Contact Us

​​​​​​​​Ways to Contact FLL

You can contact the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) by phone, email, or mailing address. We have also listed a GPS address to help you locate FLL. See below for details.

FLL Customer Information Phone Number

Call us anytime at 1-866-I-FLY-FLL (1-866-435-9355) or the airport's administrative office at 954-359-6100 from 8AM to 4:30PM on weekdays. The customer information line offers eight menu options. Listen before making a selection. ​ 

Recorded menu information includes the following selections:

  1. Airline Information
    Airline Reservations
    Baggage/Baggage Fees
    Security Screening and Items Allowed on a Flight
    Flight Information
    Locate an Airline at the Airport
  2. Airport Parking
    Parking Options
    Employee Parking Decals
  3. Transportation
    Rental Cars
    Transportation to, from, or within the Airport
    Directions to the Airport
  4. Lost and Found
    Lost and Found items at the security checkpoint or on an airport shuttle bus
  5. Aircraft Noise Concerns
    Filing an Aircraft Noise Inquiry
  6. Credentialing Center (Badging) Hours: Mon-Fri 5AM-6PM; Second Saturday only 6AM-2PM
    50 Terminal Drive, Suite 400, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
    (located on level 4 of Terminal 1. Access through level 3 between the TSA Security Checkpoint and Southwest ticket counter via elevator or stairwell.)
    Fingerprinting - Related information
  7. Broward County Aviation Department Administrative Offices
  8. Other Airport Services 

For passenger screening questions, call the Transportation Security Administration's Contact Center at 866-289-9673 or visit​ their TSA Customer Service web page.

​Contact FLL Feedback Form & Email

If you have a question, concern, or comment to share about our airport, kindly complete the Contact FLL Feedback Form so that it can be shared with the appropriate airport personnel for review and response. Please note that responses will be generated from the airport's email address:

PLEASE NOTE: To ensure you receive the Airport’s receipt notification from your email, add to your spam filter's safe list.​​​

Media Inquiries/Requests 

Members of the media reporting on airport-related incidents or stories should direct inquiries to the airport's Public Information Office/Communications Team as follows: 

Public Information Officer (PIO): Arlene Satchell
​​​​Desk: 954-359-6116 / Email:​


Assistant PIO: Paris Tyburski
Desk: 954-359-6201 / Email:​

GPS Address - FLL & HWO​

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport
100 Terminal Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

North Perry Airport
101 SW 77th Way, Pembroke Pines, FL 33023​

Ways to Contact North Perry Airport (HWO)

You can also contact the North Perry Airport (HWO) by phone, email, or mailing address. Below is a GPS address to help you locate HWO. 

For general inquiries, call the HWO Administrative Office at 954-359-1016. For after-hours or emergencies, call 954-336-2973​

North Perry Airport
101 SW 77th Way, Pembroke Pines, FL 33023 

As noted above, media requests should be sent directly to HWO's Public Information Office/Communications Team, which is based at FLL, at 954-359-6116, 954-359-6201, or extension 6129.​​

Mailing Address for BCAD Administration 

Broward County Aviation Department (BCAD)

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport
320 Terminal Drive, Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33315​

​Permission Required To Fly A Drone Within Five Miles of Airport

You must receive permission from the FAA Air Traffic Control Tower to operate a drone (unmanned aerial system) within five nautical miles of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (Call: 954-921-9200) or North Perry Airport (954-359-1016).  Please allow at least three business days for a response. Advance notification of this drone request should also be sent to the Broward County Aviation Department at ​

​Lost and Found
If you lost the item on the airplane at FLL, please contact your airline. If you lost an item in any other area at the airport, including the security checkpoints and shuttle buses, please contact the Lost and Found Office at 954-359-2247 or complete the Lost and Found process here

 The Lost and Found Office at FLL is located in the Rental Car Center on Level 2, past the Enterprise Rental Car counter next to the elevators.