The Standard. April 20, 1989. Jane Mays.
Statesboro Herald. April 30-May 1, 1988 Richard Langford.
Tampa Tribune Times. May 8, 1988. Steve Garbarino.
Time Magazine. August 8, 1988. William A. Henry III.
Time Out. April 19-26, 1989. Brian Case.
The Times. May 20, 1989, Marcel Berlins.
Times Record News. May 7-8, 1988. Robert Medley.
Toledo Blade. September 4, 1988. Mike Jones.
Tribune. June 30, 1989. Jon Eric Lewis.
De Volkskrant. June 3, 1989.
Washington Post Book World. May 15, 1988.
Wichita Eagle-Beacon. May 1, 1988. Gaylord Dold.
Yorkshire Post. May 4, 1989. Michael Hickling.
???? Reviews. June/July, 1988. William S. Forshaw.

The Woman Chaser
Rara-Avis. 1997. Mario Taboada.​

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The Chicago Jewish Forum: A National Quarterly.
Spring, 1959. Pp. 180-181.
Winter, 1960-61. Pp. 174-175.
Summer, 1961. Pp. 347-348.

JDM Bibliophile.
#23, January 1979.
#25, January 1980.

The Miami Herald.
Reviews clipped from paper, all 1976. 17 reviews.
Reviews clipped from paper. 1982-1988. 46 reviews.
Computer printouts, 1982-1987. 32 reviews.
Photocopy of article. 1982. 1 review.

Mystery Scene.
4 reviews, #13. Photocopy.
5 reviews, #10. Photocopy.
3 reviews, #9. Photocopy.

New York Times Book Review.
1 review. 11/1/87.

News and Observer (Raleigh, N.C.)
1 review. 5/31/87.

Unpublished Format.
Apostolou and Greenberg, eds. Murder in Japan.
Burke. The Lost Get-Back Boogie.
Burns. Suicide Season.
Hall. Under Cover of Daylight.
Kennealy. Polo Solo.
King. Misery.
The Mask Boys. December ? Photocopy, 3 leaves.
Murray. When the Fat Man Sings.
Oster, Nowhere Man. (2 copies)
The al. Nov. 1976 column. Carbon copy, 3 leaves.
Untitled: Undated: Photocopy, 4 leaves.
Vachss. Strega.

Burns. Strip Search
Good Behavior. Nd. Yellow legal size paper, 2 leaves.
Colloquium on Crime. Nd. Yellow legal size paper, 2 leaves.
Minahan. The Great Diamond Robbery.​

Last modified: 5/22/2018

The Village Post: South Miami, FL:

Full issues: October, 1963 - November 17, 1973.

Folder of 40 "Dropping Names" columns torn from paper: most have no dates.

Promotional Pieces.
Belmont Books, 1963. June Releases. 4 pages.
Book & Books. 3 postcards for Something About a Soldier reception, May 2, [1986].
Bookworks, Coral Gables: 2 postcards for New Hope for the Dead reception, January 11, 1986; 2 "Hot Lead" cards for The Way We Die Now reception April 2, [1988].
Creative Arts Book Company Catalog, Spring 1986.
Creative Arts Book Company Catalog, Spring 1987.
Creative Arts Book Company Catalog, Spring 1989. 2 copies.
Dell Mass Market Mysteries, December, 1995, Jan. 1996, March, 1996.
Dell Publishing Catalog, May 1996.
Gollancz Spring Books. 1988.
Miami Actor's Studio. Flyer for reading of High Priest of California. May 1,2,3, [198?]
Lust is a Woman. PC Design postcard, 1995.
2 PC Design Postcards bookmark.
Pegasus Rex Press: 1 letter, two flyers for Off the Wall.
Random House Spring Books. 1986; 1988.
St. Martin's Press: Critical Acclaim for Charles Willeford. 4 pages (one missing?)
Tangled Web UK Crime & Mystery Fiction Database


SCRAPBOOK: Orange, gold stamped paper, two holes, tied with cord, 12" x 14". 56 pages with clippings, reviews and letters taped and glued on. 14 blank pages. 25 clippings and reviews not attached (now in separate envelope). Removed note from Betsy Willeford taped to front with 3 pieces of 1 inch blue tape. "Mostly clips, reviews & letters about Burnt Orange Heresy, some about Cockfighter & .... Soldier. Note esp. the messages form John Fowles, V. Nabokov, George P. Elliott, Don Justice, James B. Hall and naturally, perversely, Larry King (before he became a household word)."​

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Alfred Hitchcock's No Harm Undone. Edited by Cathleen Jordan. New York: Davis Publications, 1985. pp. 110-123 "The Alectryomancer."

Ainsi va la mort. (The Way We Die Now) Traduit de l'americain par Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Collections dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/noir, 1995.

Auch die Toten durfen hoffen: Polizeiroman. (New Hope for the Dead) Ubersetzt von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfurt/M: Ullstein Krimi, 1988.

Auch die Toten durfen hoffen: Der zweite Hoke Moseley-Fall. (New Hope for the Dead) Deutsch von Rainer Schmidt. Mit einem Nachruf von Frank Gohre. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1994.

The Bedside Phoenix Nest: 21 Nights with America's Humorists. Edited by Martin Levin. New York: Ives Washburn, Inc., 1965. pp. 342-343. "One More Shirley Temple."

The Big Book of Noir. Edited by Lee Server, Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1998. pp. 313-316. "Charles Willeford: an interview" by Sybil Steinberg.

Bis uns der Tod verbindet. (The Way We Die Now) Ubersetzt von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfurt/M, Germany: Ullstein Kriminalroman, 1990.( 2 copies)

The Burnt Orange Heresy: a novel. New York: Crown Publishers, 1971.

The Burnt Orange Heresy. Berkeley, CA : Black Lizard Books, 1987.

Campus Cooking Credits. Miami, FL: Miami-Dade Community College, South Campus, [1976] pp. 77-78.

Cockfighter. Berkeley, CA.: Black Lizard Books, 1987.

Cockfighter : a novel. New York: Crown Publishers, 1972.

Cockfighter Journal: the story of a shooting. Santa Barbara, CA : Neville, 1989.

Combats de coqs. (Cockfighter) Traduit de l'americain par Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Paris: Rivages/Ecrits noirs, 1995.

Derapages. (Sideswipe) Traduit de l'americain par Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/Thriller, 1990.

The Difference. Tucson, AZ : Dennis McMillan Publications, 1999.

Everybody's Metamorphosis. Missoula, Montana: Dennis McMillan Publications, 1988.

Everybody's Metamorphosis. Missoula, Montana: Dennis McMillan Publications. Leather bound first edition out of sequence.

Une fille facile (Pick-up) Traduit de l'americain par Freddy Michalski. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/noir, 1990.

L'ile Flottante Infestee de Requins. (The Shark-Infested Custard) Traduit de l'americain par

Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/Thriller, 1996.

A Guide for the Undehemorrhoided. Miami, FL: Willeford, 1977. (2 copies)

Hahnenkampf, roman. (Cockfighter) Aus dem Amerikanischen von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfurt/M, Germany: Ullstein, 1990.

Heresie. (The Burnt Orange Heresy) Traduit de l'americain par Jean Esch. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/Noir, 1990.

High Priest of California. New York: Royal Books, 1953. (A Royal Books Giant Edition No. G-20) bound with: Mundy, Talbot. Full Moon.

High Priest of California: a modern novel. New York: Beacon Books, 1953. Bound with: Wild Wives. New York: Beacon Books, 1956. (2 copies)

High Priest of California: a modern novel. New York: Royal Books, 1953. (Jack Keasler column in book)

High Priest of California/ Wild Wives. San Francisco, CA: RE/Search Publications, 1987. (2 copies)

I Was Looking for a Street. Woodstock, Vermont: The Countryman Press, 1988.

I Was Looking for a Street. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1988.

The Immobilized Man: A New Hero in Modern Literature. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the University of Miami in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami, 1964.

Kiss Your Ass Good-Bye. Missoula, Montana: Dennis McMillan Publications, 1988. (2 copies)

Die Kunst des Totens. (The Burnt Orange Heresy) Aus dem Amerikanischen von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfort/M, Germany: Ullstein Kriminalroman, 1992.

Ein Leben auf der Strasse: Autobiographie. (I Was Looking for a Street) Deutsch von Jurgen Burger. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1995.

Lust is a Woman. New York: Softcover Library, 1967. 192p.

The Machine in Ward Eleven. New York: Belmont Books, 1963. 141p.

Miami Blues. New York: St. Martins Press, 1984.

Miami Blues. Vertaald door Ronald Vlek. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas, 1992.

Miami Blues. Pa dansk ved Per Calum. [Kobenhavn], Denmark: Samleren, 1988. (En Hoke Moseley Thriller)

Miami Blues. Pa dansk ved Per Calum. [Kobenhavn], Denmark: Con Amore, 1988. (En Hoke Moseley Thriller)

Miami Blues. Oversattning av Anders Jonason. [Stockholm], Sweden: Gedins Forlag, 1988.

Miami Blues. Traduit de l'americain par Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/Thriller, 1989.

Miami Blues: Polizeiroman. Ubersetzt von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfurt/M: Ullstein Krimi, 1987.

Miami Blues: Der erste Hoke Moseley-Fall. Deutsch von Rainer Schmidt. Mit einem Vorwort von Janwillem van de Wetering. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1994.

Miami Book Fair International Presents a Literary Anthology: Voices of the Heart: Selections from participants in the Book Fair. Edited by James Blake and JoAnna Falco. Needham Heights, MA: Ginn Press, 1988. pp. 167-180. "The Pits" from Cockfighter.

Miami Love. (Kiss Your Ass Good-Bye) Mit einem Vorwort von Janwillem van de Wetering. Deutsch von Jurgen Burger. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1993.

Molenwiek. (Sideswipe) Vertaald door Ronald Vlek.. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas, 1995.

New Crimes 2. Edited by Maxim Jakubowski. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1991. pp. 227-233. "Citizen's Arrest."

New Forms of Ugly: the immobilized hero in modern fiction. Miami Beach, FL: Dennis McMillan Publications, 1987.

New Hope for the Dead. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985.

New Hope for the Dead. London: Futura, 1991.

New Hope for the Dead (Japanese). Tokyo: Fusosha Mystery, nd.

No Experience Necessary. Chicago: Newsstand Library, 1962. 190p.

Off the Wall: a true life novel. Montclair, New Jersey: The Pegasus Rex Press, 1980.

The Outcast Poets: P.K. Tomajan, Miriam Allan de Ford, Robert Anthony, Charles Willeford, F.K. Kaler. Yonkers, NY: Alicat Book Shop, 1947. (Outcast Series of Chapbooks, #8) 2 copies (one incomplete, Willeford part missing; complete set has inscription from Oscar Baradinsky "Congratulations!! I'll expect you to be successful in short story field also."

Pick-up. New York: Beacon Publications Corp., 1955. (A Beacon Book Original, No 109)

Pick-up. Berkeley, CA : Black Lizard Books, 1987.

The Playboy Book of Horror and the Supernatural. Selected by the Editors of Playboy. Chicago: The Playboy Press, 1967. pp. 103-131. (The Machine in Ward Eleven)

Playboys in Miami. (The Shark-Infested Custard) Deutsch von Rainer Schmidt. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1994. (American Crime Scene)

Poontang and other poems. Crescent City, Florida: New Athenaeum Press, 1966. Limited Edition. (2 copies)

Proletarian Laughter: Poems by Charles Willeford. Yonkers, N.Y.: The Alicat Bookshop Press, 1948. (The Alicat Chapbooks; Number XII) (2 copies)

Il Quadro Eretico. (The Burnt Orange Hersey) Traduzione di Giancarlo Carlotti. Milano: Bompiani, 1996.

Sadan dor vi nu. (The Way We Die Now) Pa dansk ved Per Calum. [Kobenhaven], Denmark: Samleren, 1989. (En Hoke Moseley Thriller)

Une seconde chance pour les morts. (New Hope for the Dead) Traduit de l'americain par Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/noir, 1990.

Une Seconde Chance Pour Les Morts. (New Hope for the Dead) Traduit de l'americain par Daniele et Pierre Bondil. Collection dirigee par Francois Guerif. Paris: Rivages/Thriller, 1990.

Seitenhieb. (Sideswipe) Ubersetzt von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfurt/M, Germany: Ullstein Kriminalroman,1988.

Seitenhieb: Der dritte Hope Moseley-Fall. (Sideswipe) Deutsch von Rainer Schmidt. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1996.

The Shark-infested Custard. Novato, California: Underwood-Miller, 1993. 263p.

The Shark-infested Custard (Japanese). Tokyo: Fusosha Mystery, 1993.

Sideswipe: a novel. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.

Sideswipe: a novel. London: Victor Gollancz, 1988.

Sideswipe (Japanese). Tokyo: Fusosha Mystery, nd.

Sideswipe: a novel. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. Gun shot and sent to Willeford with note "It is a crime to charge $15.95 for a piece of sh*t like this. A Dissatisfied Customer."

Something About a Soldier. New York: Random House, 1986.

Sperrstunde. (Pick-Up) Aus dem Amerikanischen von Rainer Schmidt. Frankfort/M, Germany: Ullstein Kriminalroman, 1992.

Tres Badaladas e um Balde de Cal . . . (Kiss your ass good-bye) Lisbon, Portugal: Puma Editora, 1992.

Tvarbnit. (Sideswipe) Oversattning av Gunilla Lundborg. [Stockholm], Sweden: Gedins, 1991.

Uutta Toivoa Kuolleille. (New Hope for the Dead) Soumentanut Hannu Tervaharju. Tampere, Finland: Banana Press Oy, 1991.

The Way We Die Now: a novel. New York: Random House, 1988.

The Way We Die Now. With a new introduction by Donald Westlake. New York: Dell, 1996. 289p.

The Way We Die Now (Japanese). Tokyo: Fusosha Mystery, nd.

The Way We Die Now, a novel. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1989.

Whip Hand. By W. Franklin Sanders. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett, 1961. Co-written by Willeford as Deliever Me From Dallas.

The Woman Chaser. Chicago: Newsstand Library, 1960. 191p. Pilot Edition.​

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The American Writer and the Great Depression. Edited by Harvey Swados. Indianapolis, Indiana: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1966. First edition, 6th printing, 1976.

Armitage, George. Miami Blues: screenplay from the novel by Charles Willeford. Miami: Tristes Tropiques, 1988. 112 leaves. Typescript in three hole folder with 2 prong fasteners, front cover detached, Orion Pictures Corporation on front cover.

Beckett, Samuel. Krapp's Last Tape and other dramatic pieces. New York: Grove Press, 1960. First Evergreen Edition. Willeford address stamp on front cover and half title page.

Bittner, William. The Novels of Waldo Frank. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1958. Inscribed by Bittner, "For Charles Willeford And I wish the hell I'd done this on his work, rather than Waldo's; if you have to work, you might just as well do what you enjoy. William Bittner."

Brod, Max. Franz Kafka: a biography. New York: Schocken Books, 1947. Willeford bookplate on inside front cover.

Brown, Fredric. Sex Life on the Planet Mars. Miami Beach, Florida: Dennis McMillan Publishers, 1986. (Fredric Brown in the Detective Pulps, Vol. 10) First Edition, 155/400, signed by Charles Willeford, author of the introduction.

Buchanan, Edna. The Corpse had a Familiar Face: Covering Miami, America's Hottest Beat. New York: Random House, 1987. First Edition, inscribed by Buchanan, "To Charles Willeford, My long-time inspiration & friend. Welcome to our Miami! Hope you like it. All my love, Edna Buchanan. Oct. 17, 1987. Thanks for always being there. xx."

Bukowski, Charles. The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Black Sparrow Press, 1978. 10th printing.

Bukowski, Charles. Women. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Black Sparrow Press, 1979, 1978. 2nd printing, revised.

Burke, James Lee. Two for Texas. New York: Pocket Books, 1982. First Pocket Book Printing, inscribed by Burke "To Charles Willeford from your old friend and admirer of your work, Jim Burke. By the way, I loved the autobiographical excerpt you sent me about life on the road during the Depression. It's fine writing, truly wonderful as well as compassionate stuff. Anyway, all the best of everything. (hey, try to ignore the lurid blurbs on this book's cover)."

Cain, James M. Double Indemnity. New York: Avon Book Company, 1947. Willeford stamp on title page.

Carter, Raymond Lester. The Last Day. South Miami, Florida: threefools press, 1967. First Edition, inscribed by Carter, "Jan. 16, 1968 Charles, It is my opinion that the writer never truly knows whether he has succeeded or failed - only 'the reader' knows. I sincerely hope that you, as reader, get something, no matter how small, from this little book. Hoping we can sit down over a beer someday soon in the Cuban quarter & discuss D. Hammett again, I remain, Ray L. Carter." Also: City Lights book mark with note on yellow post it from Betsy Willeford "predictably, another book inscribed to Charles."

Chandler, Raymond. Playback. New York: Ballantine Books, 1977. First Ballantine Edition, Willeford stamp on title page.

Colbert, James. No Special Hurry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1988. First Edition, inscribed by Colbert, " 8-4-88 This copy is for Betsy Willeford: Charles, as you likely know, was something of a mentor to me; in a very different way from you, of course. I miss him - and want you to know how much I admire him. And you, for putting up with a writer! If you are ever in New Orleans, please let me know. All the best, Jim Colbert." Also signed on title page, James Colbert, N.O.

Colbert, James. No Special Hurry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1988. Uncorrected proof, inscribed by Colbert on cover, "3-4 Charles: This one is for reading -- though of course it is uncorrected. Will report on Wild Wives soon. And a letter, too.... Jim."

Colbert, James. Profit and Sheen. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986. Dedicated to Willeford.

Coffman, C. De Witt and John Keasler. Keyhole: INN-SIGHTS: An Uninhibited Peek Into the Hotel World. Cartoons by Don Wright. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. Inscribed by Keasler, "Charles, I so thoroughly enjoyed your novel ($5.95) titled, 'I, Cockfighter' that it would be ridiculous for you to feel obligated by receiving [sic] this humble $6.95 effort of mine. John Keasler. Don't you find that "writing" is such lonely work?"

Detective Fiction: Crime and compromise. Edited by Dick Allen and David Chacko. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1974. Willeford's name and Miami-Dade Community College address on half title page and on fore edges in green ink. Book filled with notes, bookmarks, receipts.

Downing, Warwick. The Gambler, the Minstrel and the Dance Hall Queen. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1976. First Edition, inscribed by Downing, "September, 1976. Dear Charles: You may have received a review copy, in which case, you can sell this one. My best, Warwick Downing."

Downing, Warwick. The Mountains West of Town. New York: Saturday Review Press/E.P. Dutton, 1975. First Edition inscribed by Downing, "Dear Charles, Thanks for sending me the newspaper clippings on why writer's write. The only people I know are lawyers and ex-wives, and I was impressed by the company you keep. I'd rather buy you a drink than send you a book, but this will have to do until either you come out here or I go out there. My best, Warwick Downing."

Ford, Ford Madox. Parade's End. With an introduction by Robie Macauley. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961. Marginalia by Willeford.

Gifford, Barry. A Day at the Races. New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1988. Uncorrected Advance Proof.

Goran, Lester. Maria Light. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962. First Printing inscribed by Goran, "For Charley Willeford, a fine man for all seasons. Lester Goran, December 11, 1964, Miami."

Hemingway, Ernest. By-line: Ernest Hemingway: Selected articles and dispatches of four decades. Edited by William White. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1967. Book of the Month Club Edition. Willeford stamp on half title page. Folded in book: photocopy of article "The Sound of Hooves" by John McCormick (source unknown).

Herron, Don. Willeford. Tucson, Arizona: Dennis McMillan Publications, 1997. First Edition, inscribed by Herron on title page "For the Broward Co. Public Library Foundation - Recalling the great Charles. Don Herron - Mar. 7, 1998.

Hiaasen, Carl. Double Whammy. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1987. First Edition, inscribed by Hiassen on half title page, "For Betsy and Charles - I hope you enjoy this strange Florida tale! With best regards from a big fan. Carl Hiaasen"

Highsmith, Patricia. Strangers on a Train. Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin Books, Inc., 1974. Willeford stamp on half-title page.

JDM Bibliophile # 23. January, 1979. pp. 7-9. Book review by Willeford, The Empty Copper Sea.

Justice, Donald. Departures. New York: Atheneum, 1973. First Edition, inscribed by Justice, "For Charles, in friendship, Don Justice."

Justice, Donald. The Sunset Maker: poems / stories / a memoir. New York: Atheneum, 1987.

First Edition, inscribed by Justice, "To my favorite Miami author - with long-?living-book good thoughts - Donald Justice, Miami: 1987." Willeford address stamp on front flyleaf.

Kafka, Franz. Conversations with Kafka. Notes and reminiscences by Gustav Janouch with an introduction by Max Brod.. Translated by Goronwy Rees. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, [1953]. Willeford bookplate inside front cover.

Kafka, Franz. The Diaries of Franz Kafka, 1914-1923. Edited by Max Brod. New York: Schocken Books, 1949. Willeford bookplate inside front cover.

Kafka, Franz. Franz Kafka's Amerika. Preface by Klaus Mann. Translation by Edwin Muir. Afterword by Max Brod. New York: New Directions, 1946. (The New Classics) Willeford bookplate inside front cover.

Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. Translated and edited by Stanley Corngold. New York: Bantam Books, 1972. Holograph notes found in book, two yellow legal size lined pages. SEE: Metamorphosis in manuscript section.

Kafka, Franz. The Trial. Translated from the German by Willa and Edwin Muir. Illustrated by George Salter. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1951. 9th printing. Willeford bookplate inside front cover.

Kafka, Franz. The Trial. From the novel by Franz Kafka. Play by Andre Gide and Jean-Louis Barrault. English translation and adaptation by Jacqueline and Frank Sundstrom. London: Secker & Warburg, 1950. Willeford bookplate inside front cover.

Kerouac, Jack. Desolation Angels. New York: Perigee Books, 1980. 3rd Impression.

Knott, William C. The Craft of Fiction. Revised Edition. Reston, Virginia: Reston Publishing Co., 1977. Inscribed by Knott "To Charles Willeford who did a lot to make this book possible. William C. Knott." Willeford address stamp on front flyleaf.

Knott, Will C. The Vengeance Seeker #2. New York: Ace Books, 1975. Inscribed by Knott, "My compliments, Charles. Will C. Knott."

Kromer, Tom. Waiting for Nothing and other writings. Edited by Arthur D. Casciato and James L.W. West. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1986.

MacDonald, John D. Reading for Survival. Washington: Library of Congress, 1987. First Edition. Willeford stamp on title page.

Lee, Lawrence and Barry Gifford. Saroyan: a biography. New York: Harper & Row, 1984. First Edition, inscribed by Gifford, "For Charles and Betsy Willeford, writers who appreciate writers. With Best wishes, Barry Gifford in Miami, 12, Feb 88."

McClure, Michael. Scratching the Beat Surface. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1982.

McCullers, Carson. The Ballad of the Sad Café: the novels and stories of Carson McCullers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1951. Willeford bookplate inside front cover.

Means, Geo. W. The Game cock, from the shell to the pit : a comprehensive treatise on Gameness, selecting, mating, breeding, walking and conditioning. Gaffney, S.C.: Grit and Steel, 1922. Third Edition.

Miller, Henry. Joey: a loving portrait of Alfred Perles together with some bizarre episodes relating to the other sex. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1979. (Book of Friends, Vol. III)

Orwell, George. An Age Like This, 1920-1940. Edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968. (The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Vol. 1)

Orwell, George. As I Please, 1943-1945. Edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968. (The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Vol. 3)

Orwell, George. In Front of Your Nose, 1945-1950. Edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968. (The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. Vol. 4)

Saroyan, William. Places Where I've Done Time. New York: Dell Publishing, 1972. (A Delta Book)

Shine, Walter & Jean. A Bibliography of the Published Works of John D. MacDonald: with Selected Biographical Materials and Critical Essays. Gainesville, Florida: Patrons of the Libraries/ University of Florida, 1980. Includes card "With the compliments of the University of Florida Libraries, the repository of the John D. MacDonald Collection. G.A. Harrer, Director of Libraries." Signed by Harrer.

Standiford, Les. Raw Deal, a novel. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. First edition. Dedication to Willeford.

Standiford, Les. Raw Deal. New York: HarperPaperbacks, 1994. Dedication to Charles Willeford.

The Thirties: Fiction, Poetry, Drama. Edited by Warren French. Deland, Fla.: Evereett Edwards, Inc., 1967.

Tully, Jim. The Bruiser. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1943. (Tower Fiction) First Tower Books edition.

Tully, Jim. Circus Parade. Illustrated by William Gropper. New York: The Literary Guild of America, 1927. First Edition.

Tully, Jim. Emmett Lawler. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1922. First Edition.

Tully, Jim. Jarnegan. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1926. First Edition, ex-library copy. Coral Gables Public Library book plate.

Tully, Jim. Laughter in Hell. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1932. 2nd printing.

West, Nathanael. The Day of the Locust. With an introduction by Richard B. Gehman. New York: New Directions, 1950. (The New Classics) Chas. Willeford in pencil and Willeford address stamp on front flyleaf..

Westlake, Donald E. Trust Me On This. New York: The Mysterious Press, 1988. First Edition, inscribed by Westlake, "Betsy - I don't know what to say, either. But if I did know, it would be fast and funny. You can [trust me on this: title] Don Westlake."

Wolfe, Thomas. Look Homeward, Angel: a story of the buried life. Illustrated by Douglas W. Gorsline. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1957. Deluxe Illustrated Edition.

Woodford, Jack. Why Write a Novel. Hollywood, Calif.: Murray & Gee, Inc., 1943. 2nd printing, 1944. Willeford stamp on front flyleaf.​

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Framed Pieces:
Cockfighter movie poster. Los Angeles, CA : New World Pictures, 1974. Silver frame with glass. 26 x 40 inches.
Bonham, Horace. Nearing the Issue at the Cockpit. Print, 12 x 16 inches; antique wood frame with mat, 18 x 22 inches.
Cockfighter Avon Movie Tie-in poster. Brown frame, mat and glass. 16 x 21 inches.
Everybody's Metamorphosis. Original dust jacket art from the book, by Joe Servello. White frame with glass. 16 x 13 inches.
Kiss Your Ass Goodbye. Original dust jacket art from the book, by Joe Servello. Black frame, mat and glass. 25 x 14 inches.

Unframed Pieces:
Miami Blues movie poster, 27 x 40 inches. In tube.
The Woman Chaser movie poster, 13 x 19 inches. In tube.​​​

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