Broward County Ordinance #86-28, enacted July 8, 1986, creating the Juvenile Services Board.
Amended by Ordinance #86-60, enacted December 9, 1986, providing that the Sheriff and the Superintendent of Schools have the option to designate another individual to serve on the board in their absence.
Amended by Ordinance #88-18, enacted April 12, 1988, adding a representative of the Community Service Council and a representative from the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.
Amended by Ordinance #90-6, enacted May 8, 1990, changing the name of the Juvenile Services Board to Children's Services Board.
Amended by Ordinance #93-40, enacted November 9,1993, changing the date of the submission of the annual plan.
Amended by Ordinance #95-17, enacted April 11, 1995, increasing the board to fourteen members and changing the membership representation.
Amended by Ordinance #97-36, enacted September 9, 1997, adding a County Commissioner as a member; increasing the board to fifteen members.
Amended by Ordinance #98-03, enacted March 24, 1998, changing the title of an existing member from a representative of the Juvenile Justice Board to the District Director of the Department of Juvenile Justice, or designee.
Amended by Ordinance #2001-06, enacted February 13, 2001 increasing the membership from fifteen to seventeen; adding “due to the possible duplication of effort between this and the Children’s Services Council, this board will sunset on January 1, 2003.”
Amended by Ordinance #2001-65, adopted November 27, 2001, amending the number of appointments to the board from seventeen (including one County Commissioner) up to twenty-five, allowing each member of the Broward County Board of Commissioners to serve as a member on this board.
The Children’s Services Board sunset effective January 1, 2003.
Ordinance #2003-03, enacted January 28, 2003, re-created the Children’s Services Board decreasing the number of members and changing the membership representation.
Amended by Ordinance #2005-03, enacted January 25, 2005, removing the provision that the Broward County Commission member appointed to the Children’s Services Board also serves as a member on the Children’s Services Council.
Amended by Ordinance #2009-21, enacted April 14, 2009, increasing the membership by adding one member who has served on One Community Partnership or any of its committees.
Amended by Ordinance #2010-14, enacted April 13, 2010, increasing the membership by adding one member of the School Board of Broward County, designated by the Chair of the School Board.
Amended by Ordinance #2018-09, enacted February 6, 2018, increasing the membership by adding two community child advocates, one representative of a faith-based organization, a senior representative of Community Programs operated by the Broward Sheriff's Office and the Chief Executive Officer of the Broward Behavioral Health Coaliton.
Twenty (20) members appointed by the Broward County Commission as follows:
1) Each member of the Broward County Commission shall appoint one (1) member.
Members shall, to the extent possible, represent the demographic diversity of the community it serves, reflect the interest of the community it serves, serve as the link between the Board and the public or community, ensure that the Board’s policies and performance uphold the public interest of Broward County, and shall have demonstrated a proven commitment to children’s welfare;
Members shall be free of any conflict of interest incurred by being an employee of a nonprofit/profit agency receiving children’s services funding, and be willing to submit a letter of resignation if conflict exists once appointed.
2) One member of the Broward County Commission;
3) One at large member appointed by the Broward County Commission who shall be a past or current consumer of services;
4) One at large member appointed by the Broward County Commission who represents a faith-based organization;
5) Two at large members appointed by the Broward County Commission who are Community Child Advocates
6) The Superintendent of Schools of Broward County, or designee;
7) A representative from the State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice;
8) A senior representative of Community Programs operated by the Broward Sheriff's Office;
9) A representative from the State of Florida Department of Children and Families;
10) A member of the School Board of Broward County designated by the Chair of the School Board; and
11) The Chief Executive Officer of the Broward Behavioral Health Coalition or another member of senior management