
Person in suit trying to give gift  to other person in suit and denies the gift  


The OIG is charged with investigating, reporting, and referring state and local ethics laws. It conducts disclosure compliance reviews, initiates ethics inquiries, follows up on tips and complaints, and commences investigations to determine whether ethical misconduct has occurred.

Not all unethical conduct is within the OIG’s jurisdiction; only conduct that would be a violation of law, charter, or ordinance or would be gross mismanagement is within its authority. ​​



The ethics laws that the OIG investigates and reports on include those in the State Constitution, the State Code of Ethics for Public Officials and Employees, the Broward County Code of Ethics for Elected Officials, county and municipal standards that have been codified into law, as well as any applicable School Board of Broward County ("SBBC") rules and regulations. Ethics laws are designed to avoid, manage, and/or expose conflicts of interest, and they include laws that limit or require disclosure of gift solicitation and acceptance; outside employment; lobbying activity; the use of one’s position for private gain; the solicitation and receipt of campaign contributions; procurement selection committee membership; conflicting contractual relationships; doing business with one’s agency; and one’s business income, property, and financial holdings. Reports and closing memoranda on closed ethics investigations and inquiries can be found here.

In addition, when the Inspector General has probable cause to believe that an official, employee, or provider has committed a violation for which there is not another enforcement agency, the OIG may refer the case to an administrative hearing officer.  A violation of the Broward County Code of Ethic​s for Elected Officials is one such instan​​ce where the OIG may do so.  Administrative hearing officers decide such cases using the Florida Rules of Civil P​rocedure and the Florida Rules of Evidence.  The Inspector General Selection-Oversight Committee selects the hearing officer who tries the case.  Dockets for open enforcement hearing forum cases are linked h​​​e​re​.​​​​​
