

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Helpful Reminders

  • A public records request applies to the County's existing records. New records will not be created in response to a public records request.

  • Exemptions are applied at the time a public records request is received. A request for exempt records will not remain open until the records are no longer exempt.

  • The County is not required to provide records in a specific format. A Special Services Fee may apply for records requested to be provided in a format not routinely used by the County.

  • Responsive, non-exempt records will only be provided after payment of all applicable fees.

  • The County is not required to explain records or answer questions about the content of records.

  • The County is not required to process a “standing" public records request (e.g. a continuing request to provide minutes of a monthly meeting).

  • The County is not required to proceed on new requests from the same requestor until balances due on open requests are either paid, or the request has been administratively closed.​