Forms to Start the Project Funding Agreement Process
Municipalities seeking a Project Funding Agreement need to complete the following steps to start the process:
Municipal Surtax Grants Guidebook
Our Municipal Surtax Grants Guidebook is now available! Click the image below to view.

(Revisions coming soon!)
General Information
Roadway Owner Coordination
Coordination and approval from Roadway Owner is required if project impacts County or state road(s). Prior to the submission of their project applications when the project proposes to impact a roadway that is owned by either FDOT, the county, or both contact the appropriate entity:
FDOT District Program Management Administrator: Jessica Rubio | email: | phone: (954) 777-4626
Broward County's Director of Highway Construction & Engineering, Richard Tornese or Deputy Director of Public Works, Tony Hui
Broward County Road Jurisdiction Map is available here:
Broward Road Jurisdiction
Virtual Municipal Workshop
| | Friday, April 10, 2020
Virtual Municipal Workshop - Proposed elements of the Second Amendment to the ILA
| | Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Virtual Municipal Partners Workshop (Surtax Grant Guidance)
| | Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Virtual Municipal Partners Workshop (Surtax Grant Guidance)
| | Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Municipal Marketing Special Event
| | Thursday, June 17, 2021
Virtual Surtax Municipal Financial Workshop
| | Tuesday, October 27, 2021
Virtual Five-Year Plan FY 2022-2026 Proposed Adjustments Municipal Workshop
| | Thursday, January 20, 2022