As required by
Broward County Code of Ordinances Chapter 34, Article, Sec. 34-35. - Connection to public water and/or sewage in abutting streets and easements required - “All premises used or intended for human habitation or occupancy, including, but not limited to, establishments to be used for household, domestic, food processing, food handling, restaurant, dairy or bottling processors, public buildings and places of assembly or other establishments within an area served by a public or private sanitary sewage treatment and disposal utility system, or where such system is available, and which abuts a sanitary sewer main owned by such system and is within the service area of that system, shall be connected to the said sanitary sewer main within one hundred eighty (180) days of the availability of said sewer main for use.” Written notice of anticipated completion date and the availability of a new sanitary collection and sewage treatment and disposal utility system was furnished to the owners of all property abutting the new system. Failure to connect to the system may result in a notice of violation and fines.
It shall also be unlawful for anyone to construct, install or repair septic tanks or other similar sewage disposal system in or upon any property which abuts a sanitary sewer main.
In order to ease the economic burden of the connection costs that will be borne by the homeowner, Broward County Water and Wastewater Services (WWS) developed a
Connection Incentive Program for the customers in the Broward Municipal Services District (Hillsboro Pines and Broadview Park) to provide some financial incentives to make the connection and become compliant with this code.
Here is how the program works:
The homeowner executes an
spanish) that provides for a cost for WWS to make the connection and septic tank abandonment using a County provided contractor.
• The agreement requires the homeowner to either reimburse the County in full in one payment or the homeowner has the option to finance the charges to connect over a 180 month period with interest free financing.
• The monthly charge will be added to the customer’s monthly water and sewer billing until the balance is paid off.
• Broward County’s contractor will restore all affected portions of the property to a condition equal or better than the pre-construction condition and will be responsible for all permitting of the tie-in.
If you have any questions, please contact Broward County Water and Wastewater Services Customer Service at (954) 831-3250 or email