Surtax Grantee Resources

​​​​​​​​​Forms to Start the Project Funding Agreement Process​

Municipalities seeking a Project Funding Agreement need to complete the following steps to start the process: 

​​​​Municipal Surtax Grants Guidebook

Our Municipal Surtax Grants Guidebook is now available! Click the image below to view.​

 surtaxguidebook.JPGsurtaxfillableformbutton.pngMap brand guidelines button.png

           (Revisions coming soon!)

General Information

Roadway Owner Coordination

​​Coordination and approval from Roadway Owner is required if project impacts County or state road(s). Prior to the submission of their project applications when the project proposes to impact a roadway that is owned by either FDOT, the county, or both contact the appropriate entity:​ 

FDOT District Program Management Administrator: Jessica Rubio | email: | phone: (954) 777-4626

Broward County's Director of Highway Construction & Engineering, Richard Tornese or Deputy Director of Public Works, Tony Hui


Broward County Road Jurisdiction Map is available here:

Broward Road Jurisdiction ​

    ​​Video & Presentation Materials
    ​Virtual Municipal Workshop
    Friday, ​April 10, 2020
    ​Virtual Municipal Workshop - Proposed elements of the Second Amendment to the ILA​
    ​Tuesday, September 8, 2020
    ​Virtual Municipal Partners Workshop (Surtax Grant Guidance)
    Tuesday, ​May 25, 2021
    Virtual Municipal Partners Workshop (Surtax Grant Guidance)
    ​Wednesday, June 16, 2021
    Municipal Marketing Special Event
    ​Thursday, June 17, 2021

    Virtual Surtax Municipal Financial Workshop

    ​Tuesday, October 27, 2021
    ​Virtual Five-Year Plan FY 2022-2026 Proposed Adjustments Municipal Workshop​
    ​Thursday, January 20, 2022