​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Climate has been a key focal area for Broward County since 2008. In 2008, Broward County passed a resolution which established a community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of 80 percent below 2007 emissions by 2050.​

Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact. ​

The Compact is a joint commitment of Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach Counties to partner in mitigating the causes and adapting to the consequences of climate change.

In 2014, the Compact was designated a Climate Action Champion by the White House. The Compact hosts an annual Regional Climate Leadership Summit. Learn more and download materials and recordings from recent Summits. 


Regional Climate Change​ - RCAP 3.0

​​​​​The Southeast Florida Climate Chance Compact ​​has published the latest Iteration of the Regional Climate Change Plan (RCAP 3.0), which offers updated guidance and support to accelerate local and regional climate action in Southeast Florida and beyond​.  The RCAP outlines goals, recommendations and supporting strategies across 11 focal areas to advance the objectives of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and of strengthening the adaptive capacity and climate resilience of communities, institutions and relevant economies.​



Beat the Heat:

Find local data on heat, temperature forecasts, and tips for staying cool here. Tell us how warm weather affects you by taking our Heat Survey. ​

Integrating Climate Action

Broward County became the first local government to create a stand-alone climate change element as part of our Comprehensive Plan. TheClimate Change Element is a coordinated initiative consisting of 82 environmental policies which consider how the community will best adapt to and mitigate for the economic, environmental, and social effects of climate change.

It was so innovative it won the National Plan​ning Excellence Award for Environmental Planning by the American Planning Association. To learn more, watch theAward Video​.​​​​​​​​​


​Broward County Municipal Climate Action Plans​

Broward County has taken a shared approach for a changing climate, which involves much collaboration wi
th our municipal partners. Municipalities and local collaborative partners have uploaded the plans detailing the strategy their community is taking to address climate change, and their resilience needs.

To explore the municipal climate actio
n plans, sustainability plans, and more please click here.

2023: A Year of Extremes

With respect to climate, 2023 was an exceptional year for Broward County, South Florida, and globally. Many will recall that Fort Lauderdale experienced unprecedented rainfall during the April 12-13 storm event, causing widespread flooding and losses. In Broward County, we measured 37 days when the heat index exceeded 105°F. at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International compared the historic average of just 5 days. Read More >​