Monthly Summary
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) served 35.2 million passengers in 2024, up 0.3% in 2023. In 2023, FLL ranked unofficially as the 17th busiest U.S. airport for passenger traffic overall —20th for domestic travel volume and 12th for international traffic — according to trade group Airports Council International—North America, a notable authority in the aviation industry.
The Monthly Statistical Summary contains the following five reports:
Passengers and Cargo - Summary of arriving/departing passengers and cargo (freight and mail) by month and for the past five years.
Aircraft Movements – Summary of air transport/taxi flight operations and general aviation/military by month for the previous five years.
Airlines Currently Serving - The latest month’s figures by an airline for passengers, mail, and cargo.
Airline Traffic Comparison - Compares the major airlines by passengers and market share.
- Enplanement Breakout - The latest month’s figures for enplaned passengers by terminals, concourses, and airlines.
All the data is presented in the calendar year and year-to-date format.
Monthly FLL Stats**
**Preliminary data subject to change
Monthly Traffic Recap
The Monthly Traffic Recap summarizes the month’s passenger traffic, aircraft operations, market share by airlines, short-term traffic outlook, and any significant event that impacts passenger traffic.
* Not produced for publication.
Historical Airport Traffic
The Historical Airport Traffic summarizes the total domestic and international passengers at FLL from 1957 through 2024. FLL Historical Airport Traffic (PDF)