​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Reporting a Code Violation

We handle complaints about violations occurring on properties in the following subdivisions located in the Broward Municipal​ Services District​:

There are several ways to report a possible code violation:  

Please include your name and address so that we may appropriately follow up on your concern.  As of July 1, 2021, Florida Law prohibits code inspectors from initiating investigations of anonymous complaints, except in cases where the code inspector has reason to suspect there is imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare, or imminent destruction of habitat or sensitive resources.

When reporting a possible violation, you should provide us with the exact address of the building, unit number if applicable, or as specific a location aspossible to enable the officer to locate the property. Then describe the condition you have observed. After receiving a citizen request, we will inspect any property as soon as possible to determine if a code violation exists. Health and safety related complaints are the highest priority. If a violation is found, a notice will be either hand-delivered or mailed to the property owner or they may receive a door hanger requiring compliance by a certain date.​

Locate Your Code Compliance Officer

​​​​​​​​​​​​Please Note: Properties not loc​ated within the Broward Municipal Service District (BMSD)​ fall under the jurisdiction of city government. Locate your municipality code complia​nce office by address search or clickable mapOur jurisdiction is limited to unincorporated areas only.
​Boulevard GardensTerrell Williams
​Broadview Park (West Side)
​Nicholas Rousseau
​Broadview Park (East Side)
​Gloria Rodriguez
​Franklin Park
Sean Miller
​Hillsboro Pines and Hillsboro Ranches
​Nicholas Rousseau
​Roosevelt Gardens
Sean Miller
​Washington Park
Tyler Jones
​Weekend Inspections
Michael Clark
Program/Project Coordinator
Jhonnattan Restrepo​
​Code Enforcement Supervisor
​Gerald Henry​954-357-9787 
​Zoning Official
​Cyril Saiphoo

Receiving a Notification of Violation

If you receive a notice of violation, carefully read the notice to find out what the violation is, correct the problem, and do so promptly. If you are not sure what the violation(s) are for or would like to speak with the issuing officer please contact them using the information provided on the notice. You can ask for additional time, provided you are making progress on the violations. Some of the problems may be serious and correction should not be delayed.

If appropriate action to correct the problems is not taken, there are several possible consequences. If legal action becomes necessary, your case may be forwarded to a hearing and you will be requested to appear before the Broward County Code Enforcement Special Magistrate to explain your case. The Special Magistrate is authorized to issue orders commanding compliance with the code of ordinances and daily running fines may occur until the violations are corrected, which could result in liens being recorded against your property. 

A Code Enforcement Officer may also issue a non-criminal citation with fines, for violations that exist or remain uncorrected. Penalties range from $50-$250for first offenses and $100-$500 for repeat violations. In addition, the county may arrange for health and safety violations to be abated, such as a property to be mowed or cleared of junk items, junk vehicles and other nuisances.  

Avoiding Common Code Violations

Be a good neighbor by preventing the following common code violations from happening on your property:​

Deterioration of Structures

Deteriorated Structure

Maintenance of a structure is the responsibility of the property owner/resident. All exterior surfaces of your home should be free of any deterioration, such as peeling or chipping paint, signs of mildew, discoloration, damaged or missing doors, windows and rotten wood and fascia boards. 
Sec. 39-133(e)

Junk, Trash, Rubbish & Abandoned Items

Junk, Trash, Rubbish & Abandoned Items

Accumulation of junk and debris such as appliances, furniture, auto parts, tires, vegetation cuttings, building materials, and other trash cannot be left in the yard or public right-of-way areas. 
Sec. 39-133(a)

Trash containers and bulk items should not be placed out for collection more than 24 hours prior to your garbage day. 
Sec. 39-275(3)(f)

Inoperable Vehicles

Inoperable Vehicle             

Motor vehicles, including passenger automobiles, RV’s, and trailers, are required to be in operable, street-worthy condition unless kept in a fully enclosed structure, such as a garage. An inoperable vehicle is one that is unable to start and be driven under its own power or showing signs of disrepair which renders it unable to be operated on the public street, such as flat tires or missing parts. 
Sec. 39-275(6)(d)

Junk Vehicles & Vessels

Junk Vehicles             

Wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled and inoperative motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, trailers, and vessels are not to be stored in view from public areas and adjacent properties. Junk vehicles must be kept in a garage of removed from property. 
Sec. 39-133(a)

Lots, Lawns & Swale Maintenance

Lots, Lawns & Swale Maintenance             

Yard maintenance is the responsibility of every property owner/resident and includes the maintenance of the grassy swale area between the sidewalk and the street.  Grass should be no taller than six (6) inches tall and maintained in a weed-free condition; required landscaping, such as trees and shrubs must be maintained. 
Sec. 39-85

Repair of Motor Vehicles in Residential Areas

Repair of Motor Vehicle in a Residential Area             

Major auto repair in residential areas is not permitted.  Only mechanical repairs to private passenger vehicles belonging to occupants of a dwelling are permitted inside of a residential garage.

Only minor repairs limited to tire, battery, sparkplug, or oil replacement may be performed in a carport or in the open air on a driveway. 
Sec. 39-275(10)

Unpermitted Structures

Unpermitted Structure             

No building, structure or addition should be constructed, erected, or altered unless required permits are first obtained for such work. Most permanent structures, such as canopies and sheds, also require compliance with the zoning code and must meet setback requirements, height limits, and separation distances. Work done without permits may be required to be removed if unable to pass inspections. 
Sec. 39-15

Commercial Vehicles

Commercial Vehicles             

Commercial vehicles and equipment are not permitted to be stored on residential property or in residential areas unless they can be concealed or stored in a completely enclosed structure, garage or carport. Only one (1) commercial vehicle weighing less than 5,000 lbs. is allowed on residential property. 
Sec. 39-275(7)(a)1

Prohibited Outside Storage

Prohibited Outside Storage             

Outdoor storage of items such as household appliances, engine parts, engine lifts, indoor furniture, commercial goods, broken patio furniture, and any items which are not designed for outdoor use is strictly prohibited. The items are not only unsightly, but can become hazardous during high wind conditions. 
Sec. 39-275(6)(b)​

