If you find a book, DVD, or CD that you want, you can have it
delivered, for free, to any Broward County Library location of your choice for pick-up. You may place up to 20 items on hold.
1 - FIND ITSearch for a material in search bar at top of screen. Use "Advanced" features if you want to filter your search.
2 - LOG INLog in with your library card number and last four digits of your phone number.
Once you are logged in, select the Broward County Library
location of your choice and tap the "Place Hold"
If you change your mind, go to
My Account, choose "Holds" tab, click checkbox to left of item and click "Cancel Hold(s)" button at bottom of screen.
Your Hold menu also allows you to "Edit Pickup Location(s)," "Edit/Suspend Hold(s)," and "Cancel Hold Suspension(s)."
Last modified: 9/17/2024