
Broward County GIS conducts geographic spatial analysis and mapping services while providing enterprise-wide governance for GIS, including establishing and maintaining standards and infrastructure for GIS within Broward County government. The GIS group is available to provide GIS support to other county agencies that do not have these capabilities and to serve as liaison between County agencies and GIS consultants.

Broward County GIS is also responsible for coordinating and conducting the GIS Users Group, which typically meets the last Wednesday of each month. The Users Group is a forum for networking between GIS users across the County and South Florida, providing access to training and the latest technology within the field.​

What is GIS?

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.


Broward County’s Geographic Information Systems Group focuses on continuous system improvement to accommodate all individuals who visit our Web maps. Geospatial related maps and data, in particular, pose challenges to full accessibility as governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This is due to the current design limitations of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software. If you use assistive technology and the format of these pages prevents you from obtaining necessary data, please contact us via email at​.​

Broward County GeoHub

Resource for GIS Maps, Data, and Interactive Applications

Interactive Maps

​​Current Aerial Photography
​Current Aerial Photography with Major Roads
​Annexation History​
Unincorporated Area Annexations by Year​
​BMSD Land Use and Zoning​
​Land use and Zoning for the Broward Municipal Services District
​Park Finder
​City, County and State Parks in Broward County
​Census Data by City​2020 Census Information by City (Table P4)
Commission Districts
​Find your County Commissioner
​Community Redevelopment Areas​​​Information on your local CRA
​Contaminated Sites​​Areas around Broward County
Disaster Debris​Disaster Debris Management Sites in Broward County
FEMA Flood Information​Flood Zones, FEMA flood maps effective July 31, 2024
Future Condition 100-Year Flood Map 2060​
​The flood elevation map for establishing future finish floor elevations (2060).
2060 Future Condition Average Wet Season Groundwater Elevation

​Groundwater Elevations for Future Conditions (2060).​

​2070 Future Condition Average Wet Season Groundwater Elevation​​

​Groundwater Elevations for Future Conditions (2070).​

GIS Municipal Portals​Broward County Cities GIS system links
Historic Aerials: 1933
​Port Everglades and the Coastline
​Historic Aerials: 1947​Aerial Photography of Broward County
Historic Aerials: 1955
​Aerial Photography of Broward County
​Historic Aerials: 1963 - 2000​Aerial Photography of Broward County
​Broward County Hospitals
Protected Natural Lands​Protected Natural Lands within Broward County
​Road Jurisdictions and Classifications​Identifies Road Jurisdictions and Classifications within Broward County
Schools and Boundaries
​Schools and Boundary Extents in Broward County
Surface Water Management​
​Licensed Projects in Broward County
​Water and Sewer Services​​Broward County Water and Sewer Services
Water Restrictions Information System​​Water Restrictions by Jurisdiction

​​​Commission Districts  ​
​​Commission District Maps​​​

​​​Environmental Protection Maps ​
​Broward County 100 Year Flood Elevations (contours)
Future Conditions 100-Year Flood Map​
Drainage Basins
Drainage Districts
​Contaminated Sites
​Flood Zones

​​​Broward Municipal Services District ​
​BMSD Future Land Use Map​
Broward Municipal Services Districts Zoning​
​​​Engineering ​
Broward County Road Jurisdiction​

​Planning Council Trafficways Plan Map​ ​

​​Planning Council Future Land Use Plan 2019 ​
Future Land Use 

Historic Preservation Component Maps​​ ​
Broward County Historic Preservation Jurisdiction
Broward County Archaeological Preservation Jurisdiction
Intergovernmental Coordination Element Map
Municipalities ​​
​Natural Disaster Component Map
​Evacuation Map ​​
​Recreation and Open Space Element Map
Recreation and Open Space Map
​Transportation Element Maps​​ ​
Existing Roads and Parking Facilities
Future Roads and Parking Facilities
Existing Intermodal Facilities
Future Intermodal Facilities
Existing Transit Generators
Future Transit Generators
Existing Bicycle Facilities and Locations

Existing Roadway Levels of Service
Future Roadway Levels of Service
Transportation Concurrency Districts
Major Transportation Facilities
Major Regional Transportation Facilities
Major Transportation Facilities with Future Land Use
​Water Management Element Maps​​ ​
Potable Water Supply Service
Water Treatment Service Boundaries
​Sewered Areas
Drainage Basins​
​Drainage Districts
Water Bodies​
Floodplains: Flood Prone Areas and Evacuation Routes
​​GIS Download Data
​Layer Name (Click to download .ZIP)​Description (Click for Details)
Address Points
​Address Points for most residential and commercial addresses in Broward County, Florida

​Aerial Photography is available from the Property Appraiser's Office for a fee
Assisted Living Facilities​Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) in Broward County, Florida
​2010 Census Block Groups​2010 Census block group boundaries in Broward County
​2010 Census Tracts​2010 Census tract boundaries in Broward County
​City Boundaries​Boundaries of cities and unincorporated areas in Broward County, Florida​
City Halls​Location of City Halls in Broward County, Florida
​City Parks​Location of city-owned parks in Broward County, Florida
​Colleges and Universities in Broward County, Florida
Commissioner Districts​
​Boundaries of Commission Districts in Broward County, Florida
​County Boundary (developable area)
​Developable/Urban boundary of Broward County, Florida
County Boundary (entire area)​Entire County boundary of Broward County, Florida
County Libraries​
​County and non-County libraries within Broward County, Florida
​County Parks
​County-owned parks in Broward County, Florida
​Emergency Evacuation Zones​Emergency Management Evacuation Zones in Broward County, Florida​
​Flood Hazard Areas
​FEMA Flood Zones, preliminary 2019 update to 2014 release
Florida Congressional Districts​115th Congressional District Boundaries for Florida
​Florida House Districts​U.S House District Boundaries​ for Florida, 2016
​Florida Senate Districts​U.S Senate District Boundaries for Florida, 2016
Future Land Use Plan
​Land use designations from the Broward County Future Land Use Plan
​Location of hospitals in Broward County, Florida
​LiDAR data of Broward County, Florida available for download from Florida International University
Major Streets​A collection of major roads in Broward County, Florida
​Mobile Home and RV Parks Points | Polygons
​Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle parks in Broward County, Florida
Nursing Homes​Location of nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Broward County, Florida
Parcels (includes land use information)
​Parcel data is available from the Property Appraiser's Office (for a fee)
Public Schools (K-12)​Locations of public schools in Broward County, Florida
​Red Cross Shelters
​Red Cross Primary Shelters in Broward County, Florida
Section Grids
​Section/Township/Range grids of Broward County, Florida
​State Parks
​State-owned parks in Broward County, Florida
Streets​Street centerlines in the developable area of Broward County, Florida
Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) (Broward MPO)
​Current and archive TAZ data available for download
​Traffic Signals
​Traffic signals in Broward County, Florida
​Traffic Ways
​Roadway right-of-way preservation plan
​Water​A collection of water bodies in Broward County, Florida
​Zip Code Boundaries​​​Zip Code boundaries in Broward County, Florida​​