Children's Services Administration
​​​​​​​​​​The Children's Services Administration (CSA) Section of the Community Partnerships Division works to improve and empower the quality of life of Broward County's children and families by engaging the community to develop and support a continuum of care collaboratively and efficiently.  The Broward County Board of County Commissioners allocates approximately $18 million yearly for contracts with organizations to provide services to children and families in Broward County.

CSA staff is responsible for creating and supporting solicitations conducted on behalf of the Section, including content and related documents. Staff also provides ongoing technical assistance to community partners regarding outcome attainment, program monitoring, and fiscal performance and management of the agencies approved for funding by the Board of County Commissioners.

Staff also supports the Broward County - Children's Services Board (CSB), an advisory board that develops funding recommendations for the County Commission.

CSA Strategic Plan

The CSA Strategic Pla​n guides program funding over the next five years, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to support the community’s needs. The report outlines (1) the development of the BCHSD strategic plan, (2) the content of the strategic plan, (3) communication and outreach plans, (4) measurement and evaluation plans, and (5) CSA’s future plans. The CSB-approved CSA Strategic Plan is being implemented for the funding period from October 2024 through September 2029.

The CSA Strategy Plan - One Page​r provides a snapshot of all the strategic priorities, key services, and populations of focus covered under the Children Services Administration programs.

Funding Priorities

The Board of County Commissioners and other major children's services funders in Broward are collaborating to develop a comprehensive and unduplicated Children's System of Care to address the various needs identified throughout the County.  

These services address the needs of children and families throughout several program categories.  These include:

  • Behavioral Health - Services include mental health and substance use counseling, case management, and family support.
  • Special Needs - Services include medical home support, respite care with enrichment, and advocacy.
  • Youth Housing - Services include emergency shelter, independent living, and rent assistance.
  • Youth Economic Stability and Supportive Services—Services such as supported employment, financial training, education, and paid or unpaid work experiences.
  • Child Care Assistance

The Section also administers the One Community Partnership grant in collaboration with the Broward Behavioral Health Coalition, Inc. through a federal grant received from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

For additional information, please contact the Community Partnerships Division at 954-357-8647