
We encourage all interested bidders to read and/or view the Tax Deed Auction informational materials that are available on broward.deedauction.net.

Tax Deed Sale Information, Bidder Instructions, Auction Rules, FAQ’s and Informational Materials are now available at broward.deedauction.net/doc/tax deed/faq.

Tax Deed Applications are completed and submitted directly from: broward.deedexpress.net

Last modified: 10/25/2023

Tax Deed application is the action, initiated by a tax certificate holder, which begins the process of selling a property at public auction for the delinquent taxes.​

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Only a certificate holder who has held a tax certificate for a minimum of 24 months from the date taxes became delinquent is eligible to make a tax deed application with the Tax Collector’s Office. This action forces the owner to pay the back taxes and redeem the outstanding Tax Certificate(s), or the property will be sold at a public auction to the highest bidder.​

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A tax certificate is an investment. The investment does not convey any rights or ownership to the certificate holder. In order to own the property, you'd have to make a tax deed application, register and bid in the online tax deed auction and be the highest bidder at the sale.​

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At the time of application, the certificate holder (applicant) pays any other outstanding taxes as well as a title search fee and a tax deed application fee. All of the unpaid taxes and fees are then combined with the applicant's certificate, and interest is earned at the rate of 18 percent per annum. This interest begins accumulating at 1-1/2 percent per month, beginning the month after the application date.  Tax Deed applications are filed electronically at deedexpress.net

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Approximately two months before the tax deed sale, the Tax Deed Applicant must pay additional funds for the cost of advertising, certified mailings and sheriff services or postings. These fees are then added to the total amount due to redeem the Tax Deed application.​

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If payment is made to Broward County Tax Collector by the tax payer (property owner) or the mortgage company, the tax deed applicant is reimbursed for their total investment, the accrued interest and the Tax Deed sale process is cancelled.

If the outstanding taxes are not paid, – the property will be scheduled for sale at public auction on broward.deedauction.net

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NO. Payment of delinquent taxes DOES NOT give the payee any rights to property. The redemption (payment) of a Tax Deed application is only accepted from someone with a legal interest in the property such as the property owner, his representative, or a mortgage company.​

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Property owners are required to pay property taxes on an annual basis to the County Tax Collector. If the owner does not pay his/her taxes, in June of the following year a tax certificate will be sold by the Tax Collector. Generally, if the tax certificate has not been redeemed within two years, the holder of the certificate can apply to force a public auction of the property. This auction is referred to as a “Tax Deed Sale” and the monies collected from the sale are used to pay off the amount owed to the certificate holder. ​

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An online tax deed sale is an auction where bids are transmitted and received electronically through the internet using a computer and a web browser. Florida Statute 197.542(4)(a) authorizes electronic tax deed sales.​

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Prior to online tax deed sales, auctions were conducted in the Commissioner’s Chambers of the Governmental Center where bidders called out their bids to an auctioneer. Online sales allow this process to be handled electronically. Each bidder will use a personal ID and password to log on to the website and enter bids for individual properties. For information about equipment or software necessary to participate in online sales, see broward.deedauction.net

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A list of properties scheduled for upcoming Tax Deed Auctions can be found at: broward.deedauction.net. Click on the auction calendar for a full list of properties scheduled for that auction date.​

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Yes. An ownership and encumbrance report is obtained. Twenty days prior to auction, notification is sent by Certified mail to the property owner, lien holders, and other parties appearing in the report. Additionally, the Sheriff's office will serve/post a notice of sale on the property. If your mailing address has changed, it is very important to update this information with the Property Appraisers Office. Contact the Property Appraiser for additional information.​

Last modified: 10/25/2023

Tax Deed Sales are scheduled once a month. See the Auction Calendar at broward.deedauction.net for the exact dates of upcoming sales. Bids are accepted beginning at 9:00 a.m. EDT on scheduled sale days.​

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Each monthly online Tax Deed Sale will open for pre-bidding at 9:00AM on the day of the sale; bidding on each tax deed in the sale will close according to the “Close” time displayed on the Bid page – beginning at 11:01 AM.

All registered bidders must comply with the pre-auction steps for submitting bid deposits prior to the submission of any bids. For further information, read the “How to Participate” at broward.deedauction.net

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Registration on the website is free. However, you will need to abide by the bidder deposit rules in order to participate in the online auction.​

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The properties are advertised at https://browardcountylegalnotices.com/​ four weeks prior to the Tax Deed Sale. The advertising includes the property identification number, the tax deed number, name in which assessed and the legal description.

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One week prior to a Tax Deed Sale, you can locate the files associated with each property to be auctioned from the following places:

  • Properties sold prior to 7/01/2015 can be viewed at broward.org/recordstaxestreasury – under the tabs for Tax Sales > Latest Tax Deed Sale Information; or

  • on broward.deedauction.net, click on the tax deed number of the properties scheduled for sale on the DeedAuction website. The information contained in the working files should not be utilized as the sole source of research on the property. It is the bidder's responsibility to obtain pertinent legal, lien and title information. (We no longer provide copies of the files on DVD.)

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The opening bid is the amount of taxes, included in the tax deed application, interest and fees (applicant’s investment). If the property has homestead exemption, the opening bid will also include one-half of the assessed value on the current tax roll. The bid amount may not include all property taxes.​

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The opening bid may NOT include ALL unpaid taxes. The successful bidder would be responsible to pay any other real estate or personal property taxes. The tax bills will be supplied by Broward County Tax Collector.​

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DO YOUR RESEARCH! Tax Deed sales are not for the uninformed. It is imperative that anyone interested in participating in the Tax Deed Sale conduct extensive research including a full title and lien search prior to bidding on any properties.​

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There are no fees to participate in the online sale. If you are the winning bidder, you must pay in addition to your final bid the following costs: documentary stamp taxes ($.70 per $100 or fraction thereof of the amount bid) and recording fees. Recording fees will vary for each tax deed.​

Last modified: 10/25/2023

Full payment must be made at the office of Broward County Tax Collector located at 115 S. Andrews Ave, Room A-100, Fort Lauderdale, FL no later than 11:00 a.m. (EST) the following morning. ​

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Final payment may be made by Cashier’s Check, Money Order, or wire transfer. Final payment must be received by 11:00 a.m. (EST) deadline the following day. If the payment is not received within the specified time, the deposit and property are forfeited along with the bidder's/entity's privilege to participate in any future tax deed sales (197.542(2) F.S.). In the event of forfeiture, funds from the forfeited deposit shall be applied toward the opening bid on the rescheduled sale.

All checks must be drawn upon a U.S. banking institution, made payable to BOCC or Board of County Commissioners. The Tax Deed Section is located at 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room A-100, Fort Lauderdale FL.
If payment is made by cashier’s check, a separate check must be received for each property purchased. Final payment for multiple properties cannot be made on one check.
The following forms of final payment are NOT accepted:

  • Cash

  • Personal check

  • Credit cards

  • Third party cashier’s checks

  • ACH payment

Last modified: 10/25/2023

No. Some liens may be dischargeable and others may not. Additional property taxes, as well as, liens on the property may be due and would become the responsibility of the new owner. It is imperative that anyone interested in participating in the Tax Deed sale conduct extensive research including a full title and lien search prior to bidding on any properties. Government liens follow the property. Vacant property may have lot clearing, code and other liens attached to it.

Broward County does not make any representations or warranties as to the status of the title or liens on property auctioned at a tax deed sale.​

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Tax Deed is issued. A tax deed is a form of title given in the event property is sold to satisfy taxes; A tax deed carries no warranties and does not guarantee clear title. It is to the buyer's advantage to consult a real estate attorney in efforts to obtain clear title.

Once a property is acquired at a Tax Deed Sale, is there a redemption period for the former property owner?

The former owner will be allowed to pay the delinquent taxes, and the sale made void until the bid is paid in full.

The property may be redeemed by anyone with a legal interest in the property, such as the owner or mortgage company.​

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If the Tax Deed Applicant is an individual, and there are no bids at the sale, the applicant is required to accept the property by paying the additional costs of the documentary stamps, recording fees, and one-half the assessed value if the property is homesteaded. This must be made within 24 hours of the auction. If the Tax Deed Applicant is Broward County and there are no bids at the sale, the property is immediately placed on the list of Lands Available for Taxes (LAFT).​

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NO. You MUST do your research! It is imperative that anyone interested in participating in the tax deed sale conduct extensive research including a full title and lien search prior to bidding on any properties. Otherwise, you could end up with a drainage ditch, a sign, condemned property, a stairwell, a heap of junk, a small strip of nothing, etc.

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The Tax Collector is NOT a Real Estate Agency, DOES NOT have the keys to the property and knows nothing about the condition of any property. Do your own research! The Property Appraiser's office and their website have USE codes and maps. The Tax Collector can only tell you about the taxes that are due. Remember: You are trespassing if you go onto the property.​

Last modified: 10/25/2023