Development of county-wide strategies to address flood and heat mitigation needs across the Broward landscape, with a focus on water management infrastructure, transportation systems, critical infrastructure, redevelopment, and land use.
Development and sharing of innovative maps and GIS-based interactive tools to assess changing climate conditions in Broward County: extreme heat, drought, inland flooding, and coastal inundation.
Applying climate science to evaluate and plan for the predicted impacts of sea level rise, rainfall intensification, temperature, and groundwater table change on the urban landscape, with development of recommendations for resilient infrastructure design, land use planning, and county-wide adaptation strategies.
Advancing renewable and clean energy policy and projects within county operations and county-wide, including net zero, electric vehicle and solar initiatives.
Protecting coastal resources through strategic planning, coordination, permitting, and management of shoreline protection projects.
Evaluating and planning for the impacts climate change and water management operations on water quality and water quantity to meet urban and natural system needs with emphasis on regional planning and multi-jurisdictional projects.