National Association of Counties (NACo) Awards 2024
Broward County has received 33 Achievement Awards in 2024 from the National Association of Counties (NACo) for innovative County government programs that strengthen services for residents and are effectively communicated and relevant to the community.
Culture and Historic Preservation
- Inaugural State of the Arts Address: Hosted inaugural State of the Arts Address aimed to cultivate community engagement, showcase financial investments, and highlight the cultural sector's impact on the local economy. The curated event that brought together diverse stakeholders to reflect on accomplishments, discuss upcoming projects, and inspire a collective vision for the future of the arts in Broward County. Cultural Division
Civic Education and Public Information
- 3D Animated Video of Sales Surtax Transportation Investments: Create an animated 3D video to educate citizens on how sales surtax funding was being used to manage traffic congestion with innovative solutions. Mobility Advancement Program (MAP Broward) & Innovation Unit, Resilient Environment Department
- Broward County Citizen Data Portal: Your Gateway to Open Government: A single point of access for anyone seeking to learn more about their community and government using various data-visualization tools. This centralized data intelligence platform houses a wealth of information on a variety of topics ranging from public services and climate data to finances, health, and education. Innovation Unit, Resilient Environment Department
- Broward County's Transportation Surtax Public Information/Education Program: After the creation of an “Independent Oversight Board," the Board established goals and objectives: prioritizing strategic marketing and education; public information staffing; soliciting for external professional services; program rebranding; developing a website; conducting comprehensive public perception surveys and focus groups; developing and maintaining dashboards, and project signage. Mobility Advancement Program (MAP Broward)
- Broward Environment: A Social Media Collaboration: With the ongoing economic challenges and the emergence and impactful continuation of the COVID-19 Pandemic, an intra-agency social media collaboration of environmental professionals was developed and resulted in a successful division-wide social media strategy and growth rate in followers/subscribers. Natural Resources Division, Resilient Environment Department
- Urban Planning Broward County Demographics Hub: A centralized location to view, download, learn, and interact with population and economic statistics about the residents and businesses that make up Broward County. Demographic data provides key information on the population within a given area allowing users to explore, visualize, and interact with data that allows them to paint a diverse picture on what it's like to live in Broward County. Urban Planning GIS Section, Resilient Environment Department
Community and Economic Development
- Get Certified: Multi-Lingual Assets/CBE-SBE Stories: Creation of multilingual assets to reach more residents and business owners to participate in the
County certification and government procurement and
sharing testimonies of those who have. Office of Economic & Small Business Development and Enterprise Technology Services
- Permitting and Licensing System Modernization Project: Simplified and streamlined the permitting, licensing, inspection, and citation process for County staff, customers, and cities, which has resulted in a better understanding of permitting systems by staff, better support for the customer, a faster more seamless and efficient permitting experience, and enhanced economic development because of more efficient permitting. Resilient Environment Department
- Career Days for Junior Achievement Students: Hosted several in-person career days where students are given a tour of various facilities and locations – cruise terminals, Southport cranes, petroleum terminals, Harbormaster Tower – where a variety of speakers talk about their jobs. Port Everglades
- South Florida Anchor Alliance Regional Marketplace: Partnered with the Health Foundation of South Florida, the region's largest philanthropic organization focused on achieving health equity in historically underserved communities, and ten other anchor institutions across South Florida to form the South Florida Anchor Alliance launching an artificial intelligence-powered tech platform. The Regional Marketplace is designed to increase access to procurement opportunities for local and minority-owned small businesses at the regional anchor institutions. Office of Economic and Small Business Development
County Administration and Management
FLL Airport Lost & Found Items Get New Life at Animal Care: The Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL), collaborated with Broward County's Animal Care giving a new home for items left at FLL. Through this collaboration, items such as towels, blankets, throws, and shawls not claimed within 30 days from FLL's Lost & Found Office are given to Animal Care to help care for and comfort the animals and help with the growing need for cost-effective pet-care amenities. It also helps FLL's desire to find sustainable and recyclable options for these types of unclaimed Lost & Found items. Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Broward County Aviation Department - Broward County Urban Planning Summary of Services Application: Created an application for Commissioners that has individual Department dashboards embedded which are kept up to date by the respective Departments, allowing information to be communicated quickly and assists with decision-making across all levels. Urban Planning Division GIS Section, Resilient Environment Department
- Broward County's Procurement Plan for Innovation: Vision 2025: Broward County initiated a transformational Plan for Innovation to develop an optimal procurement operating model to fulfill governmental needs and incorporated improvements to help all client agencies. Purchasing Division
County Resiliency: Infrastructure, Energy, and Sustainability
- Broward County Beach Inspections: Developed products to streamline the beach inspections process and make more efficient. Urban Planning Division's GIS Section, Resilient Environment Department
- Climate Resilience Flooding and Weather Sensor Data Visualization: Created to review data from previous storms and flooding events to help plan, prepare for, and prevent damage to property and potential injury or loss of life to residents and visitors. Innovation Unit, Resilient Environment Department
Criminal Justice and Public Safety
- Closest Unit Response Program for Emergency Fire and Medical 911 Calls for Service: Improves public safety services for the residents and visitors of the County by assigning the closest capable fire or rescue unit to respond during true life-threatening emergency medical or fire 911 calls for service. The program was made possible by optimizing the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to identify the geographical location of the closest, most capable, and available fire or medical responding unit to respond to life threatening emergencies regardless of jurisdiction within Broward County. Office of Regional Communications and Technology
Human Services
- Eviction Mediation Initiative: As a recipient of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) through the U.S. Department of Treasury, Broward County quickly launched an innovative ERAP Eviction Mediation initiative to address the emergency assistance needs of renters and landlords with the goal of alleviating the risk of residents experiencing homelessness. Family Success Administration Division, Human Services Department
- The Rookie Independent Savings Education Program (R.I.S.E.): Designed to provide financial literacy education to Broward County children and teenagers aged nine to 17, who come from families that fall within 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Financial Coaches from the Family Success Administration Division's Financial Capability Program facilitate the group coaching sessions engaging students in discussions about money management. Family Success Administration Division, Human Services Department
Information Technology
- A Smart Move to a Modern Network Security: In an era of escalating cyber threats and dynamic network landscapes, our new era is characterized by adaptive security, seamless integration, and future readiness. The County is actively working to keep an effective Access Control mechanism, mitigating risks, and ensuring quality services for staff and residents Enterprise Technology Services
- Broward County GIS Promotes Transparent and Efficient Elections: Broward County GIS supports the Supervisor of Elections' planning by adding transparency and efficiency to the process and management, assisting election agencies to adapt to changing technological advancements, voting preferences, and requirements by enhancing the voter's experience with web-based maps and mobile apps that help voters participate in the electoral process. (Information Technology category)
Urban Planning GIS Section, Resilient Environment Department
- Broward County Transit Bid Quote Proposal: An application developed to enhance the bidding process for bus parts, where registered vendors submit bids specifying costs, expected delivery, and inventory. Broward County Transportation Department's Transit Information Technology Section / Operations Division Materials Management Section
- RALLY Attendance Tool: A tool for recording member participation in WellBeing Events held quarterly that promotes personal responsibility in the pillars of wellbeing and participation. Created by the Web Team at OPC in collaboration with the WellBeing Program, Human Resources Division
- Small Business Online Certification Application: Developed the Small Business Online Certification Application for firms to apply and bid on Broward County procurement contracts. Office of Economic and Small Business Development / Enterprise Technology Services
- Statement of Responsibilities Regarding Asbestos - Process Efficiency Improvement: Broward County's Asbestos Code requires a Statement of Responsibilities Regarding Asbestos (SRRA) prior to commencing any demolition or renovation projects. County staff would review and process each application manually with a focus on determining if it was exempt or non-exempt. The County automated the classification, effectively eliminating the need for staff review of applications submitted that are not subject to Asbestos regulatory requirements. Natural Resources Division / Consumer Protection Division, Resilient Environment Department
- Black History Saturday School at Broward County Library: The African American Research Library and Cultural Center, in partnership with the Orlando-based Black History Project, launched a free Black History Saturday School Series at Broward County Library class series informing and empowering students by providing a free, supplementary education that serves as a platform to honor the rich heritage, resilience and contributions of African Americans. Broward County Library
- Broward County Library's Freedom to Read Initiative: Launched a multi-faceted, multi-media “Freedom to Read" initiative designed to eliminate barriers to library usage for Broward County residents; increase use of library services and resources; and promote intellectual freedom and lifelong learning. Broward County Library
- The Library Living Room: Transformed an under-utilized space in a regional library into The Library Living Room, a free, public intergenerational “third space" offering programming, meeting and hang-out space to middle/high school students and older adults ages 50 and over. Broward County Library
Parks and Recreation
- NewGen Program: Provides an alternative to youth violence and crime: a structured environment for at-risk youth, and opportunities to learn life skills and develop leadership attributes through education and hands-on training. Parks and Recreation Division
Personnel Management, Employment, and Training
- Inclusive Organizational Culture and Climate Initiative: An intentional and focused program designed toward building a culture and climate of inclusivity in an organization with an initial focus on enhancing trust, encouraging open communication, and building inclusive teams. Consumer Protection Division, Resilient Environment Department
- Purchasing Division's Virtual Lunch and Learn Series: Developed a Virtual Lunch and Learn Series to afford vendors, organizations, and various County departments an opportunity to share insights on procurement processes, best practices and invaluable tools and resources that the audience may not have been privy to before. Purchasing Division
- The Game of LIFE - Broward County Edition: An innovative teaching tool modeled after a beloved childhood game that provided a fun and memorable way to enhance the knowledge base for employees on the benefits offered. WellBeing Program, Human Resources
Risk and Emergency Management
- Broward County Healthcare Facility Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Electronic Portal: Developed to assist long-term care and other healthcare facilities licensed by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, creating and maintaining the highest standard to provide life safety and care to clients. The Portal provides a secure, accessible location for the healthcare plans. Plans submitted through the Healthcare CEMP Portal are reviewed electronically by staff and allows for online payment of plan review fees. Office of Emergency Management / Enterprise Technology Services
- PREMIUM MOBILITY PLAN (PREMO): Significantly boosting ridership, fueling economic growth, and fostering affordable housing and small business creation by providing convenient mobility with a commuter rail, a light rail transit, a bus rapid transit and high frequency bus service. Broward County Transportation