Address Points
| Address Points for most residential and commercial addresses in Broward County, Florida |
| Aerial Photography is available from the
Property Appraiser's Office for a fee |
Assisted Living Facilities | Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) in Broward County, Florida |
2010 Census Block Groups | 2010 Census block group boundaries in Broward County
2010 Census Tracts | 2010 Census tract boundaries in Broward County
City Boundaries | Boundaries of cities and unincorporated areas in Broward County, Florida |
City Halls | Location of City Halls in Broward County, Florida |
City Parks | Location of city-owned parks in Broward County, Florida |
| Colleges and Universities in Broward County, Florida |
Commissioner Districts
| Boundaries of Commission Districts in Broward County, Florida |
County Boundary (developable area)
| Developable/Urban boundary of Broward County, Florida |
County Boundary (entire area) | Entire County boundary of Broward County, Florida |
County Libraries
| County and non-County libraries within Broward County, Florida |
County Parks
| County-owned parks in Broward County, Florida
Emergency Evacuation Zones | Emergency Management Evacuation Zones in Broward County, Florida |
Flood Hazard Areas
| FEMA Flood Zones, preliminary 2019 update to 2014 release
Florida Congressional Districts | 115th Congressional District Boundaries for Florida |
Florida House Districts | U.S House District Boundaries for Florida, 2016
Florida Senate Districts | U.S Senate District Boundaries for Florida, 2016
Future Land Use Plan
| Land use designations from the Broward County Future Land Use Plan |
| Location of hospitals in Broward County, Florida |
| LiDAR data of Broward County, Florida available for download from
Florida International University |
Major Streets | A collection of major roads in Broward County, Florida |
Mobile Home and RV Parks
Points |
| Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle parks in Broward County, Florida |
Nursing Homes | Location of nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Broward County, Florida |
Parcels (includes land use information)
| Parcel data is available from the
Property Appraiser's Office (for a fee) |
Public Schools (K-12) | Locations of public schools in Broward County, Florida |
Red Cross Shelters
| Red Cross Primary Shelters in Broward County, Florida |
Section Grids
| Section/Township/Range grids of Broward County, Florida |
State Parks
| State-owned parks in Broward County, Florida |
Streets | Street centerlines in the developable area of Broward County, Florida |
Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) (Broward MPO)
| Current and archive TAZ data available for download
Traffic Signals
| Traffic signals in Broward County, Florida |
Traffic Ways
| Roadway right-of-way preservation plan
Water | A collection of water bodies in Broward County, Florida |
Zip Code Boundaries | Zip Code boundaries in Broward County, Florida